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For they sleep not, unless they can do mischief, - They rob themselves of their sleep, if they cannot cause someone to stumble,

Yet if he is caught he must repay seven times over, he might even have to give all the wealth of his house.

A sinner takes an offering out of his robe, to get a decision for himself in a cause.

By a secret offering wrath is turned away, and the heat of angry feelings by money in the folds of the robe.

for the Lord will plead their case and will rob those who are robbing them.

if you say, "Look, we do not know this," does not he who weighs hearts perceive [it]? And he who keeps your soul, he knows and will repay humankind according to his deeds.

Don’t say, “I’ll do to him what he did to me;
I’ll repay the man for what he has done.”

Take his robe that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge from him for a strange woman.

Who has gone up to heaven and come down? who has taken the winds in his hands, prisoning the waters in his robe? by whom have all the ends of the earth been fixed? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if you are able to say?