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No one puts new wine into old wine-bottles, or, if he does, the wine will break the bottles, and the wine is lost, and the bottles too. New wine is to be put up in new bottles."

He ordered them not to take anything for the journey except a staff, no bread, no bag, no money in the purse;

But He answered them, "Give them something to eat yourselves." Then they said to Him, "Shall we go and buy forty dollars' worth of bread and give it to them to eat?"

But He was saying to her, "Let the children first eat all they want, for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it out to the house dogs."

But His disciples answered Him, "Where can anyone get bread enough here in this destitute place, to give these people plenty?"

Now they had forgotten to bring any bread; that is, they had only one loaf with them in the boat.

So they were discussing with one another the fact that they had no bread.

Now the feast of the Passover and of Unleavened Bread was two days later. So the high priests and scribes kept looking for some way to arrest Him by stratagem and have Him put to death,

On the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread, the usual time for killing the Passover lamb, Jesus' disciples asked Him, "Where do you want us to go and get the Passover supper ready for you to eat?"

He answered them, "It is one of the Twelve, the one who is dipping his bread in the dish with me.