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Complete my older daughter's bridal week. Then we will give you the younger one too, in exchange for seven more years of work."
Jacob did as Laban said. When Jacob completed Leah's bridal week, Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to be his wife.
Ask me ever so much bridal payment and gift, and I will give according as you say to me; but give me the girl
“If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, and he has sexual relations with her, he must certainly pay the bridal price for her to be his wife.
If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must pay an amount in silver equal to the bridal price for virgins.
and it [is] like a bridegroom who comes out of his bridal chamber. It is glad like a strong man to run [its] course.
Their heart is insensitive like fat [their minds are dull and brutal],
But I delight in Your law.
(The Chorus)
“Behold, it is the couch (
Sixty mighty men around it,
Of the mighty men of Israel.
Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem saying - Thus saith Yahweh, I remember in thy behalf, the lovingkindness of thy youthful days, The love of thy bridal estate, - Thy coming out after me, Through the desert, Through a land, not sown:
Does a young woman forget to put on her jewels? Does a bride forget to put on her bridal attire? But my people have forgotten me for more days than can even be counted.
And I will pour out my anger on you; I will blow on you with the fire of my wrath, and I will give you into [the] hand of brutal men, skilled craftsmen of destruction.
You haven't strengthened the weak, treated the sick, set broken bones, regathered the scattered, or looked for the lost. Instead, you've dominated them with brutal force and ruthlessness.
And there were made on them, on the doors of the temple, cherubim and palm-trees, as there were made upon the walls; and there was a wooden portal in front of the porch without,
Assemble the elders,
Gather the children and the nursing infants.
Let the
And the bride out of her bridal chamber.
The servants went out into the roads and collected all the people whom they found, whether bad or good; and the bridal-hall was filled with guests.
"Can you compel the bridal party to fast," replied Jesus, "so long as they have the bridegroom among them?
Know you not that the unjust shall not inherit the kingdom of God? be not deceived: neither the licentious, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor the brutal,
unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers,
the lamp shall no more be lighted in thee; the bridal-song shall be heard there no more: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; all nations were seduc'd by thy enchantments.