40 occurrences

'Lord' in the Bible

(He) Her foes subjugated her; her enemies are at ease. For the Lord afflicted her because of her many acts of rebellion. Her children went away captive before the enemy.

Verse ConceptsChastisementLamentingSorrowYoung People SufferingThe Wicked ProsperGod Troubling

(Tet) Her menstrual flow has soiled her clothing; she did not consider the consequences of her sin. Her demise was astonishing, and there was no one to comfort her. She cried, "Look, O Lord, on my affliction because my enemy boasts!"

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of ThoughtFringe Of ClothesDownfall Of IsraelPeople Being UncleanI Am SufferingNo ComfortSeeking Honour

(Lamed) Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by on the road? Look and see! Is there any pain like mine? The Lord has afflicted me, he has inflicted it on me when he burned with anger.

Verse ConceptsPassing BySuffering, Emotional Aspects OfHeartlessnessUnique EventsI Am SufferingGod Troubling

(Nun) My sins are bound around my neck like a yoke; they are fastened together by his hand. He has placed his yoke on my neck; he has sapped my strength. The Lord has handed me over to those whom I cannot resist.

Verse ConceptsHeavy Burdens

(Samek) He rounded up all my mighty ones; The Lord did this in my midst. He summoned an assembly against me to shatter my young men. The Lord has stomped like grapes the virgin daughter, Judah.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersWinepressConvocationsTrampling PeopleTreading GrapesYoung People Suffering

(Pe) Zion spread out her hands, but there is no one to comfort her. The Lord has issued a decree against Jacob; his neighbors have become his enemies. Jerusalem has become like filthy garbage in their midst.

Verse ConceptsJerusalem, Significance OfSitting In DejectionNo Comfort

(Tsade) The Lord is right to judge me! Yes, I rebelled against his commands. Please listen, all you nations, and look at my suffering! My young women and men have gone into exile.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OTGod, Righteousness OfRebellion, Against GodYoung People SufferingI Am Suffering

(Resh) Look, O Lord! I am distressed; my stomach is in knots! My heart is pounding inside me. Yes, I was terribly rebellious! Out in the street the sword bereaves a mother of her children; Inside the house death is present.

Verse ConceptsGuilt, Human Aspects OfSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfRemorseDistressBowelsI Am SufferingOther References To The HeartKilling IsraelitesOutside The HousePay Attention O God!

(Alef) Alas! The Lord has covered Daughter Zion with his anger. He has thrown down the splendor of Israel from heaven to earth; he did not protect his temple when he displayed his anger.

Verse ConceptsFootstoolsZion, As A SymbolGod ForgettingLosing HonourThe Coming Day Of God's WrathFeelings Of Alienation

(Bet) The Lord destroyed mercilessly all the homes of Jacob's descendants. In his anger he tore down the fortified cities of Daughter Judah. He knocked to the ground and humiliated the kingdom and its rulers.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toFortificationsFortressesAnger Of God, ConsequencesJacob, The PatriarchDestruction Of StrongholdsSwallowingPeople Being PollutedNot Sparing

(He) The Lord, like an enemy, destroyed Israel. He destroyed all her palaces; he ruined her fortified cities. He made everyone in Daughter Judah mourn and lament.

Verse ConceptsLamentingSongsGrowth Of EvilSwallowingGod As EnemyHouses Under Attack

(Vav) He destroyed his temple as if it were a vineyard; he destroyed his appointed meeting place. The Lord has made those in Zion forget both the festivals and the Sabbaths. In his fierce anger he has spurned both king and priest.

Verse ConceptsGarden, NaturalDecayDestruction Of The TempleGod Living In The TabernacleBoothsForgetting ThingsDeposed PriestsFestivals DisregardedSabbath Violated

(Zayin) The Lord rejected his altar and abhorred his temple. He handed over to the enemy her palace walls; the enemy shouted in the Lord's temple as if it were a feast day.

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentRejecting ThingsRejection Of God, Results OfSanctuaryWallsDestruction Of Jerusalem's WallShouting To The LordFestivals Disregarded

(Khet) The Lord was determined to tear down Daughter Zion's wall. He prepared to knock it down; he did not withdraw his hand from destroying. He made the ramparts and fortified walls lament; together they mourned their ruin.

Verse ConceptsPlumb LineWallsGod DestroyingDestruction Of Jerusalem's WallMourning Due To Catastrophe

(Tet) Her city gates have fallen to the ground; he smashed to bits the bars that lock her gates. Her king and princes were taken into exile; there is no more guidance available. As for her prophets, they no longer receive a vision from the Lord.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Famine,Poverty, SpiritualVisionsSpiritual DestitutionBreaking SticksDestruction Of JerusalemKings ExiledCity GatesNo VisionsProphecy AbolishedPutting Things Down

(Ayin) The Lord has done what he planned; he has fulfilled his promise that he threatened long ago: He has overthrown you without mercy and has enabled the enemy to gloat over you; he has exalted your adversaries' power.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toGuidance, God's Promises OfPlansDeterminismPower Through GodHorns VictoriousGod Speaking Of OldNot SparingRejoicing In Evil

(Tsade) Cry out from your heart to the Lord, O wall of Daughter Zion! Make your tears flow like a river all day and all night long! Do not rest; do not let your tears stop!

Verse ConceptsAffliction Day And NightWeepingCrying To GodFigurative WallsEyes Cared ForNo Comfort

(Qof) Get up! Cry out in the night when the night watches start! Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord! Lift up your hands to him for your children's lives; they are fainting at every street corner.

Verse ConceptsHandsNightPouringAll Night PrayersLifting HandsThings Like WaterPouring WaterFaintingTragedy On The StreetsYoung People SufferingBeginning Of PeriodsLike Water

(Resh) Look, O Lord! Consider! Whom have you ever afflicted like this? Should women eat their offspring, their healthy infants? Should priest and prophet be killed in the Lord's sanctuary?

Verse ConceptsCannibalismInfanticideKilling PriestsProphets KilledWho Is The One?Pay Attention O God!

So I said, "My endurance has expired; I have lost all hope of deliverance from the Lord."

Verse ConceptsHope, Nature OfHope, Results Of Its AbsenceWithout HopeEnduranceDespairexpectations

"My portion is the Lord," I have said to myself, so I will put my hope in him.

Verse ConceptsGod, Titles And Names OfGod Is My PortionHope For The Righteous

(Yod) Let a person sit alone in silence, when the Lord is disciplining him.

Verse ConceptsSilenceIsolated PersonsSitting In DejectionPeople Being Silent

to defraud a person in a lawsuit -- the Lord does not approve of such things!

Verse ConceptsGod Requite Them!

until the Lord looks down from heaven and sees what has happened.

Verse ConceptsGod Seeing All The EarthGod Acts From Heaven

(Qof) I have called on your name, O Lord, from the deepest pit.

Verse ConceptsDungeonsCalling upon GodSaved From The PitI Pray

(Resh) O Lord, you championed my cause, you redeemed my life.

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerLawyersGod Vindicatesredeemed

You have seen the wrong done to me, O Lord; pronounce judgment on my behalf!

Verse ConceptsWronging Other People

(Sin/Shin) You have heard their taunts, O Lord, all their plots against me.

Verse ConceptsEvil Plans

(Tav) Pay them back what they deserve, O Lord, according to what they have done.

Verse ConceptsGod Will RequiteRepaid For Deeds

(Kaf) The Lord fully vented his wrath; he poured out his fierce anger. He started a fire in Zion; it consumed her foundations.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsDestruction Of JerusalemBurning Jerusalemventing

(Pe) The Lord himself has scattered them; he no longer watches over them. They did not honor the priests; they did not show favor to the elders.

Verse Conceptsdispersion, theSin, God's Judgment OnGod Scattering IsraelGod Not SeeingDeposed PriestsLosing Honourelders

O Lord, reflect on what has happened to us; consider and look at our disgrace.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, Prayer DuringBeing ReprovedPay Attention O God!

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
אדן אדון 
Usage: 335

Lord , lord , God
Usage: 438

Mare' (Aramaic) 
Usage: 4

Lord , lord , master , sir , Sir ,
Usage: 643

Usage: 27

Usage: 187

בּעלי בּמות 
Ba`aley Bamowth 
lords of the high places
Usage: 0

Usage: 2

חללה חלילה 
God forbid , far be it , be...far , Lord forbid ,
Usage: 20

Usage: 49

Usage: 302

Usage: 22

Rab (Aramaic) 
Usage: 15

Rabr@ban (Aramaic) 
Usage: 8

Usage: 4

שׁלשׁ שׁלושׁ שׁלישׁo 
Usage: 20

Usage: 421

Usage: 10

Usage: 2

Usage: 2

Usage: 6

Usage: 2

ῥαββονί ῥαββουνί 
Usage: 2

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