53 occurrences in 25 translations

'All Day Long' in the Bible

As a result, you'll wander aimlessly in broad daylight just as a blind person wanders in darkness. You won't prosper in life. Instead, you'll be oppressed and plundered all day long, with no deliverer.

Verse ConceptsNoonRescueWorldly DilemmasWalking In DarknessNot ProsperingRobbing PeopleSpiritual Darkness

Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another nation, and thine eyes shall see and daze upon them all day long, but shalt have no might in thine hand.

Verse ConceptsPower, HumanPowerlessnessPeople's Inability To SaveChildren SufferingUnable To Save

He said about Benjamin:The Lord’s beloved rests securely on Him.He shields him all day long,and he rests on His shoulders.

Verse ConceptsSolutions To InsecurityRest, PhysicalSafetyShouldersGod's Love For Israel

Cause me to walk in your truth and teach me, because you [are] the God of my salvation. I await you {all day long}.

Verse ConceptsWaiting On GodAttitudes Of HopeGod My SalvationThose Who Wait For GodGod's TruthguidanceWaiting On The Lord

When I kept silent, my bones became brittlefrom my groaning all day long.

Verse ConceptsDecayWasteConviction Of SinConfession of sin

All day long he is gracious and lends,And his descendants are a blessing.

Verse ConceptsCharacter Of SaintsBlessing Through God's People

My dishonor is before me all day long,And humiliation has covered my face,

Verse ConceptsdisgraceShameSin, Effects OfAll DayShame Has Come

Rather, on account of you we are killed {all day long}; we are accounted as sheep for slaughter.

Verse ConceptsSheepKilling The InnocentAll Day

For the music director; a well-written song by David. It was written when Doeg the Edomite went and informed Saul: "David has arrived at the home of Ahimelech." Why do you boast about your evil plans, O powerful man? God's loyal love protects me all day long!

Verse ConceptsBoasting, CondemnedPride, Results OfSpiritual MalnutritionStrength, HumanGoodnessBoastingheroes

For the choir director: according to “A Silent Dove Far Away.” A Davidic Miktam. When the Philistines seized him in Gath.Be gracious to me, God, for man tramples me;he fights and oppresses me all day long.

Verse ConceptsMusicThose OppressedAll Day

My enemies have trampled upon me all day long,For they are many who fight proudly against me.

Verse ConceptsPride, Results OfMany EnemiesAll DayEnemy Attacksharassment

All day long they twist my words and say hurtful things;All their thoughts are against me for evil.

Verse ConceptsTwistingThoughts Of The WickedMisrepresentationAll DayConspiracyMisunderstandings

My mouth will tell of your righteousness, your salvation {all day long}, though I do not know [the full] sum [of them].

Verse ConceptsMouthsGod's Salvation Made KnownWitnessing, Importance OfUnceasingAlways PraisingGoodnessPraising God With Your Mouth

Therefore, my tongue will proclaimYour righteousness all day long,for those who seek my harmwill be disgraced and confounded.

Verse ConceptsConfusionTongueHurt

So may he live, and may gold from Sheba be given to him, and may prayers be offered for him continually. May blessings be invoked for him {all day long}.

Verse ConceptsGoldUnceasingAlways PraisingIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyPrayer During Hard Times

My eyes are worn out from crying.Lord, I cry out to You all day long;I spread out my hands to You.

Verse ConceptsDaily DutyUnceasingEyes HarmedAlways PrayingI Pray

They have surrounded me like flood waters all day long;They have completely encompassed me.

Verse ConceptsThings SurroundingWater, As A Symbol Of AfflictionFloods

They rejoice in Your name all day long,and they are exalted by Your righteousness.

Verse ConceptsImputed RighteousnessPromised JoyGod Does Right For People

He is filled with craving all day long,but the righteous give and don’t hold back.

Verse ConceptsCovetousness, Nature of

For all day long his work produces pain and frustration, and even at night his mind cannot relax! This also is futile!

Verse ConceptsInsomnia, Causes OfUnrestUseless Endeavour

Then the guard cries out: "On the watchtower, O sovereign master, I stand all day long; at my post I am stationed every night.

Verse ConceptsWorship Day And Night

But you have forgotten the Lord, your Maker,who stretched out the heavensand laid the foundations of the earth.You are in constant dread all day longbecause of the fury of the oppressor,who has set himself to destroy.But where is the fury of the oppressor?

Verse ConceptsFoundations

But now, what do I have here,” declares the Lord, “seeing that My people have been taken away without reason? Those who rule over them howl [with taunting and mockery of salvation],” declares the Lord, “and My name is continually blasphemed all day long.

Verse ConceptsCurses, HumanBlasphemy, At GodLaw, Letter And Spirit OfMockeryProfaning God's Name

They say, ‘Keep to yourself,don’t come near me, for I am too holy for you!’These practices are smoke in My nostrils,a fire that burns all day long.

Verse ConceptsHypocrisy, Description OfNosesPrejudicePride, Examples OfSmokeHypocrites, Description OfFire Of EvilAll DayHolier Than ThouChanging YourselfsmokingSmoke Used Poetically

You deceived me, LORD, and I've been deceived. You overpowered me, and you prevailed. I've become a laughing stock all day long, and everyone mocks me.

Verse ConceptsAbuse, To God's PeopleCruelty, examples ofMockeryPainRidicule, Objects OfDerisionAmbivalenceGod DeceivingDeception

For whenever I speak, I must shout out;I shout violence and destruction,Because the word of the Lord has become to meA reprimand and a mockery and has brought me insult all day long.

Verse ConceptsCriticism, against believersRejection Of GodRejection Of God's WordRejecting God's Wordjoking

and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man (descendant) to offer burnt offerings before Me and to burn grain offerings and to prepare sacrifices all day long.’”

Verse ConceptsSacrifice, Nt Fulfilment OfRoyal Priesthood

מ MemHe sent fire from heaven into my bones;He made it descend.He spread a net for my feetand turned me back.He made me desolate,sick all day long.

Verse ConceptsNetsUnceasingContinual HardshipCausing People To TurnDamage To The BodyFire From HeavenGod Trapping

The lips and whispering of my assailantsAre against me all day long.

Verse ConceptsEvil PlansUnceasingContinual Hardship

Ephraim feedeth on wind, and pursueth after the east wind: all day long he multiplieth lies and desolation; and they make a covenant with Assyria, and oil is carried into Egypt.

Verse ConceptsAliancesFeedingFalse ConfidenceIdolatry, Objections ToTreatyWindForbidden AlliancesPursuing ViolenceOut Of The EastThe East Wind

And going out about five o'clock he found others loitering, and he asked them, "'Why have you been standing here all day long, doing nothing?'

Verse ConceptsHourOne DayWhy Do You Do This?

saying, 'These men [you hired] last have worked only one hour and you gave them wages equal to ours when we carried the heaviest load of the day's work and [put up with] the scorching heat [all day long].'

Verse ConceptsEquality In PaymentHeatNoonWeather, God's Sovereignty OverApparent InjusticeOne HourHeavy BurdensHot WeatherHard WorkA New DayworkingstoriesWeather Causing Sufferings

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