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The girl got up at once and began to walk (she was twelve years old); and at once they were lost in utter amazement.

And in the course of his teaching he said, "Beware of the scribes! They like to walk about in long robes, to get saluted in the marketplaces,

Which is the easier thing, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise and walk'?

So he replied, "Go and report to John what you have seen and heard; that the blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and to the poor the gospel is preached.

Woe to you! you are like unsuspected tombs; men walk over them unawares."

"Beware of the scribes! They like to walk about in long robes, they are fond of getting saluted in the market-places, of securing the front seats in the synagogues and the best places at banquets;

And instantly the man got well, lifted his mat, and started to walk. Now it was the sabbath on that day.

He replied, "But the man who healed me, he told me, 'Lift your mat and walk'."

They questioned him, "Who was it that told you, 'Lift it and walk'?"

Then Jesus said to them, "The Light will shine among you for a little longer yet; walk while you have the Light, that the darkness may not overtake you. He who walks in the dark does not know where he is going.

he leapt to his feet, started to walk, and accompanied them into the temple, walking, leaping, and praising God.

But when Peter saw this, he said to the people, "Men of Israel, why are you surprised at this? Why do you stare at us, as if we had made him walk by any power or piety of ours?

At Lystra there was a man sitting, who was powerless in his feet, a lame man unable to walk ever since he was born.

said in a loud voice, "Stand erect on your feet." Up he jumped and began to walk.

as well as a father of those circumcised persons who not only share circumcision but walk in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had as an uncircumcised man.

And make straight paths for your feet to walk in. You must not let the lame get dislocated, but rather make them whole.

By its light will the nations walk; and into it will the kings of earth bring their glories