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Now the mother-in-law of Simon lay sick of a fever. And at once they told him of her.

And he went to her, and took her by the hand, and raised her up, and the fever left her instantly; and she ministered to them.

And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary; for you have found favor with God.

And he arose and went out of the synagogue into the house of Simon. And Simon's mother-in-law was confined with a violent fever: and they besought him in her behalf.

And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever, and it left her: and she arose immediately, and ministered to them.

Then he inquired of them the hour in which he was restored to health. And they said to him: Yesterday, at the seventh hour, the fever left him.

and delivered him from all his afflictions, and gave him favor and wisdom in the sight of Pharoah, king of Egypt: and he made him governor over Egypt, and his whole house.

who found favor before God, and desired to find a dwelling-place for the God of Jacob.

But, after two years, Felix received Portius Festus as his successor; and Felix, wishing to confer a favor on the Jews, left Paul bound.

and, asking a favor against him, besought him that he would send and have him brought to Jerusalem, laying a plot to kill him on the road.

But Festus, willing to confer a favor on the Jews, answered Paul, and said: Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem, and there be judged before me concerning these things?

And it happened that the father of Publius was lying sick with fever and dysentery. And Paul went in to him, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and restored him to health.

But the favor bestowed is not, in all respects, like the offense: for if, by the offense of one, the many have died, much more have the grace of God and the gift which is by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ, been made abundant for the many.

And the gift is not like the sentence that came through one who sinned: for the sentence to condemnation was because of one offense; but the favor bestowed in order to justification, is because of many offenses.

And when I come, whatever per sons you approve, I will send with letters to carry your favor to Jerusalem.