31 Bible Verses about discipleship, cost of
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Then, Jesus said unto his disciples - If any one intendeth, after me, to come, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and be following me;
And, calling near the multitude with his disciples, he said unto them - If anyone willeth, after me, to come, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and be following me.
And he was saying, unto all - If any one intendeth after me to come, Let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, - and be following me.
And, he that doth not take his cross and follow after me, is not, worthy, of me.
And a certain scribe, coming near, said unto him, - Teacher; I will follow thee, whithersoever Thou goest. And Jesus saith unto him: The foxes, have, dens, and, the birds of the heavens, nests, - but, the Son of Man, hath not where, his head he may recline.
Whoever beareth not his own cross, and cometh after me, cannot be my disciple.
And, as they were journeying on the road, one said unto him - I will follow thee, whithersoever thou shalt depart. And Jesus said unto him - the foxes, have, dens, and, the birds of heaven, nests; but, the Son of Man, hath not where, his head, he may recline.
And he said unto another - Be following me! But, he, said - Suffer me, first, to depart, and bury my father. And he said unto him - Leave, the dead, to bury their own dead; but, thou, departing, be declaring the kingdom of God.
Having judged this, - that, one, in behalf of all, died, hence, they all, died; and, in behalf of all, died he, - in order that, they who live, no longer for themselves, should live, but for him who, in their behalf, died and rose again.
And, another of the disciples, saith unto him, - Lord! suffer me, first, to depart, and bury my father. But, Jesus, saith unto him, - Be following me, and leave, the dead, to bury, their own dead.
With Christ, have I been crucified; and, living no longer, am, I, but, living in me, is, Christ, - while, so far as I now do live in flesh, by faith, I live - The faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself up in my behalf.
And lo! one coming near unto him, said, Teacher! what good thing shall I do, that I may have life age-abiding? And, he, said unto him - Why dost thou question me concerning that which is good? There is, One, that is good! But, if thou desirest, into life, to enter, be keeping the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus, said - These: Thou shalt not commit murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, - Thou shalt not bear false witness;read more.
Honour thy father and thy mother, - and - Thou shalt love thy neighbour as, thyself. The young man saith unto him - These all, have I kept, - What, further, do I lack? Jesus said unto him - If thou desirest to be perfect, Withdraw! sell thy substance, and give to the destitute, - and thou shalt have treasure in the heavens; and come! be following me.
To the end that, no longer, in men's covetings, but in God's will, ye may live, the still remaining time.
And, as he was going forth into a road, one, running, and kneeling before him, was questioning him - Good Teacher! what shall I do that, life age - abiding, I may inherit? And, Jesus, said unto him - Why callest thou me, good? None, is good, save one - God. The commandments, thou knowest, - Do not commit murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal; Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.read more.
And, he, said unto him - Teacher! all these things, have I kept, from my youth. And, Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said unto him - One thing, unto thee, is wanting; - Withdraw! whatsoever thou hast, sell, and give unto thedestitute, - and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come! be following me.
For, who from among you, wishing to build a tower, doth not first sit down and count the cost, - whether he hath sufficient for completion; lest once, he having laid a foundation, and not being able to finish, all who are looking on, should begin to mock at him, saying - This man, began to build, and was not able to finish!read more.
Or, what king, moving on to encounter, another king, in battle, will not sit down first and take counsel, whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him who, with twenty thousand, is coming against him. And, if not, by any means, while he is yet afar off, he sendeth, an embassy, and requesteth the conditions of peace.
And a certain, ruler, questioned him, saying - Good Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit life age-abiding? But Jesus said to him - Why, callest thou me, good? None, is good, save one - God. The commandments, thou knowest: - Do not commit adultery, Do not commit murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, - Honour thy father and mother,read more.
And, he, said - All these things, have I kept from my youth. And Jesus, hearing, said unto him - Yet one thing, unto thee, is lacking: Whatsoever thou hast, sell, and distribute unto the destitute, - and thou shalt have treasure in theheavens; and come! be following me.
And, he, is the head of the body, the assembly, Who is the beginning, Firstborn from among the dead, in order that, he, might become, in all things, himself, pre-eminent; -
Thus, therefore, everyone from amongst you, who doth not bid adieu unto all his own possessions, cannot be my disciple.

But, whatever things, unto me, were gain, the same, have I accounted, for the Christ's sake, loss; Yea, doubtless! and I account all things to be, loss, because of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for the sake of whom, the loss, of all things, have I suffered, and do account them refuse, in order that, Christ, I may win,
And, yet another, said - I will follow thee, Lord; But, first, suffer me to bid adieu to them that are in my house. But Jesus said unto him - No one, laying the hand on a plough and looking unto the things behind, is, fit, for the kingdom of God.
He that loveth father or mother above me, is not, worthy, of me, - and, he that loveth son or daughter above me, is not, worthy, of me;
If anyone cometh unto me, and hateth not his own father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, further also, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
Remember the word which, I, spake unto you: A servant is not greater than his lord. If, me, they persecuted, you too, will they persecute, - If, my word, they kept, your own also, will they keep.
confirming the souls of the disciples, beseeching them to abide in the faith, and declaring that, through many tribulations, must we enter into the kingdom of God.
Yea and, all who are determined to live in a godly manner in Christ Jesus, will be persecuted;
And, he that doth not take his cross and follow after me, is not, worthy, of me. He that hath found his life, shall lose it, - and, he that hath lost his life, for my sake, shall find it.
Then, Jesus said unto his disciples - If any one intendeth, after me, to come, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and be following me; For, whosoever intendeth, his life, to save, shall lose it, - but, whosoever shall lose his life, for my sake, shall find it.
And, calling near the multitude with his disciples, he said unto them - If anyone willeth, after me, to come, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and be following me. For, whosoever willeth, his own life, to save, shall lose it, but, whosoever shall lose his life for the sake of me and of the glad-message, shall save it;
And he was saying, unto all - If any one intendeth after me to come, Let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, - and be following me. For, whosoever intendeth, his life, to save, shall lose it; but, whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, the same, shall save it?
He that loveth his life, loseth it; but, he that hateth his life, in this world, unto life age-abiding, shall guard it.
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