45 Bible Verses about Grass

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As for man, his days [are] like the grass. As the flower of the field, so he blossoms. When [the] wind passes over it, it is no more, and its place knows it no longer. But the loyal love of Yahweh [is] from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to [their] children's children,read more.
to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his precepts.

For "all flesh [is] like grass, and all its glory like the flower of the grass. The grass withers and the flower falls off, but the word of the Lord endures {forever}." And this is the word that has been proclaimed to you.

Ahab said to Obadiah, "Go through the land to all the springs of water and to all the wadis. Perhaps we may find green grass that we may keep horses and mules alive and that we might not lose any of the animals."

And Moab said to the elders of Midian, "Now the crowd will lick up all around us, like a bull devours the grass of the field." And Balak son of Zippor [was] king of Moab at that time.

And I will give vegetation in your field for your livestock, and {you will eat your fill}.'

Does [the] wild ass bray over grass, or [the] ox bellow over its fodder?

"Look, Behemoth, which I have made just as [I made] you; it eats grass like the ox.

[who] causes grass to grow for the cattle and herbs for the service of humankind, to bring forth food from the earth,

And [so] they exchanged their glory for an image of an ox that eats grass.

For even [the] doe in the field gives birth and forsakes [her young], because there is no green growth.

you will be driven away {from human society} and {you will dwell} with the animals of the field, and you will be caused to graze grass like the oxen {yourself}, and you will be watered with the dew of heaven, and seven [periods of] time will pass over you until that you have acknowledged that the Most High [is] sovereign over the kingdom of humankind, and {to whom he wills} he gives it.

And he was driven away {from human society} and his mind was made like the animals and his dwelling [was] with the wild asses; [and] {he was given} grass like oxen to eat, and with the dew of heaven his body was bathed, until he acknowledged that the Most High God [is] sovereign over the kingdom of humankind, and {whoever} he wants he sets over it.

"Who has cut open a channel for the torrents and a way for [the] {thunder bolts}, to bring rain on a land {where no one lives}, a desert {where no humans live}, to satisfy desert and wasteland, and to cause [the ground] to put forth [the] rising of grass?

May my teaching trickle like the dew, my words like rain showers on tender grass, and like spring showers on new growth.

Like the light of [the] morning when the sun rises, shining with no clouds, [bringing] vegetation from the earth apart from rain.'

The rage of a king growls like a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.

And the remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many nations, like dew from Yahweh, like showers upon the grass which does not wait for a man, nor delays for the children of humankind.

For I will pour out water on a thirsty [land] and streams on dry ground. I will pour my spirit out on your descendants and my blessing on your offspring. And they shall sprout {among} [the] grass like willows by a watercourse of water.

And you shall know that your offspring [are] many, and your descendants like the vegetation of the earth.

May there be an abundance of grain in the land [even] on [the] top of [the] mountains. May his crop sway like the [trees of] Lebanon, and may [those] from [the] city blossom like the grass of the earth.

When the wicked flourish like grass and all [the] workers of evil blossom, [it is] so they can be destroyed forever.

And the parched ground shall become pool, and [the] thirsty ground springs of water. Her resting place [is] in a settlement of jackals; [the] grass [shall become] like reeds and rushes.

And you shall see and your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall {flourish} like the grass, and the hand of Yahweh shall make itself known {to} his servants, and he shall curse his enemies.

For the waters of Nimrim are wastelands; for [the] grass has withered, [the] vegetation has vanished, [there is] no greenness.

Therefore as the tongue of fire devours the stubble, and dry grass sinks down [in the] flame, so their root will become like [the] stench, and their blossom will go up like [the] dust. For they have rejected the instruction of Yahweh of hosts, and they have treated the word of the holy one of Israel with contempt.

{How long} will the land mourn, and the vegetation of every field dry up, because of the wickedness of those who live in it? [The] animals and [the] birds are swept away, because they have said, "He does not see our future."

And the first blew the trumpet, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was thrown to the earth, and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

Let them be like grass on [the] housetops, that withers before it grows up,

And their inhabitants [are] {weak}; they are dismayed, and they are ashamed; they have become [like] plants of [the] field, and [like] greens of grass, [like] grass on [the] roofs and a cultivated field {before} the standing grain.

And why are you anxious about clothing? Observe the lilies of the field, how they grow: they do not toil or spin, but I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these. But if God dresses the grass of the field in this way, [although it] is [here] today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not [do so] much more [for] you, you of little faith?read more.
Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?,' for the pagans seek after all these [things]. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these [things]. But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these [things] will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow, because tomorrow will be anxious for itself. {Each day has enough trouble of its own.}

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they do not toil or spin, but I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these. But if God clothes the grass in the field in this way, [although it] is [here] today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more [will he do so for] you, you of little faith? And you, do not consider what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not be anxious.read more.
For all the nations of the world seek after these [things], and your Father knows that you need these [things]. But seek his kingdom and these [things] will be added to you.

A voice [is] saying, "Call!" And he said, "What shall I call?" All {humankind} [are] grass, and all his loyalty [is] like the flowers of the field. Grass withers; [the] flower withers when the breath of Yahweh blows on it. Surely the people [are] grass. Grass withers; [the] flower withers, but the word of our God will stand forever.

Have you not heard? From long ago I have determined it, from the days of old I have planned it, and now I am bringing it to pass. It shall be turned into a pile of rocks; fortified cities are ruined. Their inhabitants, short of hand, shall be dismayed; and they shall be ashamed. They have become green plants of the open field, and tender grass, green grass of the roof and blight before the standing grain.

Can papyrus grow tall where [there is] not a marsh? Will reeds flourish without water? While it [is] in its flower [and] is not plucked, yet it withers {before} all grass. So [are] the paths of all who forget God; and [the] hope of [the] godless will perish,

Do not fret because of evildoers; do not be envious of doers of wickedness. For like the grass they will dry up quickly, and like green vegetation they will wither.

You sweep them away [like a flood]. They fall asleep. In the morning [they are] like grass [that] sprouts anew.

As a father pities [his] children, [so] Yahweh pities those who fear him. For he knows our frame. He remembers that we [are] dust. As for man, his days [are] like the grass. As the flower of the field, so he blossoms.read more.
When [the] wind passes over it, it is no more, and its place knows it no longer. But the loyal love of Yahweh [is] from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to [their] children's children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his precepts. Yahweh has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.

"I, I [am] he who comforts you; who [are] you that you are afraid of man? He dies! And of [the] son of humankind? He is {sacrificed} [as] grass!

From Thematic Bible

Brooks » Borders of, favorable to » Grass

1 Kings 18:5

Ahab said to Obadiah, "Go through the land to all the springs of water and to all the wadis. Perhaps we may find green grass that we may keep horses and mules alive and that we might not lose any of the animals."

Grass » Illustrative » Of shortness and uncertainty of life

Psalm 90:5

You sweep them away [like a flood]. They fall asleep. In the morning [they are] like grass [that] sprouts anew.

Isaiah 40:6-7

A voice [is] saying, "Call!" And he said, "What shall I call?" All {humankind} [are] grass, and all his loyalty [is] like the flowers of the field. Grass withers; [the] flower withers when the breath of Yahweh blows on it. Surely the people [are] grass.

Grass » Figurative

Isaiah 40:6

A voice [is] saying, "Call!" And he said, "What shall I call?" All {humankind} [are] grass, and all his loyalty [is] like the flowers of the field.

James 1:10-11

but the rich person in his humiliation, because he will pass away like a flower of the grass. For the sun rises with its burning heat and dries up the grass, and its flower falls off, and the beauty of its appearance is lost. So also the rich person in his pursuits will wither away.

Psalm 90:5-6

You sweep them away [like a flood]. They fall asleep. In the morning [they are] like grass [that] sprouts anew. In the morning it blossoms and sprouts anew; by evening it withers and dries up.

Grass » Refreshed by rain and dew

Proverbs 19:12

The rage of a king growls like a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.

Deuteronomy 32:2

May my teaching trickle like the dew, my words like rain showers on tender grass, and like spring showers on new growth.

Grass » Illustrative » (on tops of houses,) of the wicked

2 Kings 19:26

Their inhabitants, short of hand, shall be dismayed; and they shall be ashamed. They have become green plants of the open field, and tender grass, green grass of the roof and blight before the standing grain.

Isaiah 37:27

And their inhabitants [are] {weak}; they are dismayed, and they are ashamed; they have become [like] plants of [the] field, and [like] greens of grass, [like] grass on [the] roofs and a cultivated field {before} the standing grain.

Grass » Destroyed by » Drought

1 Kings 17:1

Elijah the Tishbite from Tishbe of Gilead said to Ahab, "{As Yahweh lives}, the God of Israel before whom I stand, there shall surely not be dew nor rain these years {except by my command}."

1 Kings 18:5

Ahab said to Obadiah, "Go through the land to all the springs of water and to all the wadis. Perhaps we may find green grass that we may keep horses and mules alive and that we might not lose any of the animals."

Grass » God » Causes to grow

Psalm 104:14

[who] causes grass to grow for the cattle and herbs for the service of humankind, to bring forth food from the earth,

Grass » Cattle fed upon

Job 6:5

Does [the] wild ass bray over grass, or [the] ox bellow over its fodder?

Jeremiah 50:11

"Though you rejoice, though you exult, O plunderers of my inheritance, though you frisk about like a heifer on the grass, and you neigh like the powerful stallions,

Grass » Illustrative » (refreshed by dew and showers,) of the saints refreshed by grace

Micah 5:7

And the remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many nations, like dew from Yahweh, like showers upon the grass which does not wait for a man, nor delays for the children of humankind.

Grass » God » The giver of

Deuteronomy 11:15

And I will give vegetation in your field for your livestock, and {you will eat your fill}.'

Grass » God's care of

Luke 12:28

But if God clothes the grass in the field in this way, [although it] is [here] today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more [will he do so for] you, you of little faith?

Grass » God » Originally created

Genesis 1:11-12

And God said, "Let the earth produce green plants [that will] bear seed--fruit trees bearing fruit {in which there is seed}--according to its kind, on the earth." And it was so. And the earth brought forth green plants bearing seed according to its kind, and trees bearing fruit {in which there was seed} according to its kind. And God saw that [it was] good.

Grass » Sufferings of cattle from failure of, described

Jeremiah 14:5-6

For even [the] doe in the field gives birth and forsakes [her young], because there is no green growth. And wild asses stand on [the] barren heights, they gasp [for] breath like the jackals. Their eyes fail because there is no vegetation."

Grass » Destroyed by » Hail and lightning

Revelation 8:7

And the first blew the trumpet, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was thrown to the earth, and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

Grass » Destroyed by » Locusts

Revelation 9:4

And it was told to them that they should not damage the grass of the earth or any green [plant] or any tree, except those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

Grass » Called » Grass of the earth

Revelation 9:4

And it was told to them that they should not damage the grass of the earth or any green [plant] or any tree, except those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

Grass » When young, soft and tender

Proverbs 27:25

When the grass is gone, then green growth will appear, and the herbs of the mountains will be gathered.

Grass » Springs out of the earth

2 Samuel 23:4

Like the light of [the] morning when the sun rises, shining with no clouds, [bringing] vegetation from the earth apart from rain.'

Grass » Failure of, a great calamity

Isaiah 15:5-6

My heart cries out for Moab; its fugitives [flee] up to Zoar, to Eglath-shelishiyah. For [at] the ascent of Luhith it goes up it with weeping; for [on] the road of Horonaim they raise up a cry of destruction. For the waters of Nimrim are wastelands; for [the] grass has withered, [the] vegetation has vanished, [there is] no greenness.

Grass » Called » Grass of the field

Numbers 22:4

And Moab said to the elders of Midian, "Now the crowd will lick up all around us, like a bull devours the grass of the field." And Balak son of Zippor [was] king of Moab at that time.

Grass » God » Adorns and clothes

Grass » Ovens often heated with

Grass » Often grew on the tops of houses

Psalm 129:6

Let them be like grass on [the] housetops, that withers before it grows up,

Grass » Illustrative » Of prosperity of the wicked

Psalm 92:7

When the wicked flourish like grass and all [the] workers of evil blossom, [it is] so they can be destroyed forever.

Grass » A green herb

Mark 6:39

And he ordered them all to recline in groups on the green grass.

Grass » On roofs of houses

Psalm 129:6

Let them be like grass on [the] housetops, that withers before it grows up,

Grass » Created on the third creative day

Genesis 1:11

And God said, "Let the earth produce green plants [that will] bear seed--fruit trees bearing fruit {in which there is seed}--according to its kind, on the earth." And it was so.

Grass » Mown

Herbs » Mentioned in scripture » Grass

Numbers 22:4

And Moab said to the elders of Midian, "Now the crowd will lick up all around us, like a bull devours the grass of the field." And Balak son of Zippor [was] king of Moab at that time.

natural Life » Is compared to » Grass

Man » Compared to » Grass

Isaiah 40:6-8

A voice [is] saying, "Call!" And he said, "What shall I call?" All {humankind} [are] grass, and all his loyalty [is] like the flowers of the field. Grass withers; [the] flower withers when the breath of Yahweh blows on it. Surely the people [are] grass. Grass withers; [the] flower withers, but the word of our God will stand forever.

Wicked people » Compared with » Grass

Psalm 92:7

When the wicked flourish like grass and all [the] workers of evil blossom, [it is] so they can be destroyed forever.

Wicked, the, are compared to » Grass

Psalm 92:7

When the wicked flourish like grass and all [the] workers of evil blossom, [it is] so they can be destroyed forever.

Topics on Grass

Like Grass

Isaiah 40:6-8

A voice [is] saying, "Call!" And he said, "What shall I call?" All {humankind} [are] grass, and all his loyalty [is] like the flowers of the field.

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