69 Bible Verses about Spiritual Vitality
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It is right for us to give praise to God at all times for you, brothers, because of the great increase of your faith, and the wealth of your love for one another;
Still the upright keeps on his way, and he who has clean hands gets new strength.
They go from strength to strength; every one of them comes before God in Zion.
But the way of the upright is like the light of early morning, getting brighter and brighter till the full day.
Have a care for these things; give yourself to them with all your heart, so that all may see how you go forward.
So, for this very cause, take every care; joining virtue to faith, and knowledge to virtue, And self-control to knowledge, and a quiet mind to self-control, and fear of God to a quiet mind, And love of the brothers to fear of God, and to love of the brothers, love itself.
Be in me at all times as I am in you. As the branch is not able to give fruit of itself, if it is not still on the vine, so you are not able to do so if you are not in me.
But saying true words in love, may come to full growth in him, who is the head, even Christ;
For this reason I make request to you, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you will give your bodies as a living offering, holy, pleasing to God, which is the worship it is right for you to give him. And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not give thought to the flesh to do its desires.
For all those of you who were given baptism into Christ did put on Christ.
That I may have knowledge of him, and of the power of his coming back from the dead, and a part with him in his pains, becoming like him in his death;

And you took us and the Lord as your example, after the word had come to you in much trouble, with joy in the Holy Spirit;
This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:
I have sent a letter to you, fathers, because you have knowledge of him who was from the first. I have sent a letter to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God is in you, and because you have overcome the Evil One.
Keep watch with prayer, so that you may not be put to the test: the spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is feeble.
Do not keep back from one another what is right, but only for a short time, and by agreement, so that you may give yourselves to prayer, and come together again; so that Satan may not get the better of you through your loss of self-control.
You have been put to no test but such as is common to man: and God is true, who will not let any test come on you which you are not able to undergo; but he will make with the test a way out of it, so that you may be able to go through it.
For this reason, when I was no longer able to keep quiet, I sent to get news of your faith, fearing that you might be tested by the Evil One and that our work might come to nothing.
For having been put to the test himself, he is able to give help to others when they are tested.
Let it be all joy to you, my brothers, when you undergo tests of every sort; Because you have the knowledge that the testing of your faith gives you the power of going on in hope;
Because you have kept my word in quiet strength, I will keep you from the hour of testing which is coming on all the world, to put to the test those who are on earth.
Be fighting the good fight of the faith; take for yourself the life eternal, for which you were marked out, and of which you gave witness in the eyes of all.
It is for your training that you undergo these things; God is acting to you as a father does to his sons; for what son does not have punishment from his father? But if you have not that punishment of which we all have our part, then you are not true sons, but children of shame. And again, if the fathers of our flesh gave us punishment and had our respect, how much more will we be under the authority of the Father of spirits, and have life?read more.
For they truly gave us punishment for a short time, as it seemed good to them; but he does it for our profit, so that we may become holy as he is. At the time all punishment seems to be pain and not joy: but after, those who have been trained by it get from it the peace-giving fruit of righteousness.
If you are wise you will get from me gold tested by fire, so that you may have true wealth; and white robes to put on, so that your shame may not be seen; and oil for your eyes, so that you may see. To all those who are dear to me, I give sharp words and punishment: then with all your heart have sorrow for your evil ways.
But be you strong and let not your hands be feeble, for your work will be rewarded.
Say to those who are full of fear, Be strong and take heart: see, your God will give punishment; the reward of God will come; he himself will come to be your saviour.
But now be strong, O Zerubbabel, says the Lord; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land, says the Lord, and get to work: for I am with you, says the Lord of armies:
And do not take overmuch wine by which one may be overcome, but be full of the Spirit;
But I say, Go on in the Spirit, and you will not come under the rule of the evil desires of the flesh. For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; because these are opposite the one to the other; so that you may not do the things which you have a mind to do. But if you are guided by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Because our good news came to you, not in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Spirit, so that you were completely certain of it; even as you saw what our behaviour to you was like from our love to you.
I give you orders, before God and Christ Jesus, who will be the judge of the living and the dead, and by his revelation and his kingdom; Be preaching the word at all times, in every place; make protests, say sharp words, give comfort, with long waiting and teaching; For the time will come when they will not take the true teaching; but, moved by their desires, they will get for themselves a great number of teachers for the pleasure of hearing them;
And though by this time it would be right for you to be teachers, you still have need of someone to give you teaching about the first simple rules of God's revelation; you have become like babies who have need of milk, and not of solid food.
Be full of desire for the true milk of the word, as babies at their mothers' breasts, so that you may go on to salvation;
And the young Samuel, becoming older, had the approval of the Lord and of men.
And the child became tall, and strong in spirit; and he was living in the waste land till the day when he came before the eyes of Israel.
And the child became tall and strong and full of wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, a quiet mind, kind acts, well-doing, faith, Gentle behaviour, control over desires: against such there is no law.
But be increased in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May he have glory now and for ever. So be it.
But we all, with unveiled face giving back as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord who is the Spirit.
And he gave some as Apostles, and some, prophets; and some, preachers of the good news; and some to give care and teaching; For the training of the saints as servants in the church, for the building up of the body of Christ: Till we all come to the harmony of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to full growth, to the full measure of Christ:read more.
So that we may be no longer children, sent this way and that, turned about by every wind of teaching, by the twisting and tricks of men, by the deceits of error; But saying true words in love, may come to full growth in him, who is the head, even Christ;
Not as if I had even now got the reward or been made complete: but I go on in the hope that I may come to the knowledge of that for which I was made the servant of Christ Jesus.
Living uprightly in the approval of the Lord, giving fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
For the purpose of God for you is this: that you may be holy, and may keep yourselves from the desires of the flesh; So that every one of you may keep his body holy and in honour; Not in the passion of evil desires, like the Gentiles, who have no knowledge of God;read more.
And that no man may make attempts to get the better of his brother in business: for the Lord is the judge in all these things, as we said to you before and gave witness. Because it is God's purpose that our way of life may be not unclean but holy.
And this is his law, that we have faith in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love for one another, even as he said to us.
Because in Christ Jesus, having circumcision or not having circumcision are equally of no profit; but only faith working through love.
For this cause I, having had news of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is among you, and which you make clear to all the saints,
Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
After hearing of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which you have for all the saints, Through the hope which is in store for you in heaven; knowledge of which was given to you before in the true word of the good news,
But the effect of the order is love coming from a clean heart, and a knowledge of what is right, and true faith:
Be glad in the Lord at all times: again I say, Be glad. Let your gentle behaviour be clear to all men. The Lord is near. Have no cares; but in everything with prayer and praise put your requests before God.read more.
And the peace of God, which is deeper than all knowledge, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
But let all those who put their faith in you be glad with cries of joy at all times, and let all the lovers of your name be glad in you.
But I have had faith in your mercy; my heart will be glad in your salvation.
Even those whom he has made free, will come back again; they will come with songs to Zion; on their heads will be eternal joy; delight and joy will be theirs, and sorrow and sounds of grief will be gone for ever.
And he took them into his house and gave them food, and he was full of joy, having faith in God with all his family.
Dear brothers, do not be surprised, as if it was something strange, if your faith is tested as by fire: But be glad that you are given a part in the pains of Christ; so that at the revelation of his glory you may have great joy.
So that you may not be slow in heart, but may take as your example those to whom God has given their heritage, because of their faith and their long waiting.
But let us, who are of the day, be serious, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and on our heads, the hope of salvation.
Keep the form of those true words which you had from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
If any man sends others into prison, into prison he will go: if any man puts to death with the sword, with the sword will he be put to death. Here is the quiet strength and the faith of the saints.
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