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You are to put it on a blue cord and place it on the turban. It is to be on the front of the turban

They shall be on Aaron and his sons when they enter the Tent of Meeting or when they approach the altar to minister in the Holy Place so they don't incur guilt and die. This is to be a perpetual ordinance for him and for his descendants after him."

Then put the turban on his head, and place the holy crown on the turban.

Aaron's son, who is priest in his place, is to wear them for seven days when he comes into the Tent of Meeting to minister in the Holy Place.

the anointing oil, and the fragrant incense for the Holy Place. They are to make them in accordance with everything that I commanded you."

The LORD said, "Look, there is a place near me where you can stand on the rock;

the woven garments for ministering in the Holy Place, the holy garments of Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons for serving as priests.'"

From the blue, purple, and scarlet material they made finely woven garments for ministering in the Holy Place, and they made the holy garments for Aaron, just as the LORD commanded Moses.

They made two gold rings and attached them in front, on the lower part of the two shoulder pieces of the ephod, close to the place where it's joined, above the skillfully woven band of the ephod.

the woven garments for Aaron the priest for ministering in the Holy Place, and the garments for his sons for serving as priests.

Moses set up the tent. He installed its sockets and set its boards in place. He inserted its bars and set up its pillars.

along with the rest of the bull, he is to bring it outside the camp to a clean place, where fat ashes are to be poured over it and then it is to be thoroughly burned over wood with fire. It is to be burned where the fat ashes are poured out."

He is then to lay his hand on the head of the goat and slaughter it at the place where the burnt offering is slaughtered in the LORD's presence as a sin offering.

He is to lay his hand on the head of the sin offering and slaughter it at the place for burnt offering.

He is to lay his hand on the head of the offering and slaughter it for a sin offering at the place where the burnt offering is slaughtered.

Then he is to change his clothes, dressing himself with a different set of clothes, and take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp.

Aaron and his sons are to eat what remains of the unleavened offering at this sacred place the court of the Tent of Meeting.

"Tell Aaron and his sons that this is the regulation concerning sin offerings: Slaughter the sin offering in the same place where the whole burnt offering is slaughtered in the LORD's presence. It's a most holy thing.

The priest who offers it as a sin offering is to eat it at a sacred place in the court of the Tent of Meeting.

Whoever touches its meat will be holy. If some of its blood sprinkles on a garment, wash where it was sprinkled in a sacred place.

Any sin offering from which its blood was brought to the Tent of Meeting to make atonement in the sacred place is not to be eaten. Instead, it is to be incinerated."

The guilt offering is to be offered in the same place where the burnt offering is slaughtered. The priest is to sprinkle some of its blood on the altar and around it.

Any male among the priests may eat it, provided that it is eaten at a sacred place as a most holy thing.

Eat at a sacred place, because it's your and your sons' prescribed portions. It's from the offering made by fire to the LORD, since I've commanded it.

As to the breast and thigh raised offerings, you and your sons and daughters with you may eat them at a clean place, because they belong to you and are your sons' prescribed portions and were taken from the sacrifices of peace offering presented by the Israelis.

"Why didn't you eat the sin offering at the sacred place? It's most holy and he has given it to you so that you may bear the punishment for the iniquity of the entire congregation and make atonement for them in the LORD's presence.

in place of the boil there remains a white swelling or a bright, white-reddish spot, he is to present himself to the priest.

If the scab remains in place and doesn't spread, then it's the scab from the boil. The priest is to declare him clean."

But if the bright spot remains in place, doesn't spread in the skin, and it's dull, it's the swelling of the burned area. The priest is to declare him clean, since it's the scar from a burn."

Then he is to slaughter the lamb in the place where he slaughtered the sin and burnt offerings that is, at a place in the sanctuary. Just as the sin offering is for the priest, so also is the guilt offering. It's a most holy thing.

"Then the priest is to take some of the blood from the guilt offering and place it on the right earlobe of the person to be cleansed, on his right thumb, and on his right great toe.

"As to the remainder of the olive oil in his palm, he is to place some on the right earlobe of the person to be cleansed, on his right thumb, on his right great toe, and on the blood of the guilt offering.

Then he is to place the rest of the oil in his palm on the head of the person to be cleansed, thus making atonement for him in the LORD's presence.

Then he is to take the lamb for the guilt offering and place some blood from the guilt offering on the right earlobe of the person to be cleansed, on his right thumb, and on his right great toe.

The priest is to place oil from his palm on the right earlobe of the person being cleansed, on his right thumb, on his right great toe, and where the blood for the guilt offering is poured.

then the priest is to command that they take out the contaminated stones and discard them in an unclean place outside the city.

"Now as for the house, they are to scrape off inside and outside the house and then discard the torn out plaster in an unclean place outside the city.

He is to pull down the house, its stones, its lumber, and all the plaster on the house, and discard them in an unclean place outside the city.

Aaron is to enter the sacred place with a young bull for a sin offering and a ram for a whole burnt offering.

"Then he is to place the incense over the fire in the LORD's presence, ensuring that the smoke from the incense covers the Mercy Seat, according to regulation, so he won't die.

Then he is to make atonement on the sacred place on account of the uncleanness of the Israelis, their transgressions, and all their sins. This is how he is to act in the Tent of Meeting, which will remain with them in the middle of their uncleanness.

"No person is to be there when he enters the Tent of Meeting to make atonement in the sacred place, until he comes out and has made atonement on account of himself, his household, and the entire assembly of Israel.

When he goes to the altar in the LORD's presence to make atonement for himself, he is to take some of the blood from the bull and the male goat, place it around the horns of the altar,

"When he has completed making atonement at the sacred place, the Tent of Meeting, and the altar, then he is to present the live male goat.

"Then Aaron is to enter the Tent of Meeting, take off his white linen clothes that he had put on when he entered the sacred place, and leave them there.

He is to wash his body with water at the sacred place and put on his clothes. Then he is to go out and offer a whole burnt offering for himself and a whole burnt offering for the people, thereby making atonement on account of himself and on account of the people.

"The bull for the sin offering and the male goat for the sin offering, whose blood was brought into the sacred place, are to be taken outside the camp. Their skin, meat, and offal are to be incinerated.

This gift will belong to Aaron and his sons, and they are to eat it in a sacred place, because it's the most holy thing for him of all the offerings made by fire to the LORD. This is to be an eternal ordinance."

"I'm taking the descendants of Levi for myself from among the Israelis in place of every first-born who opens the womb. The descendants of Levi belong to me

Separate the descendants of Levi for me since I am the LORD in place of all the first-born sons of Israel. Also separate the livestock of the descendants of Levi in place of all the firstborn of the livestock of Israel."

"Separate the descendants of Levi in place of all the firstborn sons of Israel and the livestock of the descendants of Levi in place of their livestock. The descendants of Levi belong to me, since I am the LORD.

"Here's what the descendants of Kohath are to do regarding the Tent of Meeting and what's inside the Most Holy Place:

But do this for them so that they may live and not die when they approach the Most Holy Place: Aaron and his sons are to go in and set specific responsibilities for each of them to carry out.

Then the priest is to take the boiled shoulder of the ram, one cake of unleavened bread from the basket, and one wafer of unleavened bread. He is to place them in the hands of the Nazirite, after he himself has shaved his symbol of consecration.

This is to be the law of the Nazirite when he commits his offering to the LORD on account of his consecration, over and beyond what he owns alone plus whatever he can provide, based on the vow from his own mouth that he vows to fulfill on account of the law of his consecration."

"Teach Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelis:

They are to pour out my name to the Israelis while I continue to bless them."

Assemble the descendants of Levi in front of the appointed place of meeting, and assemble the whole congregation of Israel, too.

"After this, the descendants of Levi are to come to serve at the appointed place of meeting, after you have purified them and presented them as wave offerings,

I've set the descendants of Levi apart from the Israelis so that Aaron and his sons would work in service at the appointed place of meeting, making atonement on behalf of the Israelis so that there won't be a plague among the Israelis whenever they approach the sanctuary."

After this, the descendants of Levi entered into their work of service at the appointed place, in the presence of Aaron and his sons. They did everything that the LORD commanded Moses concerning the descendants of Levi.

"Now regarding a descendant of Levi who is 25 years and above, he is to enter work in the service at the appointed place of meeting,

Whenever the cloud above the tent ascended, the Israelis would travel and encamp in the place where the cloud settled.

Sound them when the whole assembly is to gather together at the entrance to the appointed place of meeting.

At the beginning of the month, during your time of rejoicing at the appointed place, sound the trumpet over your burnt offering, then sacrifice your peace offering, since they are to be your memorial before the LORD your God. I am the LORD your God."

Then Moses told Reuel's son Hobab, Moses' relative by marriage from Midian, "We are traveling to the place about which the LORD said "I will give it to you.' So come with us and we'll be good to you, because the LORD has spoken good things about Israel."

So they traveled from the mountain of the LORD, a three-day trip, with the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD traveling in front of them a three day trip to explore a place for them to rest.

He then named that place Taberah, because the LORD's fire had incinerated some of them.

That's why the place was named Kibroth-hattaavah, because they buried the people there who had an insatiable appetite for meat.

The entire place was called the Eshcol Valley on account of the cluster of grapes that the men of Israel had taken from there.

"We arrived at the place where you've sent us," they reported, "and it certainly does flow with milk and honey. Furthermore, this is its fruit,

"Forgive, please, the iniquity of this people, according to your great, faithful love, in the same way that you've carried this people from Egypt to this place."

So they got up early the next morning and traveled to the top of the mountain, telling themselves, "Look, we're here and we're going to go up to the place that the LORD had spoken about, even though we've sinned."

Then someone who is unclean is to gather the ashes of the heifer and lay them outside the camp in a clean place. This is to be done for the community of Israel to use for water of purification from sin.

Why did you take us out of Egypt and bring us to this terrible place? There's no place to plant seeds, fig trees, vines, or pomegranates! And there's no water to drink!"

Because the Israelis argued with the LORD and he was set apart among them, this place was called the Meribah Springs.

Remove Aaron's vestments and place them on his son Eleazar, because Aaron is to be gathered to his people and die there."

When the LORD heard what Israel had decided to do, he delivered the Canaanites to them, and Israel exterminated them and their cities. They named the place Hormah.

So come right now and curse this people for me, because there are too many of them for me to handle. Perhaps I'll be able to strike them down and drive them out of the land, since I know that whomever you bless is blessed and whomever you curse is cursed."

And so he went to a high place, where the LORD met with Balaam, who told him, "I've prepared seven altars and offered bulls and rams on an altar."

"Come with me to another place where you can see them," Balak replied. "You'll only see a portion of them, because you won't be able to see them completely. Come and curse them from there for me."

Look! I've received a blessing, and so I will bless. I won't withdraw it.

Then Balak told Balaam, "Don't curse them or bless them!"

So Balak exhorted Balaam, "Let's go right now! I'll take you to another place. Maybe God will agree to have you curse them for me from there."

He crouches, laying low like a lion. Who would awaken him? Those who bless you are blessed, and those who curse you are cursed."

"The drink offering is to be one fourth of a hin for each lamb. You are to pour out a drink offering of strong wine to the LORD in the Holy Place.

"The LORD's Passover is to take place on the fourteenth day of the first month.

This took place after he defeated Sihon, king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon and Og, king of Bashan, who lived in Ashtaroth at Edrei.

May the LORD, the God of your ancestors, increase your numbers a thousand times more, and may he bless you, as he promised you.

In the desert you saw that the LORD carried you like a man carries his son, on every road you traveled until you reached this place.'

who walked ahead of you along the way to scout a place for you to pitch camp by fire at night and cloud by day to lead you on the way you should go."

This is what he did for the descendants of Esau who live in Seir, when he destroyed the Horites before them. So they dispossessed them and settled there in their place, where they live to this day.

It was the same for the Avvites who lived in villages as far as Gaza. The Caphtorites, who came from Crete, destroyed them and settled there in their place.)

He'll love you and increase your numbers. He'll bless the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your land (the grain, new wine, and oil), the offspring of your herds, and the lambs of your flock, in the land that the LORD promised your ancestors he would give you.

"Remember and don't ever forget how you provoked the LORD your God in the desert. From the day that you came out of the land of Egypt until you came to this place you have been rebelling against the LORD.

I'll write on the tablets what was on the first tablets that you broke. Then place them in the wooden chest.'