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And Joshua will send men from Jericho to Ai, which is by the house of Ain, from the east, to the house of God, and he will say to them, saying, Go up and spy the land. And the men will go up and will spy Ai

And the east bound, the salt sea, unto the end of Jordan: and the bound to the north side, from the tongue of the sea from the extremity of Jordan:

And Jordan will bound it to the east side: this the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin for its bounds round about according to their families.

And turned back from Sarid, east from the rising of the sun, upon the bound of Chisloth-Tabor, and went forth to Daberath, and went up to Japhia,

And from thence it passed over east from the sunrising to Gittah-Hepher, Ittah-Kazin, the Pomegranate,, marked out of the Earthquake;