Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

These are the blessings that Moses, the man of God, pronounced on the people of Israel before he died:

The chief priest Amariah will be in charge of you in every matter involving Jehovah. Zebadiah, who is the son of Ishmael and the leader of the tribe of Judah, will be in charge of every matter involving the king. The Levites will serve as officers of the court. Be strong and do your job. May Jehovah be with those who do right.

Be strong and very courageous, that you may be careful to do according to all the Law, which Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.

He told another: Follow me. But he said: Lord first let me go bury my father. Let the dead bury the dead. You go and publish abroad the kingdom of God. Jesus replied. Another said: I will follow you Lord, but first let me go say good by to my relatives. read more.
Jesus responded: No man, who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.

Remember his promise for a very long time, the word that he commanded for a thousand generations!

One of his disciples said: Lord, first allow me to go bury my father. But Jesus said to him: Follow me; and leave the dead to bury their own dead.

He that is not with me is against me. And he that does not gather with me, scatters.

He who is not with me is against me. He who does not help me gather actually scatters.

Remember Lot's wife!

You have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord. Now walk (live) in union with him. Keep your roots deep in him! Build your lives on him. Become stronger in your faith, as you were taught, and be filled with thanksgiving.

But you, O man of God, run from these things. Pursue (set your heart on) righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness. Fight the good fight of the faith! Lay hold on everlasting life! You were called and confessed the good confession in the sight of many witnesses. I charge you in the sight of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed the good confession: read more.
Keep the commandment without spot and without reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If any man teaches a different doctrine, and does not consent to sound words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine that is according to godliness,

Seeing that these things are thus all to be dissolved (destroyed), what manner of persons should you be in all holy living and godliness?

I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, They should be made for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

I said: Plow new ground for yourselves, plant righteousness, and reap the blessings that your devotion to me will produce. It is time for you to turn to me, Jehovah, and I will come and pour out righteousness on you.

Let my counsel be acceptable to you O King. Stop your sins by being righteous and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor. May there be a lengthening of your prosperity.

Wake up to righteousness and do not sin. Some do not have knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

Be filled with the fruits of righteousness through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God. (John 15:5) (Galatians 5:22, 23)

If any man teaches a different doctrine, and does not consent to sound words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine that is according to godliness,

Seeing that these things are thus all to be dissolved (destroyed), what manner of persons should you be in all holy living and godliness?

I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, They should be made for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

These are the blessings that Moses, the man of God, pronounced on the people of Israel before he died: