Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

He called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

The apostles performed many wonders among the people. They were all with one accord in Solomon's porch. None of the rest dared to associate with them, but the people held them in high esteem. More believers were added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women. read more.
They brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and cots in order that the shadow might fall on them when Peter passed by. Crowds came from the cities near Jerusalem. They brought sick people and people with unclean spirits and everyone of them was healed.

He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and anklebones received strength.

Peter said to him: Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you whole! Stand up and take your bed. And he stood up immediately.

said with a loud voice: Stand up on your feet! And he leaped up and walked.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

His father was sick in bed. He suffered from fever and dysentery. Paul went to him, prayed, placed his hands on him, and made him well.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him.

He told them to go. And they came out, and went into the swine. The entire herd rushed down the hill into the sea, where they perished in the waters.

Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases. He cast out many demons. Knowing them he would not permit the demons to speak.

Traveling with him were the women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. This included Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him.

He told them to go. And they came out, and went into the swine. The entire herd rushed down the hill into the sea, where they perished in the waters.

Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases. He cast out many demons. Knowing them he would not permit the demons to speak.

Traveling with him were the women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. This included Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out.

He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and anklebones received strength.

Peter said to him: Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you whole! Stand up and take your bed. And he stood up immediately.

said with a loud voice: Stand up on your feet! And he leaped up and walked.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

His father was sick in bed. He suffered from fever and dysentery. Paul went to him, prayed, placed his hands on him, and made him well.

He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and anklebones received strength.

Peter said to him: Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you whole! Stand up and take your bed. And he stood up immediately.

said with a loud voice: Stand up on your feet! And he leaped up and walked.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

His father was sick in bed. He suffered from fever and dysentery. Paul went to him, prayed, placed his hands on him, and made him well.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him.

He told them to go. And they came out, and went into the swine. The entire herd rushed down the hill into the sea, where they perished in the waters.

Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases. He cast out many demons. Knowing them he would not permit the demons to speak.

Traveling with him were the women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. This included Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him.

He told them to go. And they came out, and went into the swine. The entire herd rushed down the hill into the sea, where they perished in the waters.

Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases. He cast out many demons. Knowing them he would not permit the demons to speak.

Traveling with him were the women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. This included Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out.

He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and anklebones received strength.

Peter said to him: Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you whole! Stand up and take your bed. And he stood up immediately.

said with a loud voice: Stand up on your feet! And he leaped up and walked.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

His father was sick in bed. He suffered from fever and dysentery. Paul went to him, prayed, placed his hands on him, and made him well.

He summoned the twelve and sent them forth in pairs. They were given authority over the unclean spirits. They were instructed to take nothing for their journey, with the exception of a walking staff. They were to take no bread, no wallet, no money in their purse and no extra sandals or coat. read more.
He said: When someone invites you to enter into a house, stay there until you leave. When someone will not listen to you leave that house and shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony to the householder. They went out to preach that men should repent. They cast out many demons. They anointed the sick with oil and healed them.

Afterward he was revealed to the eleven as they sat at the table. He rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen him after he had risen. He said to them, Go into the entire world, and preach the good news to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved. He who does not believe will be condemned. read more.
These signs will accompany those who believe. They will cast out demons in my name. They will speak with new languages. They will pick up and handle serpents. Deadly drink will not hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. After he had spoken to them the Lord Jesus, was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. not in some older manuscripts) After he had risen early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene. She was the one who had the seven demons that he cast out. They went out and preached everywhere. The Lord worked with them and confirmed the word by the signs that followed. Amen.

He called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He said, Take nothing for your journey. Do not take a staff or food or money. Do not even take two coats. read more.
Stay at the house you enter until you depart. If someone does not receive you, when you leave the city, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony against that person. They departed and went throughout the villages preaching the good news, and healing everywhere.

A man with crippled feet sat in Lystra. He had never walked for he was lame from birth. He heard Paul speaking. Paul looked intently at him, and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice: Stand up on your feet! And he leaped up and walked.

The Lord appointed seventy disciples and sent them in groups of two into every city and place where he was about to go. He said to them: The harvest indeed is great but the laborers are few. Pray that the Master (Controller) (Lord) of the harvest will send laborers into his harvest. Go your way for I send you as lambs in the midst of wolves. read more.
Carry no purse, no wallet, and no shoes; and greet no man on the way. When you enter a house say; may this house have peace. If a son of peace lives there, your peace shall rest upon him. If not, it shall return to you again. Remain in that house eating and drinking what they give you. The laborer is worthy of his hire. Do not stay in different houses. When they receive you in their city eat what ever they set before you. Heal the sick that are there and say to them, the kingdom of God is near you.

Peter and John went up to the temple at the hour of prayer. It was the ninth hour. A man who had been crippled from birth was carried to the gate of the temple called Beautiful. There he begged for handouts from those who entered the temple. Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple he begged from them. read more.
Peter and John looked at him and said: Look at us. He looked at them expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said: We have no money but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and anklebones received strength. He leaped up, stood and walked. He entered the temple with them walking, and leaping, and praising God. All the people saw him walking and praising God. They knew he was the one who begged at the Beautiful gate of the temple. They were filled with wonder and amazement because of what happened to him. The beggar held on to Peter and John while all the people came to them at the place called Solomon's Colonnade. When Peter saw this he spoke to the people: You men of Israel, why are you amazed at this? Why do you look at us as though our own power or holiness made this man walk?

They brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and cots in order that the shadow might fall on them when Peter passed by. Crowds came from the cities near Jerusalem. They brought sick people and people with unclean spirits and everyone of them was healed.

He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and anklebones received strength.

Peter said to him: Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you whole! Stand up and take your bed. And he stood up immediately.

said with a loud voice: Stand up on your feet! And he leaped up and walked.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

His father was sick in bed. He suffered from fever and dysentery. Paul went to him, prayed, placed his hands on him, and made him well.

They brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and cots in order that the shadow might fall on them when Peter passed by. Crowds came from the cities near Jerusalem. They brought sick people and people with unclean spirits and everyone of them was healed.

They brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and cots in order that the shadow might fall on them when Peter passed by. Crowds came from the cities near Jerusalem. They brought sick people and people with unclean spirits and everyone of them was healed.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him.

He told them to go. And they came out, and went into the swine. The entire herd rushed down the hill into the sea, where they perished in the waters.

Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases. He cast out many demons. Knowing them he would not permit the demons to speak.

Traveling with him were the women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. This included Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out.

He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and anklebones received strength.

Peter said to him: Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you whole! Stand up and take your bed. And he stood up immediately.

said with a loud voice: Stand up on your feet! And he leaped up and walked.

She did this for many days. This troubled Paul. So he turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! And it came out that very hour.

Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched his body were put on the sick and the evil spirits went away.

His father was sick in bed. He suffered from fever and dysentery. Paul went to him, prayed, placed his hands on him, and made him well.