Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Who of you having a servant, that plows, or feeds your cattle, will immediately upon his coming from field, say to him, come and sit at table? Verse ConceptsPloughingSittingReclining To EatPloughmenStock Keepingservanthood

or is it said, no doubt, for our sakes? for our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he who plows should plow in hope; and that he who thresheth should expect the advantage. Verse ConceptsAgriculture, Qualities NeededHope, Nature OfPloughingCultivationPloughmenOther Scriptures FulfilledSharing Material ThingsFor The Sake Of God's People

that we should be delivered from the power of our enemies, and serve him with security, Verse ConceptsFearRescueBeing DevoutGod Saving From EnemiesFreed From FearOvercoming Enemies

for she said within her self, if I do but touch his garment, I shall be cured: Verse ConceptsCertaintyTouching For HealingJesus HealingFaith And Healing

At another time, as they were walking in the road, a man said to him, I will be your follower, wherever you go. Jesus answered him, foxes have their kennels, and birds of the air their nests, but the son of man hath not where to lay his head. Then he said to another, follow me: but he replied, Lord, let me stay first, till I bury my father. read more.
Jesus said to him, let the dead bury their dead; but do you go and preach the kingdom of God. another likewise said, I will be your follower; but let me first go home, and settle the affairs of my family. Jesus answered him, whoever puts his hand to the plough, and looks back, is not fit to be employ'd in the kingdom of God.

their eyes are inflam'd with adultery, and unextinguishable vice: they insnare the souls of the inconstant. their minds are practis'd in the arts of avarice: an execrable race, who have deserted the right way, Verse ConceptsAdultery, Examples OfEyes, Figurative UseDepravity Of ManInstabilityManipulationSelf IndulgenceSexual ChastityCovetousness, Nature ofContinual SinFicklenessEvil EyesFruitless LearningEnticingThose Who Committed AdulteryCovetousnessGreedInfidelityadultry

a husbandman went out to sow his corn: and as he was sowing, some fell upon the beaten road, which was crush'd under foot, or devoured by the birds. some fell upon very stony ground, which no sooner sprung up, but it wither'd away, for want of moisture: some fell among thorns; but the thorns over-grew it, and starv'd it. read more.
but some of the corn fell into good soil, and grew up, yielding a hundred grains for one. then raising his voice he concluded with these words, he that hath ears to hear, let him hear. But his disciples having ask'd him the meaning of this parable; he answered, the secret circumstances of the divine dispensation may be clearly revealed to you, but to others only in parables, so that they don't observe what they see, nor comprehend what they hear. now the meaning of the parable is this: the seed sown signifies the word of God. by the beaten road is meant, they who only hear: the word, by the lurking wiles of the devil, being hinder'd from taking root in their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. by the stony ground is understood such persons as receive indeed the doctrines they hear, with joy: but for want of resolution, believe only occasionally, and desert when the trial comes. the ground over-run with thorns denotes such as have embraced the doctrine, but are so immerst in the business, enjoyments, and pleasures of life, as not to improve it to any real advantage. but by the good ground is meant such persons as have received the doctrine with simplicity and sincerity, abide by it, and practise it with perseverance.

when a certain scribe came to him, and said, Master, I will follow you where-ever you go. Jesus replyed, the foxes have kennels, and the birds of the air have nests; but the son of man hath not where to lay his head. another of his disciples said to him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. read more.
but Jesus said to him, follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.

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when any one heareth the doctrine of the gospel, and considers it not, then comes the wicked one, and catches away what was sown in his heart: he is the person meant by the high-way, where some of the seed was sown: but the stony ground, where other seed fell, denotes the man that heareth the word, and at first receives it with pleasure: but having no root in him he has only an occasional faith: for as soon as any oppression or persecution arises upon account of the gospel, he presently relapses. read more.
he that is meant by the thorny ground, where other seed fell, is one that heareth the word: which by cares of this life, and the deceitful love of riches, is soon stifled, and becomes unfruitful:

they who receiv'd seed by the wayside, are those in whom the word is sown, who no sooner have heard it, but satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts. in like manner, they who receive seed on stony-ground, are such as upon hearing the word, do immediately receive it with joy. but having no root at the bottom, they are only occasional professors, for if they meet with any trouble or persecution upon account of the word, immediately they revolt. read more.
as for those, who receive seed as among thorns: they are such as hear the word. but the cares of this life, the deceitful love of riches, and a crowd of different passions, stifle the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

Then he said to another, follow me: but he replied, Lord, let me stay first, till I bury my father. Jesus said to him, let the dead bury their dead; but do you go and preach the kingdom of God. another likewise said, I will be your follower; but let me first go home, and settle the affairs of my family. read more.
Jesus answered him, whoever puts his hand to the plough, and looks back, is not fit to be employ'd in the kingdom of God.

but let him be fully persuaded of the lawfulness of what he asks: for he that is diffident about that, is like the waves that fluctuate with the wind. such a man must not expect any answer from the Lord. a diffident man is inconstant in all his actions.

moreover I declare unto you, whoever shall acknowledge me before men, him shall the son of man also own before the angels of God. Verse ConceptsHeaven,  Redeemed CommunityConfession Of ChristConfessing ChristAcknowledging ChristAngels Interacting With PeopleWitness Before MenAcknowledging GodconfessingUnbelief Toward Christ

a servant cannot serve two masters: for either he will neglect the one, and attend the other; or he will be attached to the first, and misbehave to the last. you cannot serve God and mammon. Verse Conceptsdoubt, results ofGospel, Responses ToIndecisionLoyaltyMoney, Attitudes ToRiches, Dangers OfServanthood, In Life Of BelieversServants, BadSlavery, SpiritualTreasuredouble mindednessUnquestioning ServiceServing PeopleDespising PeopleTwo PeopleNot Serving GodServing God

Then he said to another, follow me: but he replied, Lord, let me stay first, till I bury my father. Jesus said to him, let the dead bury their dead; but do you go and preach the kingdom of God. another likewise said, I will be your follower; but let me first go home, and settle the affairs of my family. read more.
Jesus answered him, whoever puts his hand to the plough, and looks back, is not fit to be employ'd in the kingdom of God.

another of his disciples said to him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. but Jesus said to him, follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.

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"He that is not for me, is against me: and he that is not active for me, is a Deserter." Verse ConceptsGospel, Responses ToNot MeChrist With People In SpiritNo Helpgathering

He that does not join with me, is against me: and he that is not active for me, is a deserter. Verse ConceptsGospel, Responses ToCooperationDissensiongathering

remember Lot's wife. Verse ConceptsHesitationWifeluck

continue therefore to follow the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, as you have receiv'd it: being firmly attach'd to, and founded upon him: establishing yourselves in the faith you have been taught, and being thankful for the improvement you make therein.

As for you the minister of God, avoid those things: adhere to justice, piety, faith, charity, patience, and benignity of temper. exert yourself in the glorious cause of faith, and secure the prize of eternal life, to which you were called, when you made that excellent profession of faith before so many witnesses. I enjoin you, before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who made a glorious confession before Pontius Pilate; read more.
to observe these precepts, to lead an unspotted life without reproof until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Now the time of his assumption drawing nigh, he was fix'd in his resolution to go to Jerusalem: and he sent messengers before, who went to a town of the Samaritans, to prepare a lodging for him. but they would not entertain him, because he appear'd to them, as if he was going to Jerusalem. read more.
his disciples James and John observing this, said, Lord, shall we command fire to descend from heaven, as Elias did, in order to consume them? but Jesus turn'd, and rebuked them, saying, you don't know by what spirit you are moved. for the son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. and they went to another village. At another time, as they were walking in the road, a man said to him, I will be your follower, wherever you go. Jesus answered him, foxes have their kennels, and birds of the air their nests, but the son of man hath not where to lay his head. Then he said to another, follow me: but he replied, Lord, let me stay first, till I bury my father. Jesus said to him, let the dead bury their dead; but do you go and preach the kingdom of God. another likewise said, I will be your follower; but let me first go home, and settle the affairs of my family. Jesus answered him, whoever puts his hand to the plough, and looks back, is not fit to be employ'd in the kingdom of God.

Jews feast of the tabernacles drawing nigh, his relations said to him, retire hence, and go into Judea, that your disciples there may also see the works that you do. for no body acts in private, that designs to distinguish himself: since you do such things, shew yourself to the world. read more.
for even his brethren did not believe in him. but Jesus said to them, my time is not yet come: but any time is equally proper for you. the world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I plainly show, that their works are evil. do you go up to this feast, as for me I do not go with you to it, because my time is not yet accomplished. thus he delivered his mind, and stay'd himself in Galilee. but when his brethren were gone, he went likewise to the feast, not openly, but in secret. during the feast the Jews were in search of him, and said, where can he be?

Then he said to another, follow me: but he replied, Lord, let me stay first, till I bury my father. Jesus said to him, let the dead bury their dead; but do you go and preach the kingdom of God. another likewise said, I will be your follower; but let me first go home, and settle the affairs of my family. read more.
Jesus answered him, whoever puts his hand to the plough, and looks back, is not fit to be employ'd in the kingdom of God.

Then he said to another, follow me: but he replied, Lord, let me stay first, till I bury my father. Jesus said to him, let the dead bury their dead; but do you go and preach the kingdom of God. another likewise said, I will be your follower; but let me first go home, and settle the affairs of my family. read more.
Jesus answered him, whoever puts his hand to the plough, and looks back, is not fit to be employ'd in the kingdom of God.