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And the dew lying will go up, and behold, upon the face of the desert a small thing being peeled off thin, as pitch upon the earth.

And they judged the people in all time: and it will be every great word they will bring to thee, and every small word they shall judge: and it will be light for thee, and they shall lift up with thee.

And they judged the people in all time; and the hard word they brought to Moses, and every small word they will judge themselves.

And burn all the ram upon the altar: this a burnt-offering to Jehovah: this a sacrifice, a smell of a sweet odor to Jehovah.

And thou shalt take them from their hand and burn upon the altar upon the burnt-offering for a smell of sweet odor before Jehovah: this a sacrifice to Jehovah.

And the second he lamb thou shalt do between the two evenings, according to the sacrifice of the morning, and according to its libation, thou shalt do it for a smell of sweet odor, a sacrifice to Jehovah.

And pound fine from it to small dust, and give from it before the testimony in the tent of appointment where I will meet with thee there: holy of holies, shall it be to you.

A man who shall make like it to smell in it, and he shall be cut off from his people.

And he will take the calf which they made, and will burn it in fire, and which he will crush even to small dust, and will scatter upon the face of the water, and will give the sons of Israel to drink.