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after they had been severely lash'd, they were thrown into prison, the jayler being charg'd to keep them safe.

these practitioners were seven in number, the sons of Sceva a Jew, one of the chief priests.

let them take care to see Paul mounted, and convoy him safe to governour Felix.

for as that haven could not cover us from the storm, most were of opinion to bear away, and try to put in at Phenice, where we could ride safe, the port lying by south-west, and north-west.

and our spirits droop with fasting: when Paul presented himself, and said, "well, my friends, it had been, if I could have prevail'd upon you, to have sav'd your selves all this perplexity and loss by staying at Crete.

upon this Paul said to the centurion and his men, "except the crew stay aboard, you can't be safe:"

who had a mind to save Paul, prevented their design: and order'd all that could swim immediately to get off to shore,

and the rest to get upon the planks, or other pieces of the wreck: and by this means it happen'd that they all came safe to land.