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Again, the devil accompanyed him up a very high mountain, and representing to him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them: all these things,

Jesus, to avoid this crowd of people, went to a mountain: and when he was set down, his disciples came to him.

Jesus having left that place, drew nigh to the sea of Galilee, and went up a mountain, where he sat down.

After six days, Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, in private to the top of a high mountain.

As they went down the mountain, Jesus gave them this charge, don't speak of the vision, said he, to any body, till the son of man be risen again from the dead: but his disciples asked him,

Jesus answered them, I declare to you, if ye have a full assurance of faith, ye shall not only be able to do this to a fig-tree, but if ye should even say to this mountain, be thou removed, and cast into the sea; it should be done.

In the mean time the eleven disciples went into Galilee, to a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

At length he went up a mountain, and having appointed a select company to attend him, they came to him.

now there was a great herd of swine feeding upon the mountain;

and when they had taken their leave, he retired to a mountain to pray.

Six days after Jesus took Peter, James and John, and accompanied them up a high mountain in private; and was transfigured in their presence.

as they were going down the mountain, he order'd them not to tell any body what they had seen, till the son of man was raised from the dead:

for I assuredly tell you, that whoever shall say to this mountain, be removed, and cast into the sea, having no doubt in his mind, but believing what he says shall be effected, what he pronounces shall actually be accomplished.

As Jesus was teaching in the temple, he address'd himself to them, saying, why do the Scribes maintain that Christ is the son of David?

every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be level'd: the crooked shall be made strait, and the rough ways shall be made smooth,

but there being a numerous herd of swine feeding on the mountain, they desired he would permit them to enter into the swine, which he granted.

About eight days after this discourse, he took with him Peter, John, and James, and went up a mountain to pray.

The next day, when they were come down from the mountain, a multitude of people happen'd to meet him:

when he was advanc'd near Bethphage, and Bethany, to the mountain call'd the Olives, he sent two of his disciples,

Just as he advanc'd to the declivity of the mountain of Olives, the whole troop of disciples began to express their joy in loud acclamations, praising God, for the many miracles they had seen.

which some of the Scribes approving, said to him, master, what you maintain is very just:

Thus Jesus used to teach in the temple by day, and retir'd to the mountain of Olives by night.

Then he went out, and retired as usual to the mountain of olives, where his disciples followed him.

but Jesus made him no answer, tho' the chief priests and Scribes maintain'd their charge with vehemence.

our fathers worshipped upon this mountain; and you say, that Jerusalem is the place where we ought to perform our worship.

Jesus said to her, woman, believe me, the time is coming when it shall be neither on this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem that ye shall worship the father.

Jesus therefore went up a mountain, where he sat down with his disciples.

but Jesus perceiving they designed to come and take him by force to make him a king, retired again upon a mountain all alone.

then they returned to Jerusalem, from the mountain of olives, which is a sabbath-day's journey from it.

being displeas'd that they taught the people, and maintain'd the resurrection from the dead in the person of Jesus.

and when he was exposed, Pharaoh's daughter caused him to be taken up, and maintain'd for her adopted son.

for the Sadducees maintain, there is neither resurrection, nor angel, or spirit, whereas the Pharisees acknowledge both: the clamour was great,

This is a secure rule, and what I would have you constantly maintain, that they who have believed in God, should take care to be examples of virtue, for that is commendable and useful to mankind.

nor could they endure that threat, "if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned."

we our selves heard this voice, that came from heaven, when we were with him upon the holy mountain.

And the second angel sounded, and a great mountain as it were all on fire was cast into the sea; and the third part of the sea became blood:

but to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to her place, where she is to be maintain'd for a time, and times, and half a time.

and he carried me away in an extacy to a great and high mountain, and shewed me the city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.