26 Bible Verses about Sin, Universality Of
Most Relevant Verses
For as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so through the obedience of the one man will the many be made righteous.
So then as through one man sin entered into the world, and through sin death, and thus [death] came through unto all men, because all sinned

For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ will all be made alive.
but the Scripture shut up all under sin, that the blessing promised through faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
that as sin reigned in death, so grace might reign through righteousness to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For God delivered up all to disobedience, that he might have mercy upon all.
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimony, blasphemies.
For from within, out of the heart of men, come forth evil thoughts, fornications,
among whom even we all had our way of life in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the thoughts, and were by nature children of wrath, even as others;
For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit life and peace. Because the mind of the flesh is enmity against God; for it doth not submit itself to the Law of God, neither indeed can it. And they who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Now the works of the flesh are manifest; such as fornication, uncleanness, wantonness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, rivalry, outbursts of wrath, cabals, divisions, factions, envyings, drunkenness, revelings, and things like these; of which I tell you beforehand, as I also told you in time past, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
What then? Are we better than others? By no means! For we have already brought a charge both against Jews and Greeks, that they are all under sin. As it is written: "There is none righteous, no, not one; there is none that hath understanding, there is none that diligently seeketh God;read more.
they have all turned aside from the right way, they have become worthless together; there is none that doeth good, not even one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have practised deceit. The poison of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Swift are their feet to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they know not. There is no fear of God before their eyes." Now we know that whatever the Law saith, it saith to those who are under the Law; that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world become subject to condemnation before God.
For all have sinned, and fail of obtaining the glory which cometh from God;
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all impiety and unrighteousness of men, who keep down the truth in unrighteousness. Because that which may be known of God is manifest within them; for God made it manifest to them. For, ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, even his eternal power and divinity, being perceived from his works, are clearly seen, so that they might be without excuse.read more.
Because though they knew God, they did not glorify him as God, nor were they thankful to him; but became perverse in their reasonings, and their senseless minds were darkened; professing to be wise, they became fools, and for the glory of the incorruptible God they substituted images of corruptible man, and of birds and fourfooted beasts and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to debase their bodies with one another; because they changed the true God for false gods, and adored and worshipped created things rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women indulged in unnatural lust, and in like manner the men also, neglecting the natural use of the female, burned with lust for one another, men with men practising that which is shameful, and receiving in themselves the due recompense of their error. And as they did not choose to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind, to do things which are shameful; being filled with all unrighteousness, malice, covetousness, wickedness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; backbiters, slanderers, hated of God, insolent, proud, boasters, inventors of mischief, disobedient to parents, senseless, faithless, without natural affection, without pity; who, although knowing the ordinance of God, that they who practise such things deserve death, not only do them themselves, but approve of those who do them.
For in many things we all offend. If any one offend not in speech, the same is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body also.
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
And he said to him, Why dost thou ask me concerning what is good? There is but one who is good. But if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
And Jesus said to him, Why dost thou call me good? None is good but one, that is, God.
And Jesus said to him, Why dost thou call me good? None is good but one, that is, God.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
For we have not a highpriest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but one who hath in all points been tempted as we are, without sin.
And the centurion, seeing what was done, gave glory to God, saying, Surely this was a righteous man.
Him, who knew not sin, he made sin for us, that we might become Gods righteousness in him.
For such a highpriest also became us, holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
And ye know that he was manifested to take away sins; and in him is no sin.
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