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Thou hast given joy in my heart, From the time their corn and their wine Have been multiplied.

Return doth his perverseness on his head, And on his crown his violence cometh down.

For Thou puttest before him blessings of goodness, Thou settest on his head a crown of fine gold.

I have seen the wicked terrible, And spreading as a green native plant,

Clothed have lambs the flock, And valleys are covered with corn, They shout -- yea, they sing!

Only -- God doth smite The head of His enemies, The hairy crown of a habitual walker in his guilt.

There is a handful of corn in the earth, On the top of mountains, Shake like Lebanon doth its fruit, And they flourish out of the city as the herb of the earth.

And He raineth on them manna to eat, Yea, corn of heaven He hath given to them.

Hast rejected the covenant of Thy servant, Thou hast polluted to the earth his crown,