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And build an altar to Jehovah thy God upon the head of this strong place, in order, and take the second bullock and bring up a burnt-offering upon the wood of the wooden pillar which thou shalt cut down.

And it was, that coming forth which shall come forth from the doors of my house to my meeting in my turning back in peace from the sons of Ammon, and it was to Jehovah; and I brought it up a burnt-offering.

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to Manoah, If thou shalt detain me, I will not eat of thy bread: and if thou shalt do a burnt-offering thou shalt do it to Jehovah. For Manoah knew not that he was a messenger of Jehovah.

And his wife will say to him, If Jehovah were inclined to put us to death, he took not from our hand a burnt-offering and gift, and he shewed us not all these, and as now caused us not to hear such as this.

He came even to Lehi, and Philisteim shouted at his meeting: and the spirit of Jehovah will come suddenly upon him, and the cords which were upon his arms will be as flax which was burnt in fire, and his bands will melt from off his hands.

And all the sons of Israel and all the people will go up, and they will come to the house of God, and they will weep, and they will sit there before Jehovah, and they will fast in that day till the evening, and they will bring up burnt-offerings and peace before Jehovah.

And it will be on the morrow, and the people will rise early and they will build there an altar, and will bring up burnt-offerings and peace.