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And thou shalt spread pure gold over it, from within and from without thou shalt spread over it; and make to it a wreath of gold round about

And spread over it pure gold, and make to it a wreath of gold round about

And make its dishes, and its censers, and its bowls, and its bowls for libation which to pour into them, pure gold shalt thou make them.

And make a candlestick pure gold: turned work shalt thou make the candlestick: its thigh, its shaft, its cups, its chaplets, and flowers, shall be from it

Their chaplets and their stems shall be from it: all of it one turned work of pure gold.

A talent of pure gold he shall make it, with all these vessels.

And thou shalt command the sons of Israel, and they shall take to thee pure olive oil, beaten for the light, to lift up the light continually.

And two chains of pure gold being wreathed, thou shalt make them a work interlaced, and give the chains interlaced upon the textures.

And make upon the breast-plate wreathen chains, a work of interlacing pure gold.

And make a plate of pure gold, and engrave upon it the engravings of a seal, HOLINESS TO JEHOVAH.

And spread it over with pure gold its top, and its walls round about, and its horns: and make to it a gold wreath round about

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Take to thee aromatics, resin, and onycha, and galbanum; aromatics and pure frankincense: it shall be part for part

And make it a perfume, an ointment, a work of the perfumer, salted, pure, holy.

And the table and its vessels, and the pure chandelier and all its vessels, and the altar of incense,

And he will spread it over with pure gold within and without, and he will make to it a gold wreath round about

And he will make the cover of pure gold: two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth.

And he will spread it over with pure gold, and he will make to it a wreath of gold round about

And he will make the vessels which are upon the table, its dishes, and its pans, and its bowls, and its libation cups which poured out in them, of pure gold.

He will make the chandelier pure gold; turned work he made the chandelier; its thigh and its stein, its bowls, its chaplets and its flowers were from it

Their chaplets and their stems were out of it: all of it a turned work of pure gold.

He will make its seven lamps and its snuffers, and its fire pans of pure gold.

And he will spread it over with pure gold, its top and its walls round about, and its horns: and he will make to it a wreath of gold round about

And he will make the holy oil of anointing and the pure incense of aromatics, the work of the perfumer.

And they will make upon the breast-plate, chains, wreathen, a work of interweaving of pure gold.

And they will make bells of pure gold, and will set the bells between the pomegranates upon the skirts of the robe, round about between the pomegranates.

And they will make a brightness, a diadem of the holy place of pure gold, and they will write upon it a writing, the engravings fo a seal, HOLY TO JEHOVAH.

The pure chandelier, and its lamps; the lamps being set in order, and all its vessels, and the oil of the light;