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And after a little while another saw him and said, You also are of them. And Peter said, Man, I am not!

And about an hour afterward, another confidently affirmed, saying, Truly this one was also with him, for he is a Galilean.

Also if I ask you, you will not answer Me nor let Me go.

And knowing that He belonged to Herod's jurisdiction, he sent Him to Herod, who himself was also at Jerusalem at that time.

And a great multitude of people were following Him, and of women who also were bewailing and lamenting Him.

And the people stood watching. And also the rulers with them, scoffing, saying, He saved others, let Him save Himself, if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.

And coming near, the soldiers also mocked Him, and offering Him sour wine,

this one was not assenting to their counsel and deed. He was from Arimathea, a city of the Jews; and he also himself waited for the kingdom of God.

And also women were following, who were accompanying Him out of Galilee, who watched the tomb, and how His body was placed.

Yes, and also some of our women astounded us, having been early at the tomb;

and when they did not find His body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that He was alive.

And when He had made a scourge of small cords, He drove them all out of the temple, also the sheep and the oxen. And He poured out the money-changers' money and overthrew the tables.

And John was also baptizing in Enon near Salim, because there was much water there. And they came and were baptized.

Then when He had come into Galilee, the Galileans received Him, having seen all the things that He did at Jerusalem at the feast; for they also went to the feast.

Then, because of this, the Jews sought the more to kill Him, because He not only had broken the sabbath, but also said that God was His father, making Himself equal with God.

Then Jesus answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, The Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do. For whatever things He does, these also the Son does likewise.

therefore, when the crowd saw that Jesus was not there, nor His disciples, they themselves also entered into the boats and came to Capernaum seeking Jesus.

But I said to you that you also have seen Me and do not believe.

Therefore His brothers said to Him, Move away from here and go into Judea, so that Your disciples also may see the works that You do.

But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the feast, not openly, but as in secret.

Then the Pharisees answered them, Also, have you not been deceived?

They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee? Search the scriptures and see that a prophet has not been raised out of Galilee.

Then they said to Him, Who are you? And Jesus said to them, Even the same which I also say to you.

Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said to them, He put clay upon my eyes, and I washed, and I see.

He answered them, I have told you already, and you did not hear. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also desire to be His disciples?

And those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words, and said to Him, Are we also blind?

Then Thomas (he being called Twin) said to his fellow disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with Him.

Then when He saw her weeping, and also the Jews who came with her weeping, Jesus groaned in the spirit and troubled Himself.

And some of them said, Was not this Man who opened the eyes of the blind able also to cause that even this one should not have died?

Then a great crowd of the Jews learned that He was there. And they did not come for Jesus' sake only, but also that they might see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead.

But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to death also,

Because of this the crowd also met Him, because they heard that He had done this miracle.

Simon Peter said to Him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and head.

If then I, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.

If God is glorified in Him, God shall also glorify Him in Himself, and shall immediately glorify Him.

If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. And from now on you know Him and have seen Him.

Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes on Me, the works that I do he shall do also, and greater works than these he shall do, because I go to My Father.

Yet a little while and the world does not see Me any more. But you see Me. Because I live, you shall live also.

Remember the word that I said to you, The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept My saying, they will also keep yours.

Jesus spoke these words and lifted up His eyes to Heaven and said, Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son so that Your Son also may glorify You,

And I sanctify Myself for their sakes, so that they also might be sanctified in truth.

And I do not pray for these alone, but for those also who shall believe on Me through their word,

And Judas who betrayed Him also knew the place. For Jesus oftentimes went there with His disciples.

They answered Him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said to them, I AM! And Judas who betrayed Him also stood with them.

Then the girl who kept the door said to Peter, Are you not also one of this man's disciples? He said, I am not.

And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. Then they said to him, Are you not also one of his disciples? He denied and said, I am not.

Then when they had crucified Jesus, the soldiers took His garments and made four parts, one part to each soldier; and also His tunic. And the tunic was without seam, woven from the top throughout.

And Nicodemus also came, who at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds.

Therefore, then, that other disciple also went in, the one who came first to the tomb. And he saw and believed.

Simon Peter said to them, I am going out to fish. They said to him, We will go with you also. They went out and entered into a boat immediately. And that night they caught nothing.

Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following (the one who also leaned on His breast at supper, and said, Lord, who is he who betrays You?)

And there are also many things, whatever Jesus did, which, if they should be written singly, I suppose the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

who also said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into the heaven? This same Jesus who is taken up from you into Heaven, will come in the way you have seen Him going into Heaven.

Men, Israelites, hear these words. Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by powerful works, and wonders and miracles, which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know,

Therefore my heart rejoiced and my tongue was glad; and also My flesh shall rest in hope,

And now, brothers, I know that you did it through ignorance, as also your rulers did.

And also all the prophets from Samuel and those following after, as many as spoke, have likewise foretold of these days.

And he kept back part of the price, his wife also knowing, and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles' feet.

Which also having received it by inheritance with Joshua, our fathers, with Joshua, in taking possession of the nations whom God drove out before the face of our fathers until the days of David,

Then Simon himself believed also, and being baptized, he continued with Philip. And seeing miracles and mighty works happening, he was amazed.

saying, Give me this power also, that on whomever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit.

Then, indeed, having earnestly testified and having spoken the Word of the Lord also having preached the gospel to many villages of the Samaritans, they returned to Jerusalem.

And it happened, passing through all, Peter also came down to the saints who lived at Lydda.

But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up! I also am a man myself.

And those of the circumcision, who believed (as many as came with Peter), were astonished because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the nations also.

And the apostles and brothers who were in Judea heard that the nations had also received the Word of God.

And one of them named Agabus stood up and signified by the Spirit that there should be great famine over the world (which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar).

And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he went further to seize Peter also. (And they were days of Unleavened Bread.)

And when Herod was about to bring him out, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains. Also guards were keeping the prison before the door.

And when they were at Salamis, they announced the Word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. And they also had John as an assistant.

And when He had removed him, He raised up David to them to be their king; to whom He also witnessed and said, I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after My own heart, who shall fulfill all My will.

this God has fulfilled to us their children, raising up Jesus, as also it is written in the second Psalm, "You are My Son, this day I have begotten You."

Therefore he also says in another psalm, "You shall not allow Your Holy One to see corruption."

And it happened in Iconium, they both went together into the synagogue of the Jews, and spoke so as a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed.

But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, according to which manner they also believed.

Therefore we have sent Judas and Silas, who will also announce to you the same things by word.

Also Paul and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and preaching the gospel, the Word of the Lord, with many others also.