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And when morning came, the angels did all in their power to make Lot go, saying, Get up quickly and take your wife and your two daughters who are here, and go, for fear that you come to destruction in the punishment of the town.

Verse ConceptsDawnIniquity, Punishment ForEvil AssociationsDaybreakDestruction Of CitiesAt DaybreakGod UrgingAngels Providing Protection

It is in my power to do you damage: but the God of your father came to me this night, saying, Take care that you say nothing good or bad to Jacob.

Verse ConceptsWarning IndividualsPeople Possibly Doing EvilPowerHurtParents Being Wronghurting

And Joseph said, What is this thing which you have done? had you no thought that such a man as I would have power to see what is secret?

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?