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“He replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I’m doing you no wrong. Didn’t you agree with me on a denarius?

So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless.

They love the place of honor at banquets, the front seats in the synagogues,

“Friend,” Jesus asked him, “why have you come?”

Then they came up, took hold of Jesus, and arrested Him.

But he denied it in front of everyone: “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that a riot was starting instead, he took some water, washed his hands in front of the crowd, and said, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. See to it yourselves!”

Immediately he got up, picked up the mat, and went out in front of everyone. As a result, they were all astounded and gave glory to God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”

After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up on a high mountain by themselves to be alone. He was transformed in front of them,

the front seats in the synagogues, and the places of honor at banquets.

He also said to them: “Suppose one of you has a friend and goes to him at midnight and says to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,

because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I don’t have anything to offer him.’

I tell you, even though he won’t get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his friend’s persistence, he will get up and give him as much as he needs.

“Friend,” He said to him, “who appointed Me a judge or arbitrator over you?”

There in front of Him was a man whose body was swollen with fluid.

“But when you are invited, go and recline in the lowest place, so that when the one who invited you comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ You will then be honored in the presence of all the other guests.

Then those in front told him to keep quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

“Beware of the scribes, who want to go around in long robes and who love greetings in the marketplaces, the front seats in the synagogues, and the places of honor at banquets.

He said this, and then He told them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I’m on My way to wake him up.”

From that moment Pilate made every effort to release Him. But the Jews shouted, “If you release this man, you are not Caesar’s friend. Anyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar!”

By faith in His name, His name has made this man strong, whom you see and know. So the faith that comes through Him has given him this perfect health in front of all of you.

“We found the jail securely locked, with the guards standing in front of the doors, but when we opened them, we found no one inside!”

On the night before Herod was to bring him out for execution, Peter, bound with two chains, was sleeping between two soldiers, while the sentries in front of the door guarded the prison.

In the church that was at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius the Cyrenian, Manaen, a close friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

Then they all seized Sosthenes, the leader of the synagogue, and beat him in front of the judge’s bench. But none of these things concerned Gallio.

But when some became hardened and would not believe, slandering the Way in front of the crowd, he withdrew from them and met separately with the disciples, conducting discussions every day in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.

while many of those who had practiced magic collected their books and burned them in front of everyone. So they calculated their value and found it to be 50,000 pieces of silver.

Then some of the crowd gave Alexander advice when the Jews pushed him to the front. So motioning with his hand, Alexander wanted to make his defense to the people.

Greet also the church that meets in their home.
Greet my dear friend Epaenetus, who is the first convert to Christ from Asia.

Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend in the Lord.

Greet Urbanus, our coworker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys.

Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who have worked hard in the Lord.
Greet my dear friend Persis, who has worked very hard in the Lord.

But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas in front of everyone, “If you, who are a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel Gentiles to live like Jews?”

Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother:

To Philemon our dear friend and coworker,

The Elder:

To my dear friend Gaius: I love you in the truth.

Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually.

Dear friend, you are showing faithfulness by whatever you do for the brothers, especially when they are strangers.

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.

But I have a few things against you. You have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to place a stumbling block in front of the Israelites: to eat meat sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality.

Something like a sea of glass, similar to crystal, was also before the throne. Four living creatures covered with eyes in front and in back were in the middle and around the throne.

Another angel, with a gold incense burner, came and stood at the altar. He was given a large amount of incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the gold altar in front of the throne.

His tail swept away a third of the stars in heaven and hurled them to the earth. And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she did give birth he might devour her child.