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and said to him, "If you are God's son, throw yourself down, for the Scripture says, " 'He will give his angels orders about you, And they will lift you up with their hands So that you may never strike your foot against a stone!' "

And he left Nazareth and went and settled in Capernaum, by the sea, in the district of Zebulon and Naphtali,

And they immediately left the boat and their father, and went with him.

And he left the place and went into their synagogue.

But he said to them, "Who among you if he has even a single sheep and it falls into a hole on the Sabbath, will not take hold of it and lift it out?

But Jesus knew of this, and he left that place. And numbers of people followed him about, and he cured them all,

Then it says, 'I will go back to my house that I left,' and it goes and finds it unoccupied, cleaned, and all in order.

Then he left the crowds and went into his house. And his disciples came up to him and said, "Explain to us the figure of the weeds in the field."

When Jesus had finished these figures, he left that place,

And Jesus left that place and retired to the neighborhood of Tyre and Sidon.

Jesus left that place and went along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and went up on the hillside and sat down there.

Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said to them, "I pity these people for they have been staying with me three days now and they have nothing left to eat, and I do not mean to send them away hungry, for they may give out on the way."

And they all ate and satisfied their hunger. And the pieces that they left that were picked up filled seven baskets.

When Jesus had finished this discourse, he left Galilee and went to the part of Judea that is on the other side of the Jordan.

He said to her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Give orders that these two sons of mine sit one at your right and one at your left, when you are king!"

He said to them, "Then what I drink you shall drink, but as for sitting at my right or my left, that is not mine to give, but belongs to those for whom it is destined by my Father."

And he left them, and went out of the city to Bethany, and spent the night there.

"Listen to another figure. There was a land owner who planted a vineyard and fenced it in, and hewed out a wine-vat in it, and built a watch-tower, and leased it to tenants, and left the neighborhood.

And when they heard it they were amazed, and they went away and left him.

They tie up heavy loads and have them put on men's shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them.

And Jesus left the Temple and was going away, when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to the Temple buildings.

But he answered, "Do you see all this? I tell you, not one stone will be left here upon another but shall be torn down."

and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left.

And he left them and went away again and prayed a third time, in the same words as before.