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but let it be stained with darkness, and the shadow of death. Let the dim cloud fall upon it, and let it be lapped in with sorrow.

because it shut not up the womb that bare me. For then should these sorrows have been hid from mine eyes.

For like as a bond servant desireth the shadow, and as a hireling would fain have an end of his work:

For we are but of yesterday, and consider not that our days upon earth are but a very shadow.

No: but before it be shot forth, and before it be gathered, it withereth; before any other herb.

before I go thither, from whence I shall not turn again. Namely, to that land of darkness and shadow of death:

yea, into a land as dark as darkness itself, and into the shadow of death where is none order; but light there is as darkness."

If he break down a thing, who can set it up again? If he shut a thing, who will open it?

"Look: what lieth hid in darkness, he declareth it openly! And the very shadow of death bringeth he to light!

He cometh up and is cut down like a flower. He flyeth as it were a shadow, and never continueth in one state.

"If a tree be cut down, there is some hope yet, that it will sprout and shoot forth the branches again;

I was some time in wealth, but suddenly hath he brought me to naught. He hath taken me by the neck, he hath rent me, and set me, as it were a mark for him to shoot at.

so that if he flee the iron weapons, he shall be shot with the steel bow.

For as soon as the day breaketh, the shadow of death cometh upon them, and they go in horrible darkness.

The darkness shall once come to an end: he can seek out the ground of all things; the stones, the dark, and the shadow of death.

There is no darkness, nor thick shadow, that can hide the wicked doers from him.

Who shut the sea with doors, when it brake forth as a child out of his mother's womb?

the fens hide him with their shadow, and the willows of the brook cover him round about.