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The king said to them, “Take my servants with you, have my son Solomon ride on my own mule, and take him down to Gihon.

Then Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah son of Jehoiada, the Cherethites, and the Pelethites went down, had Solomon ride on King David’s mule, and took him to Gihon.

And with Solomon, the king has sent Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah son of Jehoiada, the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and they have had him ride on the king’s mule.

Solomon’s provisions for one day were 150 bushels of fine flour and 300 bushels of meal,

Earlier, when David was in Edom, Joab, the commander of the army, had gone to bury the dead and had struck down every male in Edom.

For Joab and all Israel had remained there six months, until he had killed every male in Edom.

there were even male cult prostitutes in the land. They imitated all the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had dispossessed before the Israelites.

He banished the male cult prostitutes from the land and removed all of the idols that his fathers had made.

When he became king, as soon as he was seated on his throne, Zimri struck down the entire house of Baasha. He did not leave a single male, including his kinsmen and his friends.

He removed from the land the rest of the male cult prostitutes who were left from the days of his father Asa.