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Then said he - Hear, I pray you, O house of David! Is it, too little, for you to weary men, that ye must weary even my God?

Through thy servants, thou hast reproached My Lord and hast said, - With my multitude of chariots, have I ascended The height of the mountains The recesses of Lebanon, That I may cut down Its tallest cedars Its choicest firs, That I may enter Its highest summit, Its thick garden forest:

All the nations, are gathered together Yea there is an assembling of peoples, Who among them, can tell this, And things in advance, can let us hear? Let them set forth their witnesses that they may get their right, Or let them hear, and say Truth!

And the residue thereof, Into a GOD, he maketh, Into his carved image, - Adoreth it, and boweth down and prayeth unto it, And saith Deliver me, for, my GOD, thou art!

That men may get to know. From the rising of the sun And from the west. That there is none besides me, - I, am Yahweh, and there is none else:

But I, said, To no purpose, have I toiled, For waste and mist - my vigour, have I spent, - Surely, my vindication, is, with, Yahweh, And, my recompence, with my God.

Now, therefore, said Yahweh - Fashioning me from birth To be Servant to him, To restore Jacob unto him, And that, Israel, unto him, might be gathered And I be honourable in the eyes of Yahweh, And, my God, be proved to have been my strength,

And, thy people, shall all of them, be righteous, To times age-abiding, shall they possess, the land, - The sprout of mine own planting, The work of mine own hands, - That I may get myself glory.