'Welcomed' in the Bible
Then her husband got up and went after her to speak kindly to her and bring her back. He had his servant with him and a pair of donkeys. So she brought him to her father’s house, and when the girl’s father saw him, he gladly welcomed him.
Hezekiah welcomed them and showed them his whole storehouse, with its silver, gold, spices, and high quality olive oil, as well as his armory and everything in his treasuries. Hezekiah showed them everything in his palace and in his whole kingdom.
Hezekiah welcomed them and showed them his storehouse with its silver, gold, spices, and high-quality olive oil, as well as his whole armory and everything in his treasuries. Hezekiah showed them everything in his palace and in his whole kingdom.
because I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.
And when did we see You as a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?
"I tell you in solemn truth," He added, "that no Prophet is welcomed among his own people.
When Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed Him, for they were all expecting Him.
When the crowds found out, they followed Him. He welcomed them, spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and cured those who needed healing.
While they were traveling, He entered a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home.
And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by how you use worldly wealth, so that when it runs out you will be welcomed into the eternal homes.
So he quickly came down and welcomed Him joyfully.
When they entered Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him because they had seen everything He did in Jerusalem during the festival. For they also had gone to the festival.
So those who welcomed his message were baptized. That day about 3,000 people were added to their number.
When the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had welcomed God’s message, they sent Peter and John to them.
So Peter welcomed them as his guests. The next day, he got up and went with them, and some of the brothers from Joppa went along with him.
but in every nation the person who fears him and does what is right is welcomed before him.
The apostles and the brothers who were throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles had welcomed God’s message also.
When they arrived at Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church, the apostles, and the elders, and they reported all that God had done with them.
and Jason has welcomed them as his guests. All of them oppose the emperor's decrees by saying that there is another king Jesus!"
The people here were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, since they welcomed the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
When we reached Jerusalem, the brothers welcomed us gladly.
The local inhabitants showed us extraordinary kindness, for they built a fire and welcomed us all because it had started to rain and was cold.
Now in the area around that place was an estate belonging to the leading man of the island, named Publius, who welcomed us and entertained us hospitably for three days.
Then he stayed two whole years in his own rented house. And he welcomed all who visited him,
The one who eats [everything] is not to look down on the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat must not criticize or pass judgment on the one who eats [everything], for God has accepted him.
Therefore, [continue to] accept and welcome one another, just as Christ has accepted and welcomed us to the glory of [our great] God.
Now brothers and sisters, let me remind you [once again] of the good news [of salvation] which I preached to you, which you welcomed and accepted and on which you stand [by faith].
His affection for you is even greater as he remembers how obedient all of you were and how you welcomed him with fear and trembling.
For if the eagerness [to give] is there, it is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.
He welcomed my request and eagerly went to visit you by his own free will.
For [you seem willing to allow it] if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted. You tolerate all this beautifully [welcoming the deception].
Even though my condition put you to the test, you did not despise or reject me. On the contrary, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God, or as if I were the Messiah Jesus.
and you became imitators of us and of the Lord when, in spite of severe persecution, you welcomed the message with joy from the Holy Spirit.
For people everywhere report how you welcomed us and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God
This is why we constantly thank God, because when you received the message about God that you heard from us, you welcomed it not as a human message, but as it truly is, the message of God, which also works effectively in you believers.
Such prayer for all is good and welcomed before God our Savior,
She must be well known for her good actions as a woman who has raised children, welcomed strangers, washed the saints' feet, helped the suffering, and devoted herself to doing good in every way.
In the future there is reserved for me the [victor’s] crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that [great] day—and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and longed for and welcomed His appearing.
All these people died having faith. They did not receive the things that were promised, yet they saw them in the distant future and welcomed them, acknowledging that they were strangers and foreigners on earth.
By faith Abraham, when he was tested [that is, as the testing of his faith was still in progress], offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises [of God] was ready to sacrifice his only son [of promise];
By faith Rahab the prostitute did not die with those who were disobedient, because she had welcomed the spies with a greeting of peace.
Don’t neglect to show hospitality, for by doing this some have welcomed angels as guests without knowing it.
Likewise, Rahab the prostitute was justified through actions when she welcomed the messengers and sent them away on a different road, wasn't she?