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And he spake a parable unto them, saying - A certain rich man's estate, bare well.

Moreover he went on to say, unto him also who had invited him, - Whensoever thou mayest be making a dinner or a supper, do not call thy friends, or thy brothers, or thy kinsfolk, or rich neighbours, - lest once, they also, invite thee in return, and it become a recompense unto thee.

And he went on to say, unto his disciples also, - There was, a certain rich man, who had a steward, and, the same, was accused to him as squandering his goods.

and to long to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the table of the rich man: nay! even, the dogs, used to come and lick his sores.

But, he, hearing these things, became, encompassed with grief; for he was rich exceedingly.

For it is, easier, for a camel, to enter, through the eye of a needle, than for, a rich man, to enter, into the kingdom of God.

and lo! a man, by name called Zacchaeus, and, he, was a chief tax-collector, and hewas rich.

And, looking up, he saw the, rich, who were casting their gifts into the treasury, -