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My enemies ask this cruel question about me, 'When will he finally die and be forgotten?'

Verse ConceptsGossipDesire For DeathNames Blotted OutFamily Death

They return in the evening; they growl like a dog and prowl around outside the city.

Verse ConceptsNoisedogsBarking And Howling

They return in the evening; they growl like a dog and prowl around outside the city.

Verse ConceptsBarking And Howling

My God, rescue me from the power of the wicked, from the hand of the cruel oppressor!

Verse ConceptsCruelty, examples ofSuffering, Causes OfGod Delivering From Evil

Cruel rulers are not your allies, those who make oppressive laws.

Verse ConceptsMischiefInjusticecorruption

For they say cruel and deceptive things to me; they lie to me.

Verse ConceptsThe TongueLying And Deceitlieing