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and took counsel together to get hold of Jesus by craft and have him put to death.

When morning came, all the high priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus, so as to have him put to death.

Now there was a man called Joseph, a member of council but a good and just man

With these orders they went into the temple about dawn and proceeded to teach. Meantime the high priest and his allies met, called the Sanhedrin together and the council of seniors belonging to the sons of Israel, and then sent to prison for the men.

and, after the reading of the Law and the prophets, the presidents of the synagogue sent to tell them, "Brothers, if you have any word of counsel for the people, say it."

as the high priest and all the council of elders can testify. It was from them that I got letters to the brotherhood at Damascus, and then journeyed thither to bind those who had gathered there and bring them back to Jerusalem for punishment.

Then, after conferring with the council, Festus answered, "You have appealed to Caesar? Very well, you must go to Caesar! "

Even supposing some of them have proved untrustworthy, is their faithlessness to cancel the faithfulness of God?

Then 'by this faith' we 'cancel the Law'? Not for one moment! We uphold the Law.

My point is this: the Law which arose four hundred and thirty years later does not repeal a will previously ratified by God, so as to cancel the Promise.

so to order it in the fulness of the ages that all things in heaven and earth alike should be gathered up in Christ ??11 in the Christ in whom we have had our heritage allotted us (as was decreed in the design of him who carries out everything according to the counsel of his will),