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Their roaring is like a lioness, they roar as the young lions; yea, they growl, and snatch the prey, and carry it away safe, and there is none to deliver;

Verse ConceptsHunting

Yea he will growl at him in that day, like the growling of the sea, - Though he look hard for the land, lo! the darkness of distress, Yea the light, hath grown dark in its clouds!

Verse ConceptsDarkness, And God's JudgmentBlackSeaColors, BlackRoar Of NationsOvertaken By DarknessSea, Metaphorical ReferencesEclipse

For by your hand the yoke on his neck and the rod on his back, even the rod of his cruel master, have been broken, as in the day of Midian.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toCivil LibertyYokesRemoving BurdensGod Freeing Captives

But he will do right in the cause of the poor, and give wise decisions for those in the land who are in need; and the rod of his mouth will come down on the cruel, and with the breath of his lips he will put an end to the evil-doer.

Verse ConceptsBreath Of GodFace Of GodWaistsMillennial KingdomSpirit Of ChristThe Sword Of The SpiritGod Beating PeopleGod KillingChrist SpeakingGod KillsRighteousness Of ChristStriking People With A Stafffairness

Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toSinnersAnger Of God, ConsequencesExterminationLand Becoming EmptyThe Fact Of That DayThe Coming Day Of God's Wrathwrath

In their hands are bows and spears; they are cruel, violently putting the young men to death, and crushing the young women; they have no pity for children, and no mercy for the fruit of the body.

Verse ConceptsMercy, HumanInfanticidePitilessnessPeople Without Mercypity

At the time, when the LORD gives you rest from your suffering, turmoil, and the cruel bondage which they forced you to serve,

Verse ConceptsRest, PhysicalGod Giving RestSuccess And Hard Work

That you will take up this bitter song against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the cruel overseer come to an end! He who was lifted up in pride is cut off;

Verse ConceptsBabylon, History OfCessationStopping Fighting

Let those who have been forced out of Moab have a resting-place with you; be a cover to them from him who is making waste their land: till the cruel ones are cut off, and wasting has come to an end, and those who take pleasure in crushing the poor are gone from the land.

Verse ConceptsSatan as Destroyer

And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toWaters Drying Up

And it will be a sign and a witness to the Lord of armies in the land of Egypt: when they are crying out to the Lord because of their cruel masters, then he will send them a saviour and a strong one to make them free.

Verse Conceptsdefence, divineAnswered PromisesCryingThings As Signs

For this cause will the strong people give glory to you, the town of the cruel ones will be in fear of you.

Verse ConceptsApprovalAcclaimingPraising God

For you have been a strong place for the poor and the crushed in their trouble, a safe place from the storm, a shade from the heat, when the wrath of the cruel ones is like a winter storm.

Verse ConceptsFortressesAfflicted SaintsThe NeedyExploitationsdefence, divineGod, The ProviderGuardiansNoonPoverty, Remedies ForRefugeesSanctuaryStormsWallsDistressGod Being Our RefugeShadow Of GodshelterThe Storms Of Life

As heat by the shade of a cloud, the noise of the men of pride has been made quiet by you; as heat by the shade of a cloud, the song of the cruel ones has been stopped.

Verse ConceptsForeignersSilenceHot WeatherForeigners SubduedAliensrelentless

On that day, Yahweh will punish with his cruel, great and strong sword Leviathan, [the] fleeing serpent, and Leviathan, [the] twisting serpent, and he will kill the sea monster that [is] in the sea.

Verse ConceptsLeviathanDay of the LORDDragonsSeaSnakesNames And Titles For SatanBeastsCosmic CreaturesDinosaursPunishmentMoving OnThe Seafitnessrelentless

See, the Lord has a strong and cruel one; like a rain of ice, a storm of destruction, like the overflowing of a strong river, he will violently overcome them.

Verse ConceptsBitingHailRainGod Giving StrengthGod Gives Strength

And the army of your attackers will be like small dust, and all the cruel ones like dry stems gone before the wind; suddenly it will come about.

Verse ConceptsChaffSuddenlyLight As ChaffCreatures Returning To DustProtection From EnemiesEnemy Attacksdust

For the cruel one has come to nothing; and those who make sport of the Lord are gone; and those who are watching to do evil are cut off:

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toMockeryInfidelity To GodUncharitablenessWatching To EntrapPeople EndedScoffersmockers

For thus said Jehovah unto me: 'As growl doth the lion and the young lion over his prey, Called against whom is a multitude of shepherds, From their voice he is not affrighted, And from their noise he is not humbled; So come down doth Jehovah of Hosts To war on mount Zion, and on her height.

Verse ConceptsNoiseShepherds, As Kings And LeadersStock Keeping

Never again will you see the cruel people, a people whose tongue has no sense for you; whose language is strange to you.

Verse ConceptsNot Understanding LanguageUnknown LanguagesSpeech Impediments

For a day of avenging, hath Yahweh, - A year of requitals for the quarrel of Zion.

Verse ConceptsThe Day Of JudgementGod Executes VengeanceRevengezion

No lion will be there, or any cruel beast; they will not be seen there; but those for whom the Lord has given a price,

Verse ConceptsThe Redeemed Of The Lordredeemed

Those who quarrel with you will be as nothing; those who fight you like nothing at all!"

Verse ConceptsNon ExistenceSeeking But Not Finding PeopleWarEnemy Attacks

I was angry with my people, I put shame on my heritage, and gave them into your hands: you had no mercy on them; you put a cruel yoke on those who were old;

Verse ConceptsMercy, HumanOld Age, Attitudes ToYokesDisrespect For Old AgeOppressorsJudgement On Old PeoplePeople Without Mercyrelentless

Will the goods of war be taken from the strong man, or the prisoners of the cruel one be let go?

But the Lord says, Even the prisoners of the strong will be taken from him, and the cruel made to let go his goods: for I will take up your cause against your haters, and I will keep your children safe.

Verse ConceptsBlood, Figurative UsePromises To Stand on

And you have given no thought to the Lord your Maker, by whom the heavens were stretched out, and the earth placed on its base; and you went all day in fear of the wrath of the cruel one, when he was making ready for your destruction. And where is the wrath of the cruel one?

Verse ConceptsFoundations

And I will put it into the hand of your cruel masters, and of those whose yoke has been hard on you; who have said to your soul, Down on your face! so that we may go over you: and you have given your backs like the earth, even like the street, for them to go over.

Verse ConceptsProstrationTorture

For the Lord God says, My people went down at first into Egypt, to get a place for themselves there: and the Assyrian put a cruel yoke on them without cause.

Verse ConceptsBeginningOppression, Nature Of

Lo! they would, quarrel, with thee - not at all from me, - Whoso hath quarrelled with thee, over thee, shall fall.

Verse ConceptsSurrenderEnemy Attacksgatheringcredibility

Look! You fast to quarrel and strife, and to strike with a {wicked fist}. You shall not fast as [you do] {today}, to {make your voice heard} on the height.

Verse ConceptsArguingethics, incentives towardsQuarrelsHow To FastPointless FastingFighting One AnotherFastingFasting And Prayer

We all groan and growl like bears,
And coo sadly like doves;
We hope for justice, but there is none,
For salvation, but it is far from us.

Verse ConceptsdovesRumblingBird SoundsFar From OneNo JusticeThose Not Saved

Yes, faith is gone; and he whose heart is turned from evil comes into the power of the cruel: and the Lord saw it, and he was angry that there was no one to take up their cause.

Verse ConceptsHuntingDivine DispleasureDispleasureGod Paid Attention To ThemMissing Someoneshunning

And the sons of those who were cruel to you will come before you with bent heads; and those who made sport of you will go down on their faces at your feet; and you will be named, The Town of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

Verse ConceptsNames For JerusalemHumbling The ProudoppressionzionAll Enemies Under God's Feet