Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves.

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

A sedicious person seeketh mischief; but a cruel messenger shall be sent against him. PitilessnessRebellion against Godrebellion

Delicate ease becometh not a fool; much more unseemly is it, a bond man to have the rule of princes. DissipationPromotionSurplusUnfitting ThingsUnsuitable Ruleego

The king's disfavor is like the roaring of a Lion, but his friendship is like the dew upon the grass. Civil authoritiesdewGrassRageFavorSmilingwrath

The king ought to be feared as the roaring of a lion; whoso provoketh him unto anger, offendeth against his own soul. RageDeath As Punishmentriskterrorism

This understand, that in the last days shall come perilous times: For the men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, cursed speakers, disobedient to father and mother, unthankful, unholy, unkind, trucebreakers, stubborn, false accusers, rioters, fierce, despisers of them which are good, read more.
traitors, heady, high minded, greedy upon voluptuousness more than the lovers of God,

And he said unto his men, "The LORD keep me from doing that thing unto my master that is the LORD's anointed, to lay mine hand upon him: seeing he is the LORD's anointed." ethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceThe Anointed OneThe Lord's Anointed

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Wish the king no evil in thy thought, and speak no hurt of the rich in thy privy chamber; for a bird of the air shall betray thy voice, and with her feathers shall she betray thy words. BedroomsCivic DutiesHonouring RulersDisclosuresDo Not TellThe Rich Lording ItUngodly CursingPrivate RoomsBirdsFunThoughtsAbusesecretscriticismrumorsriskgossiping

Then said Paul, "I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest. For it is written, 'Thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people.'" Apologizingethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceSelf DefenceMagistratesIs It Really?Attitudes Towards Kings

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." read more.
But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves. Woe be unto them, for they have followed the way of Cain, and are utterly given to the error of Balaam for lucre's sake, and are cast away in the treason of Korah. These are spots which of your kindness feast together, without fear, feeding themselves. Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds: and trees without fruit at gathering time, twice dead, and plucked up by the roots. They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame. They are wandering stars, to whom is reserved the mist of darkness forever. Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied before of such saying, "Behold, the Lord shall come with thousands of saints, to give judgment against all men, and to rebuke all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their cruel speakings, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, whose mouths speak proud things. They have men in great reverence because of advantage.

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Yet for all that, as soon as the judge was dead they turned and did worse than their fathers in following strange gods, and in serving them, and ceased not from their inventions nor from their malicious ways. HabitsSin, Nature OfSelf WillBowing To False GodsDifferent GodsDeath Of Office HoldersGod's People Sinning

Then the LORD said unto Moses, "Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have marred all: they are turned at once out of the way which I commanded them, and have made them a calf of molten metal, and have worshipped it and have offered thereto and have said, 'This is thy God thou Israel, which hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt.'"

{To the Chanter, upon Mahalath, an instruction of David} The foolish bodies say in their hearts, "Tush, there is no God." Corrupt are they, and become abominable in their wickednesses, there is not one that doeth good. AgnosticismFools, Characteristics OfCorruption, Of HumanityHeart, Of Unregenerate PeopleHeart, Fallen And RedeemedSkepticismFools, Description OfAtheism, Description OfGod Not ExistingFools Attitude To GodNothing GoodAll Have SinnedMoral Decay

Do not thou triumph, O Israel; make no boasting more than the Heathen. For thou hast committed adultery against thy God: strange rewards hast thou loved, more than all the corn floors. Therefore shall they no more enjoy the corn floors and winepresses, and their sweet wine shall fail them. They will not dwell in the LORD's land, but Ephraim turneth again into Egypt, and eateth unclean things among the Assyrians. read more.
They pour out no wine for a drink offering unto the LORD, neither give they him their slain offerings: but they be unto them as mourner's meats, wherein all they that eat them are defiled. For the bread that they have such lust unto, shall not come into the house of the LORD. What will ye do then in the solemn days, and in the feast of the LORD? Lo, they shall get them away for the destruction. Egypt shall receive them, and Memphis shall bury them. The nettles shall overgrow their pleasant goods, and burrs shall be in their tabernacles. Be ye sure, O Israel: the time of visitation is come, the days of recompensing are at hand. As for the prophet, ye hold him for a fool; and him that is rich in the spirit, for a mad man: so great is your wickedness and malice. Ephraim hath made himself a watchman of my God, a prophet that is become a snare to do hurt in every street, and abomination in the house of his God. They be gone too far, and have destroyed themselves, like as they did afore time at Gibeah. Therefore their wickedness shall be remembered, and their sins punished.

For of this sort are they which enter into houses, and bring into bondage women laden with sin, which women are led of divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come unto the knowledge of the truth. As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, even so do these resist the truth, men they are of corrupt minds, and lewd as concerning the faith:

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." read more.
But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves.

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority.

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority.

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

For there are certain craftily crept in, of which it was written aforetime unto such judgement. They are ungodly, and turn the grace of our Lord God unto wantonness; And deny God the only Lord, and our Lord Jesus Christ. LewdnessAbuse, Of Spiritual ThingsLicentiousnessWarnings Against ApostasyPredestination, Of PersonsChrist Is LordThe Grace Of GodThey Committed ImmoralityFalse TeachersExamples Of Ungodly MenProblem PeopleSexual Immorality Brings PunishmentRelationships And DatingcondemnationvulnerabilityUnbelief Toward Christ

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority.

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not forbear them which are evil: and examinedst them which say they are apostles, and are not: and hast found them liars. ClaimsLiesToleranceChurch DisciplineFalse Teachers, Examples OfChrist's Knowledge Of BelieversBad CompanyEvil AssociationsChrist Knowing About PeopleFalse WaysFalse ApostlesThe Fact Of ToilOne's DeedsFalse Apostles, Prophets And TeachersEnduranceHard Work And Perseverance

Forasmuch as we have heard that certain which departed from us, have troubled you with words, and cumbered your minds saying ye must be circumcised and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment. HeresyMen's OrdersTroubling Groups Of People

which is nothing else, but that there be some which trouble you, and intend to pervert the gospel of Christ. ChaosThe Purity Of The GospelHurt And Betrayalproblems

For if he that cometh to you preach another Jesus than him whom we preached, or if ye receive another spirit than that which ye have received, either another gospel than that ye have received; ye might right well have been content. Spiritual Warfare, Enemies InHeresyAcceptance, Of The GospelSpirit BeingsThe Purity Of The GospelDifferent TeachingsFalse ChristsFake FriendsBeing DifferentBeing Unique

and that because of incomers, being false brethren, which came in among others to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage. 4th of julySpiesToleranceSpyingFalse PeopleSubject To EvilChristian LibertyReligious FreedomFreedom

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, to exhort you, that ye should continually labour in the faith, which was once given unto the saints. For there are certain craftily crept in, of which it was written aforetime unto such judgement. They are ungodly, and turn the grace of our Lord God unto wantonness; And deny God the only Lord, and our Lord Jesus Christ. My mind is therefore to put you in remembrance, forasmuch as ye once know this, how that the Lord - after that he had delivered the people out of Egypt - destroyed them which afterward believed not: read more.
The angels also, which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day: even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves. Woe be unto them, for they have followed the way of Cain, and are utterly given to the error of Balaam for lucre's sake, and are cast away in the treason of Korah. These are spots which of your kindness feast together, without fear, feeding themselves. Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds: and trees without fruit at gathering time, twice dead, and plucked up by the roots. They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame. They are wandering stars, to whom is reserved the mist of darkness forever. Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied before of such saying, "Behold, the Lord shall come with thousands of saints, to give judgment against all men, and to rebuke all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their cruel speakings, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, whose mouths speak proud things. They have men in great reverence because of advantage.

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." read more.
But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves. Woe be unto them, for they have followed the way of Cain, and are utterly given to the error of Balaam for lucre's sake, and are cast away in the treason of Korah. These are spots which of your kindness feast together, without fear, feeding themselves. Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds: and trees without fruit at gathering time, twice dead, and plucked up by the roots. They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame. They are wandering stars, to whom is reserved the mist of darkness forever. Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied before of such saying, "Behold, the Lord shall come with thousands of saints, to give judgment against all men, and to rebuke all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their cruel speakings, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, whose mouths speak proud things. They have men in great reverence because of advantage.

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." read more.
But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves. Woe be unto them, for they have followed the way of Cain, and are utterly given to the error of Balaam for lucre's sake, and are cast away in the treason of Korah. These are spots which of your kindness feast together, without fear, feeding themselves. Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds: and trees without fruit at gathering time, twice dead, and plucked up by the roots. They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame. They are wandering stars, to whom is reserved the mist of darkness forever. Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied before of such saying, "Behold, the Lord shall come with thousands of saints, to give judgment against all men, and to rebuke all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their cruel speakings, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, whose mouths speak proud things. They have men in great reverence because of advantage.

And whosoever will not diligently fulfill the law of thy God, and the king's law, shall have his judgment for the deed, whether it be unto death, or to be banished, or to be condemned in goods, or to be put in prison." CriminalsCivil authoritiesBanishmentGovernmentCivic DutiesImprisonmentsLoyaltyPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfMagistratesCitizenshipConfiscationAnarchyJudicial PunishmentBreaking God's Law

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

And that whosoever came not within three days, according to the device of the rulers and Elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and be put out from the congregation of the captive. Criminalselders, as community leadersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfConfiscationAnarchyExcommunication

And that man that will do presumptuously, so that he will not hearken unto the priest that standeth there to minister unto the LORD thy God or unto the judge, shall die: and so thou shalt put away evil from Israel. ethics, socialDeath penaltyHigh Priest, In OtIrreverenceJudgesMinistry, Nature OfSin, Nature OfStubbornnessAnarchyDeath Penalty For Violence

Whosoever therefore resisteth power, resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist, shall receive to themselves damnation. defianceRebellion, Against Human AuthorityCivil GovernmentAnarchyRebellion against GodRespecting Authority

And whosoever will not diligently fulfill the law of thy God, and the king's law, shall have his judgment for the deed, whether it be unto death, or to be banished, or to be condemned in goods, or to be put in prison." CriminalsCivil authoritiesBanishmentGovernmentCivic DutiesImprisonmentsLoyaltyPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfMagistratesCitizenshipConfiscationAnarchyJudicial PunishmentBreaking God's Law

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

And that whosoever came not within three days, according to the device of the rulers and Elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and be put out from the congregation of the captive. Criminalselders, as community leadersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfConfiscationAnarchyExcommunication

And that man that will do presumptuously, so that he will not hearken unto the priest that standeth there to minister unto the LORD thy God or unto the judge, shall die: and so thou shalt put away evil from Israel. ethics, socialDeath penaltyHigh Priest, In OtIrreverenceJudgesMinistry, Nature OfSin, Nature OfStubbornnessAnarchyDeath Penalty For Violence

Whosoever therefore resisteth power, resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist, shall receive to themselves damnation. defianceRebellion, Against Human AuthorityCivil GovernmentAnarchyRebellion against GodRespecting Authority

And he said unto his men, "The LORD keep me from doing that thing unto my master that is the LORD's anointed, to lay mine hand upon him: seeing he is the LORD's anointed." ethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceThe Anointed OneThe Lord's Anointed

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Wish the king no evil in thy thought, and speak no hurt of the rich in thy privy chamber; for a bird of the air shall betray thy voice, and with her feathers shall she betray thy words. BedroomsCivic DutiesHonouring RulersDisclosuresDo Not TellThe Rich Lording ItUngodly CursingPrivate RoomsBirdsFunThoughtsAbusesecretscriticismrumorsriskgossiping

Then said Paul, "I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest. For it is written, 'Thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people.'" Apologizingethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceSelf DefenceMagistratesIs It Really?Attitudes Towards Kings

And he said unto his men, "The LORD keep me from doing that thing unto my master that is the LORD's anointed, to lay mine hand upon him: seeing he is the LORD's anointed." ethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceThe Anointed OneThe Lord's Anointed

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Wish the king no evil in thy thought, and speak no hurt of the rich in thy privy chamber; for a bird of the air shall betray thy voice, and with her feathers shall she betray thy words. BedroomsCivic DutiesHonouring RulersDisclosuresDo Not TellThe Rich Lording ItUngodly CursingPrivate RoomsBirdsFunThoughtsAbusesecretscriticismrumorsriskgossiping

Then said Paul, "I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest. For it is written, 'Thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people.'" Apologizingethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceSelf DefenceMagistratesIs It Really?Attitudes Towards Kings

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

And he said unto his men, "The LORD keep me from doing that thing unto my master that is the LORD's anointed, to lay mine hand upon him: seeing he is the LORD's anointed." ethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceThe Anointed OneThe Lord's Anointed

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Wish the king no evil in thy thought, and speak no hurt of the rich in thy privy chamber; for a bird of the air shall betray thy voice, and with her feathers shall she betray thy words. BedroomsCivic DutiesHonouring RulersDisclosuresDo Not TellThe Rich Lording ItUngodly CursingPrivate RoomsBirdsFunThoughtsAbusesecretscriticismrumorsriskgossiping

Then said Paul, "I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest. For it is written, 'Thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people.'" Apologizingethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceSelf DefenceMagistratesIs It Really?Attitudes Towards Kings

And whosoever will not diligently fulfill the law of thy God, and the king's law, shall have his judgment for the deed, whether it be unto death, or to be banished, or to be condemned in goods, or to be put in prison." CriminalsCivil authoritiesBanishmentGovernmentCivic DutiesImprisonmentsLoyaltyPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfMagistratesCitizenshipConfiscationAnarchyJudicial PunishmentBreaking God's Law

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

And that whosoever came not within three days, according to the device of the rulers and Elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and be put out from the congregation of the captive. Criminalselders, as community leadersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfConfiscationAnarchyExcommunication

And that man that will do presumptuously, so that he will not hearken unto the priest that standeth there to minister unto the LORD thy God or unto the judge, shall die: and so thou shalt put away evil from Israel. ethics, socialDeath penaltyHigh Priest, In OtIrreverenceJudgesMinistry, Nature OfSin, Nature OfStubbornnessAnarchyDeath Penalty For Violence

Whosoever therefore resisteth power, resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist, shall receive to themselves damnation. defianceRebellion, Against Human AuthorityCivil GovernmentAnarchyRebellion against GodRespecting Authority

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." read more.
But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves. Woe be unto them, for they have followed the way of Cain, and are utterly given to the error of Balaam for lucre's sake, and are cast away in the treason of Korah. These are spots which of your kindness feast together, without fear, feeding themselves. Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds: and trees without fruit at gathering time, twice dead, and plucked up by the roots. They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame. They are wandering stars, to whom is reserved the mist of darkness forever. Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied before of such saying, "Behold, the Lord shall come with thousands of saints, to give judgment against all men, and to rebuke all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their cruel speakings, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, whose mouths speak proud things. They have men in great reverence because of advantage.

We know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; understanding this, how that the law is not given unto a righteous man, but unto the unrighteous and disobedient, to the ungodly and to sinners, to unholy and unclean, to murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, to manslayers and whoremongers; to them that defile themselves with mankind; to menstealers; to liars and to perjured, and so forth if there be any other thing that is contrary to wholesome doctrine

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." read more.
But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves. Woe be unto them, for they have followed the way of Cain, and are utterly given to the error of Balaam for lucre's sake, and are cast away in the treason of Korah. These are spots which of your kindness feast together, without fear, feeding themselves. Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds: and trees without fruit at gathering time, twice dead, and plucked up by the roots. They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame. They are wandering stars, to whom is reserved the mist of darkness forever. Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied before of such saying, "Behold, the Lord shall come with thousands of saints, to give judgment against all men, and to rebuke all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their cruel speakings, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, whose mouths speak proud things. They have men in great reverence because of advantage.

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

And he said unto his men, "The LORD keep me from doing that thing unto my master that is the LORD's anointed, to lay mine hand upon him: seeing he is the LORD's anointed." ethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceThe Anointed OneThe Lord's Anointed

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Wish the king no evil in thy thought, and speak no hurt of the rich in thy privy chamber; for a bird of the air shall betray thy voice, and with her feathers shall she betray thy words. BedroomsCivic DutiesHonouring RulersDisclosuresDo Not TellThe Rich Lording ItUngodly CursingPrivate RoomsBirdsFunThoughtsAbusesecretscriticismrumorsriskgossiping

Then said Paul, "I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest. For it is written, 'Thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people.'" Apologizingethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceSelf DefenceMagistratesIs It Really?Attitudes Towards Kings

even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them - which in like manner defiled themselves, with fornication, and followed strange flesh - are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Yet Michael the archangel, when he strove against the devil, and disputed the body of Moses, durst not give railing sentence, but said, "The Lord rebuke thee." read more.
But these speak evil of those things which they know not. In those things which they know naturally - as beasts which are without reason - they corrupt themselves.

A righteous man museth in his mind how to do good; but the mind of the ungodly imagineth how he may do harm. Mind, The HumanRighteous, TheSpeech, Positive Aspects OfThoughts Of The RighteousThinkingAnsweringToo Many Words

But unto the ungodly sayeth God, "Why dost thou preach my laws, and takest my covenant in thy mouth, whereas thou hatest to be reformed, and hast cast my words behind thee? If thou seest a thief, thou runnest with him, and art partaker with the adulterers. read more.
Thou lettest thy mouth speak wickedness, and thy tongue painteth deceit. Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother, yea and slanderest thine own mother's son.

There were false prophets among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you: which privily shall bring in damnable sects, even denying the Lord that hath bought them, and bring upon themselves swift damnation. And many shall follow their damnable ways, by which the way of truth shall be evil spoken of; and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you, whose judgment is not far off, and their damnation sleepeth not. read more.
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down into hell, and delivered them in chains of darkness, to be kept unto judgement; neither spared the old world, but saved Noah, the eighth preacher of righteousness, and brought in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; and turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, overthrew them, damned them, and made of them an example unto all that after should live ungodly; And just Lot, vexed with the uncleanly conversation of the wicked, delivered he - For he being righteous and dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds - The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and how to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment for to be punished: namely, them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise the rulers. Presumptuous are they, and stubborn, and fear not to speak evil of them that are in authority; when the angels, which are greater both in power and might, receive not of the Lord railing judgment against them. But these, as brute beasts, naturally made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of that they know not, and shall perish through their own destruction,

And he said unto his men, "The LORD keep me from doing that thing unto my master that is the LORD's anointed, to lay mine hand upon him: seeing he is the LORD's anointed." ethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceThe Anointed OneThe Lord's Anointed

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Wish the king no evil in thy thought, and speak no hurt of the rich in thy privy chamber; for a bird of the air shall betray thy voice, and with her feathers shall she betray thy words. BedroomsCivic DutiesHonouring RulersDisclosuresDo Not TellThe Rich Lording ItUngodly CursingPrivate RoomsBirdsFunThoughtsAbusesecretscriticismrumorsriskgossiping

Then said Paul, "I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest. For it is written, 'Thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people.'" Apologizingethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceSelf DefenceMagistratesIs It Really?Attitudes Towards Kings

And whosoever will not diligently fulfill the law of thy God, and the king's law, shall have his judgment for the deed, whether it be unto death, or to be banished, or to be condemned in goods, or to be put in prison." CriminalsCivil authoritiesBanishmentGovernmentCivic DutiesImprisonmentsLoyaltyPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfMagistratesCitizenshipConfiscationAnarchyJudicial PunishmentBreaking God's Law

Likewise these dreamers defile the flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of them that are in authority. Defilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

And that whosoever came not within three days, according to the device of the rulers and Elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and be put out from the congregation of the captive. Criminalselders, as community leadersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfConfiscationAnarchyExcommunication

And that man that will do presumptuously, so that he will not hearken unto the priest that standeth there to minister unto the LORD thy God or unto the judge, shall die: and so thou shalt put away evil from Israel. ethics, socialDeath penaltyHigh Priest, In OtIrreverenceJudgesMinistry, Nature OfSin, Nature OfStubbornnessAnarchyDeath Penalty For Violence

Whosoever therefore resisteth power, resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist, shall receive to themselves damnation. defianceRebellion, Against Human AuthorityCivil GovernmentAnarchyRebellion against GodRespecting Authority

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Youngs Literal Translation