13 Bible Verses about Jesus Christ, Savior

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 2:11

for today, in the town of David, a Saviour for you has been born, who is to be your Messiah and Lord.

Acts 13:23

It is from this man's descendants that God, as He promised, has brought to Israel a Saviour in the person of Jesus,

John 4:42

and they were saying to the woman, "It is not merely because of what you said that we now believe, for we have heard Him ourselves, and we know that He is really the Saviour of the world."

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Savior (60 instances)

From Thematic Bible

Jesus Christ, Savior » Offered himself as a sacrifice

Jesus Christ, Savior » Became man's substitute

Jesus Christ, Savior » Came to earth to be

Luke 2:11

for today, in the town of David, a Saviour for you has been born, who is to be your Messiah and Lord.

Jesus Christ, Savior » Became mediator between God and man

Hebrews 8:6

But, as the case with Him now stands, He has entered upon a priestly service as much superior to theirs as the covenant of which He is the Mediator is superior to theirs, superior because it has been enacted upon superior promises.

Hebrews 9:15

And this is why He is the Mediator of a new covenant, in order that, after He had suffered death for securing redemption from the offenses committed under the first covenant, those who had been invited to share it might obtain the eternal inheritance promised them.

Hebrews 9:24

For it was not a sanctuary made by human hands, a mere copy of the true one, that Christ entered, but it was into heaven itself that He went, in order now to appear for us in the very presence of God.

More verses: 1 John 2:1

Jesus Christ, Savior » Bore the sins of many

Hebrews 9:28

so Christ was offered once for all to take away the sins of many, but again He will appear, without having anything to do with sin, to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him to bring them final salvation.

Jesus Christ, Savior » Carried the burdens of humanity

John 19:17

and He went out carrying the cross by Himself to a spot called The Place of the Skull, or in Hebrew, Golgotha.

Jesus Christ, Savior » Absolutely indispensable » The only foundation

Jesus Christ, Savior » Christ the only » All hope of eternal life is built upon him

Jesus Christ, Savior » Christ the only » His sacrificial death is the central theme of preaching

Jesus Christ, Savior » Absolutely indispensable » The only source of truth

John 6:67-68

So Jesus said to the Twelve, "You too do not want to go back, do you?" Simon Peter answered Him, "To whom can we go, Lord? You have the message that gives eternal life,

Jesus Christ, Savior » Absolutely indispensable » The only intercessor

Jesus Christ, Savior » Absolutely indispensable » The only remedy

John 3:14-15

And just as Moses in the desert lifted the serpent on the pole, the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life.

Jesus Christ, Savior » Absolutely indispensable » The only nourishment

Jesus Christ, Savior » Absolutely indispensable » The only saviour

Jesus Christ, Savior » Christ the only » He alone has the saving message

John 6:68

Simon Peter answered Him, "To whom can we go, Lord? You have the message that gives eternal life,

Jesus Christ, Savior » Christ the only » Rejection of him means death

Jesus Christ, Savior » Christ the only » His is the only saving name

Jesus Christ, Savior » Christ the only » The gift of love

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