712 occurrences

'Two' in the Bible

And God maketh the two great luminaries, the great luminary for the rule of the day, and the small luminary -- and the stars -- for the rule of the night;

And Lamech taketh to himself two wives, the name of the one Adah, and the name of the second Zillah.

And Jared liveth an hundred and sixty and two years, and begetteth Enoch.

And all the days of Jared are nine hundred and sixty and two years, and he dieth.

And Methuselah liveth after his begetting Lamech seven hundred and eighty and two years, and begetteth sons and daughters.

And Lamech liveth an hundred and eighty and two years, and begetteth a son,

and of all that liveth, of all flesh, two of every sort thou dost bring in unto the ark, to keep alive with thee; male and female are they.

Of the fowl after its kind, and of the cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every sort they come in unto thee, to keep alive.

of all the clean beasts thou dost take to thee seven pairs, a male and its female; and of the beasts which are not clean two, a male and its female;

two by two they have come in unto Noah, unto the ark, a male and a female, as God hath commanded Noah.

And they come in unto Noah, unto the ark, two by two of all the flesh in which is a living spirit;

And to Eber have two sons been born; the name of the one is Peleg (for in his days hath the earth been divided,) and his brother's name is Joktan.

These are births of Shem: Shem is a son of an hundred years, and begetteth Arphaxad two years after the deluge.

And Peleg liveth after his begetting Reu two hundred and nine years, and begetteth sons and daughters.

And Reu liveth two and thirty years, and begetteth Serug.

And Reu liveth after his begetting Serug two hundred and seven years, and begetteth sons and daughters.

And Serug liveth after his begetting Nahor two hundred years, and begetteth sons and daughters.

And the days of Terah are two hundred and five years, and Terah dieth in Charan.

And two of the messengers come towards Sodom at even, and Lot is sitting at the gate of Sodom, and Lot seeth, and riseth to meet them, and boweth himself -- face to the earth,

lo, I pray you, I have two daughters, who have not known any one; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do to them as is good in your eyes; only to these men do not anything, for therefore have they come in within the shadow of my roof.'

And when the dawn hath ascended, then the messengers press upon Lot, saying, 'Rise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters who are found present, lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.'

And he lingereth, and the men lay hold on his hand, and on the hand of his wife, and on the hand of his two daughters, through the mercy of Jehovah unto him, and they bring him out, and cause him to rest without the city.

And Lot goeth up out of Zoar, and dwelleth in the mountain, and his two daughters with him, for he hath been afraid of dwelling in Zoar, and he dwelleth in a cave, he and his two daughters.

And Abraham riseth early in the morning, and saddleth his ass, and taketh two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and he cleaveth the wood of the burnt-offering, and riseth and goeth unto the place of which God hath spoken to him.

And it cometh to pass when the camels have finished drinking, that the man taketh a golden ring (whose weight is a bekah), and two bracelets for her hands (whose weight is ten bekahs of gold),

And Jehovah saith to her, 'Two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples from thy bowels are parted; and the one people than the other people is stronger; and the elder doth serve the younger.'

Go, I pray thee, unto the flock, and take for me from thence two good kids of the goats, and I make them tasteful things for thy father, such as he hath loved;

And he saith, 'Is it because one called his name Jacob that he doth take me by the heel these two times? my birthright he hath taken; and lo, now, he hath taken my blessing;' he saith also, 'Hast thou not kept back a blessing for me?'

And Laban hath two daughters, the name of the elder is Leah, and the name of the younger Rachel,

And Laban goeth into the tent of Jacob, and into the tent of Leah, and into the tent of the two handmaidens, and hath not found; and he goeth out from the tent of Leah, and goeth into the tent of Rachel.

This is to me twenty years in thy house: I have served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy flock; and thou changest my hire ten times;

and Jacob saith, when he hath seen them, 'This is the camp of God;' and he calleth the name of that place 'Two Camps.'

and Jacob feareth exceedingly, and is distressed, and he divideth the people who are with him, and the flock, and the herd, and the camels, into two camps,

I have been unworthy of all the kind acts, and of all the truth which Thou hast done with thy servant -- for, with my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I have become two camps.

she-goats two hundred, and he-goats twenty, ewes two hundred, and rams twenty,

And he riseth in that night, and taketh his two wives, and his two maid-servants, and his eleven children, and passeth over the passage of Jabbok;

And Jacob lifteth up his eyes, and looketh, and lo, Esau is coming, and with him four hundred men; and he divideth the children unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two maid-servants;

And it cometh to pass, on the third day, in their being pained, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, take each his sword, and come in against the city confidently, and slay every male;

and Pharaoh is wroth against his two eunuchs, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers,

And it cometh to pass, at the end of two years of days that Pharaoh is dreaming, and lo, he is standing by the River,

And to Joseph were born two sons before the year of famine cometh, whom Asenath daughter of Poti-Pherah, priest of On, hath borne to him,

And Reuben speaketh unto his father, saying, 'My two sons thou dost put to death, if I bring him not in unto thee; give him into my hand, and I -- I bring him back unto thee;'

for if we had not lingered, surely now we had returned these two times.'

And thy servant my father saith unto us, Ye -- ye have known that two did my wife bare to me,

Because these two years the famine is in the heart of the land, and yet are five years, in which there is neither ploughing nor harvest;

And the sons of Joseph who have been born to him in Egypt are two persons. All the persons of the house of Jacob who are coming into Egypt are seventy.

And it cometh to pass, after these things, that one saith to Joseph, 'Lo, thy father is sick;' and he taketh his two sons with him, Manasseh and Ephraim.

And now, thy two sons, who are born to thee in the land of Egypt, before my coming unto thee to Egypt, mine they are; Ephraim and Manasseh, as Reuben and Simeon they are mine;

And he goeth out on the second day, and lo, two men, Hebrews, striving! and he saith to the wrong-doer, 'Why dost thou smite thy neighbour?'

And it hath come to pass, if they do not give credence even to these two signs, nor hearken to thy voice, that thou hast taken of the waters of the River, and hast poured on the dry land, and the waters which thou takest from the River have been, yea, they have become -- blood on the dry land.'

and they have taken of the blood, and have put on the two side-posts, and on the lintel over the houses in which they eat it.

and ye have taken a bunch of hyssop, and have dipped it in the blood which is in the basin, and have struck it on the lintel, and on the two side-posts, from the blood which is in the basin, and ye, ye go not out each from the opening of his house till morning.

'And Jehovah hath passed on to smite the Egyptians, and hath seen the blood on the lintel, and on the two side-posts, and Jehovah hath passed over the opening, and doth not permit the destruction to come into your houses to smite.

And it cometh to pass on the sixth day, they have gathered a second bread, two omers for one, and all the princes of the company come in, and declare to Moses.

see, because Jehovah hath given to you the sabbath, therefore He is giving to you on the sixth day bread of two days; abide ye each in his place, no one doth go out from his place on the seventh day.'

and her two sons, of whom the name of the one is Gershom, for he said, 'a sojourner I have been in a strange land:'

and he saith unto Moses, 'I, thy father-in-law, Jethro, am coming unto thee, and thy wife, and her two sons with her.'

only if he remain a day, or two days, he is not avenged, for he is his money.

'And they have made an ark of shittim wood; two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height;

And thou hast cast for it four rings of gold, and hast put them on its four feet, even two rings on its one side, and two rings on its second side;

'And thou hast made a mercy-seat of pure gold, two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth;

and thou hast made two cherubs of gold, beaten work dost thou make them, at the two ends of the mercy-seat;

and make thou one cherub at the end on this side, and one cherub at the end on that; at the mercy-seat ye do make the cherubs on its two ends.

and I have met with thee there, and have spoken with thee from off the mercy-seat (from between the two cherubs, which are on the ark of the testimony) all that which I command thee concerning the sons of Israel.

'And thou hast made a table of shittim wood, two cubits its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height,

and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, are to the six branches which are coming out of the candlestick;

two handles are to the one board, joined one unto another; so thou dost make for all the boards of the tabernacle;

and forty sockets of silver thou dost make under the twenty boards, two sockets under the one board for its two handles, and two sockets under the other board for its two handles.

and their forty sockets of silver, two sockets under the one board, and two sockets under another board.

And two boards thou dost make for the corners of the tabernacle in the two sides.

And they are pairs beneath, and together they are pairs above its head unto the one ring; so is it for them both, they are for the two corners.

And they have been eight boards, and their sockets of silver are sixteen sockets, two sockets under the one board, and two sockets under another board.

and five bars for the boards of the second side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle at the two sides, westward;

And the staves have been brought into the rings, and the staves have been on the two sides of the altar in bearing it.

it hath two shoulders joining at its two ends, and it is joined.

'And thou hast taken the two shoham stones, and hast opened on them the names of the sons of Israel;

the work of an engraver in stone, openings of a signet, thou dost open the two stones by the names of the sons of Israel; turned round, embroidered with gold, thou dost make them.

And thou hast set the two stones on the shoulders of the ephod -- stones of memorial to the sons of Israel -- and Aaron hath borne their names before Jehovah, on his two shoulders, for a memorial.

and two chains of pure gold, wreathed work thou dost make them, work of thick bands, and thou hast put the thick chains on the embroidered things.

and thou hast made on the breastplate two rings of gold, and hast put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate;

and thou hast put the two thick bands of gold on the two rings at the ends of the breastplate;

and the two ends of the two thick bands thou dost put on the two embroidered things, and thou hast put them on the shoulders of the ephod over-against its face.

And thou hast made two rings of gold, and hast set them on the two ends of the breastplate, on its border, which is over-against the ephod within;

and thou hast made two rings of gold, and hast put them on the two shoulders of the ephod, beneath, over-against its front, over-against its joining, above the girdle of the ephod,

and thou hast put them on one basket, and hast brought them near in the basket, also the bullock and the two rams.

and thou hast taken all the fat which is covering the inwards, and the redundance on the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat which is on them, and hast made perfume on the altar;

And thou hast taken from the ram the fat, and the fat tail, and the fat which is covering the inwards, and the redundance on the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat which is on them, and the right leg, for it is a ram of consecration,

And this is that which thou dost prepare on the altar; two lambs, sons of a year, daily continually;

a cubit its length, and a cubit its breadth, (it is square), and two cubits its height; its horns are of the same.

and two rings of gold thou dost make to it under its crown; on its two ribs thou dost make them, on its two sides, and they have become places for staves, to bear it with them.

And thou, take to thyself principal spices, wild honey five hundred shekels; and spice-cinnamon, the half of that, two hundred and fifty; and spice-cane two hundred and fifty;

And Moses turneth, and goeth down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony are in his hand, tables written on both their sides, on this and on that are they written;

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Hew for thyself two tables of stone like the first, and I have written on the tables the words which were on the first tables which thou hast broken;

And he heweth two tables of stone like the first, and Moses riseth early in the morning, and goeth up unto mount Sinai, as Jehovah commanded him, and he taketh in his hand two tables of stone.

And it cometh to pass, when Moses is coming down from mount Sinai (and the two tables of the testimony are in the hand of Moses in his coming down from the mount), that Moses hath not known that the skin of his face hath shone in His speaking with him,

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
two , twain , both , two and two
Usage: 92

by , apiece , every man , each , several , two and two , among , through , between , by , in
Usage: 10

Usage: 2

Usage: 15

Usage: 0

שׁתּים שׁנים 
Usage: 767

תּרתּין תּרין 
T@reyn (Aramaic) 
twelve . , two , second
Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 8

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

twoedged , with two edges
Usage: 2

Usage: 1