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in him you have received a wealth of all blessing, full power to speak of your faith and full insight into its meaning,

Verse ConceptsBenefits Of KnowledgeSpeaking As From GodSpiritual GiftsSpeechatheismeverything

all of which verifies the testimony we bore to Christ when we were with you.

Verse ConceptsSure KnowledgeSubsequent Witness To Christ

What! have you no houses to eat and drink in? Do you think you can show disrespect to the church of God and put the poor to shame? What can I say to you? Commend you? Not for this.

Verse ConceptsSacrilegeLiving In HousesShaming PeopleEating And DrinkingNot Helping The PoorThe Church UniversalAlcoholic BeveragesChurch Of GodGoing To Churchcommunion