46 Bible Verses about Self Righteousness, And The Gospel

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Job 9:2

Of a truth I know it is so; but how can man be just with God?

1 Samuel 6:20

And the men of Beth-shemesh said, Who is able to stand before Jehovah, this holy God? and to whom shall he go up from us?

Job 4:17

Shall mortal man be more just than +God? Shall a man be purer than his Maker?

Job 15:14

What is man, that he should be pure? and he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?

Job 32:2

Then was kindled the anger of Elihu the son of Barachel, the Buzite, of the family of Ram: against Job was his anger kindled, because he justified himself rather than God;

Job 40:8

Wilt thou also annul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be righteous?

Psalm 130:3

If thou, Jah, shouldest mark iniquities, Lord, who shall stand?

Romans 9:31

But Israel, pursuing after a law of righteousness, has not attained to that law.

Galatians 2:16

but knowing that a man is not justified on the principle of works of law nor but by the faith of Jesus Christ, we also have believed on Christ Jesus, that we might be justified on the principle of the faith of Christ; and not of works of law; because on the principle of works of law no flesh shall be justified.

Ephesians 2:8-9

For ye are saved by grace, through faith; and this not of yourselves; it is God's gift: not on the principle of works, that no one might boast.

2 Chronicles 6:36

If they have sinned against thee (for there is no man that sinneth not), and thou be angry with them, and give them up to the enemy, and they have carried them away captives unto a land far off or near;

Ezra 9:15

Jehovah, God of Israel, thou art righteous; for we are a remnant that is escaped, as it is this day. Behold, we are before thee in our trespasses; for there is no standing before thee because of this.

Daniel 9:7

Thine, O Lord, is the righteousness, but unto us confusion of face, as at this day, to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, in all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their unfaithfulness in which they have been unfaithful against thee.

Psalm 75:2-4

When I shall receive the assembly, I will judge with equity. The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved: I have established its pillars. Selah. I said unto the boastful, Boast not; and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn:

Romans 10:3

For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.

Psalm 98:2

Jehovah hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the nations.

Isaiah 46:13

I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not delay; and I will give salvation in Zion, and unto Israel my glory.

Isaiah 51:5

My righteousness is near, my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the peoples: the isles shall wait for me, and in mine arm shall they trust.

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Thus saith Jehovah: Let not the wise glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty glory in his might; let not the rich glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am Jehovah, who exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith Jehovah.

Luke 18:13-14

And the tax-gatherer, standing afar off, would not lift up even his eyes to heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, O God, have compassion on me, the sinner. I say unto you, This man went down to his house justified rather than that other. For every one who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.

Romans 3:27

Where then is boasting? It has been excluded. By what law? of works? Nay, but by law of faith;

2 Corinthians 11:30

If it is needful to boast, I will boast in the things which concern my infirmity.

Galatians 6:13-14

For neither do they that are circumcised themselves keep the law; but they wish you to be circumcised, that they may boast in your flesh. But far be it from me to boast save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.

Ephesians 2:9

not on the principle of works, that no one might boast.

Philippians 3:7-9

but what things were gain to me these I counted, on account of Christ, loss. But surely I count also all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, on account of whom I have suffered the loss of all, and count them to be filth, that I may gain Christ; and that I may be found in him, not having my righteousness, which would be on the principle of law, but that which is by faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God through faith,

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