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Moreover the daughter of Zion is left alone like a cottage in a vineyard, like a watch house in time of war, like a besieged city.

And except the LORD of Hosts had left us a few alive, we should have been as Sodom, and like unto Gomorrah.

And he shall be judge among the heathen and tell many nations their faults. And they shall turn their swords into mattocks and their spears into scythes. One nation shall not lift up a sword against another, neither shall they teach to war any more.

but robbeth him on the righthand, and doth famish; he eateth on the left hand and he shall not have enough. Every man shall eat the flesh of his own arm.

Moreover, the LORD of Hosts shall prepare a scourge for him, like as was the punishment of Midian upon the mount of Oreb. And he shall lift up his rod over the sea, as he did sometimes over the Egyptians.

yet shall he remain at Nob that day. After that, shall he lift up his hand against the mount Zion, against the hill of Jerusalem.

At the same time shall the LORD take in hand again, to conquer the remnant of his people which are left alive: From the Assyrians, Egyptians, Arabians, Ethiopians, Elamites, Chaldeans, Antiochians and Islands of the sea.

The LORD also shall cleave the tongues of the Egyptian's sea, and with a mighty wind shall he lift up his hand over the Nile, and shall smite his seven streams and make men go over dry shod.

Lift up! Sing unto the LORD, for he hath done excellently, and that is known throughout all the world.

Lift up the banner upon the high hill, call unto them; hold up your hand, that the princes may go in at the door.

Therefore shall Moab make lamentation because of the Moabites that shall be slain: yea, they shall wail all together. Because of the foundations of the city of brick shall ye complain, even ye lame people that are left only behind.

Some gathering indeed shall there be left in it, even as in the shaking of an olive tree, there remain two of three berries in the upper bough, and four or five in the branches. Thus the LORD God of Israel hath spoken.

Thus shall they be left together unto the fowls of the mountains, and to the beasts of the earth: for in summer the birds shall remain upon it, and every beast of the land shall winter there.

In the streets shall there be lift up a cry because of wine, all men's cheer shall vanish away, and all joy of the earth shall pass.

For it shall happen unto all lands and to all people, like as when a man smiteth down the olives, that are left upon the tree: or seeketh after grapes, when the wine gathering is out.

And those same that remain shall lift up their voice, and be glad, and shall magnify the glory of the LORD, even from the sea

LORD, when thine hand is lift up to strike, they see it not: but they shall see it, and be confounded, when thou shalt devour them with the wrath of the people, and with the fire of thine enemies.

The strong cities shall be desolate, and the fair cities shall be left like a wilderness. The cattle shall feed and lie there, and the sheep shall eat it up.

and thine ears hearken to his word that cryeth after thee and sayeth, "This is the way. Walk ye in it. Turn not aside; neither to the righthand nor to the left."

Seek through the scripture of the LORD and read it: There shall none of these things be left out, there shall not one, nor such like, fail. For what his mouth commandeth, that same doth his spirit gather together or fulfill.

The LORD thy God, no doubt, hath well considered the words of Rabshakeh, whom his lord the king of the Assyrians hath sent, to defy and blaspheme the living God: with such words as the LORD thy God hath heard right well. And therefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that yet are left.'"

Then chattered I like a swallow, and like a crane, and mourned as a dove. I lift up mine eyes to the height: 'O LORD,' say I, 'violence is done unto me, be thou surety for me.'

'Behold, the time will come, that everything which is in thine house, and all that thy progenitors have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried to Babylon, and nothing left behind. Thus sayeth the LORD.

Moreover the voice cried thus, "Go up unto the hill, O Zion, thou that bringest good tidings; lift up thy voice with power, O thou preacher Jerusalem. Lift it up without fear, and say unto the cities of Judah, 'Behold, your God!'

Let the wilderness with her cities lift up her voice; the towns also that be in Cedar. Let them be glad that sit upon rocks of stone; and let them cry down from the high mountains

Lift up thine eyes, and look about thee: all these shall gather them together, and come to thee. As truly as I live, sayeth the LORD, thou shalt put them all upon thee as an apparel, and gird them to thee, as an bride doth her jewels.

Lift up your eyes to heaven and behold the earth beneath. For heaven shall vanish away as smoke, and the earth shall wear away as a vesture, and the inhabiters thereof shall perish away after the same manner: but my salvation shall endure ever, and my righteousness shall not perish.

Thy watchmen shall lift up their voice; with loud voice shall they preach of him. For they shall see him present, when the LORD shall come again to Zion.

for thou shalt be multiplied on the right side and on the left, and thy seed shall have the Gentiles in possession, and dwell in the desolate cities.

Cry with the throat and spare not. Lift up thy voice as a trumpet, and tell my people their offences and the house of Jacob their sins.

Lift up thine eyes round about and see. All these are gathered together and are come unto thee. Thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be ever by thy side.