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being unrolled right in front of me! Written on both sides were lamentations, mourning, and cries of grief.

Verse ConceptsBooks In ProphecyFront And Back

I'm determined to oppose that person and make him an example. Proverbs will be written about him when I eliminate him from my people. Then you'll know that I am the LORD."'"

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodMarks On PeopleGod Opposing

"Now as to the rest of the tribes: from the east side to the west side, Benjamin is to retain one portion.

Verse ConceptsEast And West

Adjacent to the border of Benjamin running from east to west, Simeon is to retain one portion.

Verse ConceptsEast And West

Adjacent to the border of Simeon running from east to west, Issachar is to retain one portion.

Verse ConceptsEast And West

Adjacent to the border of Issachar running from east to west, Zebulun is to retain one portion.

Verse ConceptsEast And West

Adjacent to the border of Zebulun running from east to west, Gad is to retain one portion.

Verse ConceptsEast And West