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It is as if I have been given fertile fields or received a beautiful tract of land.

The roof of my mouth is as dry as a piece of pottery; my tongue sticks to my gums. You set me in the dust of death.

For the music director; according to the tune of "Lilies;" by the Korahites, a well-written poem, a love song. My heart is stirred by a beautiful song. I say, "I have composed this special song for the king; my tongue is as skilled as the stylus of an experienced scribe."

Your tongue carries out your destructive plans; it is as effective as a sharp razor, O deceiver.

He does not deal with us as our sins deserve; he does not repay us as our misdeeds deserve.

even the darkness is not too dark for you to see, and the night is as bright as day; darkness and light are the same to you.