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And it fortuned that when they had passed over the time of their banqueting round about; Job sent for them, and sanctified them, and gat up early, and offered for every one a burnt offering. For Job thought thus: "Peradventure my sons have done some offense, and have been unthankful to God in their hearts." And thus did Job everyday.

And while he was yet speaking, there came another, and said, "The fire of God is fallen from heaven, it hath consumed, and burnt up all thy sheep and servants: and I only ran my way, to tell thee."

My skin upon me is turned to black, and my bones are burnt with heat;

Therefore take seven oxen and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, offer up also for yourselves a burnt offering: and let my servant Job pray for you. Him will I accept, and not deal with you after your foolishness: in that ye have not spoken the thing which is right, like as my servant Job hath done."