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And some fell upon good ground: and did yield fruit that sprang and grew: and brought forth some thirty fold, some sixty fold, and some a hundred fold."

And those that were sown in good ground, are they that hear the word and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirty fold some sixty fold, some a hundred fold."

And the swine herders fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they came out for to see, what had happened;

and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and felt none amendment at all: But waxed worse and worse.

And straight way her fountain of blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the plague.

And Jesus immediately felt, in himself, the virtue that went out of him, and turned him round about in the press, and said, "Who touched my clothes?"

And let him that is in the field, not turn back again unto those things which he left behind him, for to take his clothes with him.

But pray, that your flight be not in the winter.

And they compelled one that passed by, called Simon of Cyrene, which came out of the field, and was father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.

And they went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre. For they trembled, and were amazed. Neither said they anything to any man, for they were afraid.