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Look, He [i.e., Jesus] is coming with [i.e., "on"] the clouds! And [then] every eye will see Him, including those who pierced Him, and all the peoples of the earth will grieve because of Him [i.e., because of how they had treated Him]. So it will be. May it be so.

And the four living beings said, "May it be so." And the elders fell down and worshiped.

saying [See Note at 4:8], "May it be so; May there be praise and splendor and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength to our God forever and ever. May it be so."

By so much as she glorified herself and waxed wanton, By so much give her of torture and tears, For she says in her heart, 'I sit here a queen, I am no widow. I shall in no wise see mourning.'

The One who testifies about these things [i.e., Jesus] says, "Yes, I am coming soon." May this be so. Come [ahead] Lord Jesus!

May the unearned favor of the Lord Jesus be with all of you. [Note: Some ancient manuscripts say "with God's holy people"]. May it be so.