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So they said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet:

Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:

For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."

He who receives a prophet because he is a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward, and he who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.

But he answered them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

So was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet: "I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world."

And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house."

But if we say, 'From men,' we are afraid of the multitude; for all hold that John was a prophet."

But when they tried to arrest him, they feared the multitudes, because they held him to be a prophet.

Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, "And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel,

As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: "Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way";

But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house."

But others said, "It is Elijah." And others said, "It is a prophet, like one of the prophets of old."

But if we say, 'From men'"they feared the people, for all held that John was a real prophet.

And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare his ways,

As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. And he opened the book, and found the place where it was written:

And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha; and not one of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian."

Fear seized them all; and they glorified God, saying, "A great prophet has arisen among us;" and "God has visited his people."

But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.

Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw it, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner."

Nevertheless I must journey today and tomorrow, and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem.

But if we say, 'From men,' all the people will stone us, for they are persuaded that John was a prophet."

And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,

And they asked him, "What then? Are you Elijah?" He said, "I am not." "Are you the prophet?" And he answered, "No."

He said, "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord,' as the prophet Isaiah said."

They asked him, "Then why do you baptize, if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?"

For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.

When the people saw the sign that Jesus did, they said, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world."

When they heard these words, some of the people said, "Surely this is the prophet."

They replied, "Are you from Galilee, too? Search and look, and you will find that no prophet is to rise out of Galilee."

So they again said to the blind man, "What do you say about him, since he has opened your eyes?" He said, "He is a prophet."

that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke: "Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"

but this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

And so, because he was a prophet, and knew that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants on his throne,

Moses said, 'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren; you shall listen to everything he tells you.

And it shall be that every soul that does not listen to that prophet will be destroyed from among the people.'

This is the Moses who said to the Israelites, 'God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren.'

However, the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands; as the prophet says:

and he was returning and sitting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isaiah.

So Philip ran up to him, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and asked, "Do you understand what you are reading?"

And the eunuch said to Philip, "Please tell me, of whom does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?"

When they had gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they came upon a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet, named Bar-Jesus,

After these things he gave them judges until Samuel the prophet.

It happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave-girl who had a spirit of divination. She brought her owners much profit by fortune-telling.

But when her owners saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the authorities,

As we were staying there for some days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.

When they disagreed among themselves, they began to leave, after Paul had made one final statement: "The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your fathers through Isaiah the prophet:

But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking in tongues, what will I profit you unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching?

Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.

but he was rebuked for his own transgression by a donkeya beast without speechwho spoke with a man's voice and restrained the prophet's madness.

And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs;