38 Bible Verses about patient
Most Relevant Verses
So, be patient, brothers, until the Lord comes. Look, the farmer waits for his land to produce the valuable crop and is patient with it until it receives the fall and spring rains.
[So], you people should be patient also; strengthen your hearts because the Lord's coming is near [Note: This may refer to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, or to Christ's final coming and judgment].
Be joyful as you hope [i.e., for future blessings]. Persevere in spite of the troubles you experience. Continue steadfastly in prayer.
[But], by holding out steadfastly, you will gain your life. [Note: This means either "preserve your earthly life," or "attain never ending life"].

and endurance [produces God's] approval; and [His] approval [produces] hope.
However, even though I was the worst, I obtained mercy so that the patience of Jesus Christ could be shown toward the worst [of sinners] as an example for those people who would later believe in Him in order to [receive] never ending life.
Because you have obeyed my command to remain steadfast [in the face of difficult times], I will also keep you from [giving up when] the time of trial comes, which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those living on the earth.
We do not want you people to be [spiritually] slack, but to imitate those who will inherit [God's] promises because of their faith and patience.
Here is [where] God's holy people, who obey His commandments and the faith of Jesus, [need] perseverance.
because you [should] know that when your faith is tested, it produces perseverance.
The Lord is not slow about keeping His promise, like some people are, but is [simply] being patient with you, since He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but He wants everyone to repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives].
But if we hope for what we cannot see, then we [must] patiently wait for it [to be received].
and knowledge along with your goodness, and self-control along with your knowledge, and endurance along with your self-control, and godliness along with your endurance,
I know about your deeds, your love, your faith, your service and your endurance, and that your most recent deeds are more numerous than when you first began [your Christian lives].
And may the Lord direct your hearts to love [people] as God does, and to be steadfast as Christ was.
So, as God's elect [i.e., His people], holy and dearly loved [by Him], clothe yourselves with a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
[We also pray that you will be] strengthened with great power, according to God's glorious might, so that you will have great endurance and patience [coupled] with joy.
For you need to be steadfast so that, after you have done what God wants, you will receive the promise [of an inheritance. See 9:15].
Brothers, take the [Old Testament] prophets, who spoke in the name [i.e., by the authority] of the Lord, as your examples of suffering and patience.
And you [should] allow your perseverance to complete its work, so that you will be perfect and complete, [and] not lacking in anything.
Now those of us who are strong [spiritually] should put up with [or, help] the failings of [spiritually] weak people, and not [simply] do what pleases ourselves.
[Love] conceals all [people's] faults; it believes [the best about] all people; it hopes [for the best in] all people; it endures [ill treatment from] all people.
But it is no credit to you if you put up with a beating you deserve. But if you patiently tolerate suffering for doing good, this is pleasing to God.
And not only this, but we also rejoice in our troubles, knowing that [experiencing] troubles produces endurance;
Or, do you despise the abundance of God's kindness and tolerance and patience [toward you], not realizing that His kindness is intended to cause you to repent? [i.e., to change your hearts and lives].
And so, after waiting patiently, Abraham received what [God] had promised.
Truly, I endured [opposition] patiently, while showing evidence of being an apostle among you. I performed [supernatural] signs, and wonders and powerful miracles.
Live in a humble, gentle and patient way, showing tolerance [for the weaknesses] of one another out of love [for them].
[Note: The following traits should be understood in the context of love for people]. Love is patient [with people], and is kind [to them]; love does not envy [what people are or have]; love does not boast [of being superior to others], it is not arrogant [in dealing with people].
For the Lord's slave must not quarrel, but be kind toward everyone, capable of teaching, [and] patient [with difficult people and situations].
And we urge you, brothers, to warn those who are idle [Note: The word "idle" originally meant, "insubordinate, or unruly." See II Thess. 3:6-7, 11], encourage those who are timid, help the [spiritually] weak and be patient with everyone.
To the ones who continue doing what is good and who look for glory, honor and immortal life [God will give] never ending life.
His fellow-servant fell [on the ground before him] and begged him, saying, '[Please] be patient with me and I will repay you [all I owe you].'
Notice that we consider those who endured [suffering with patience] to be blessed [by God]. You people have heard of Job's patience and have seen what the Lord finally did [for him]. The Lord is very compassionate and merciful.
From Thematic Bible
Christ, character of » Patient
But He [again] made no reply, not even to a single charge, which caused the governor to be greatly amazed.
Lambs » Described as » Patient
Ministers » Should be » Patient
But, as ministers of God, we [try to] commend ourselves [to others] in every way. [We do this] by [our] great steadfastness in troubles, hardships and difficulties.
For the Lord's slave must not quarrel, but be kind toward everyone, capable of teaching, [and] patient [with difficult people and situations].
Topics on Patient
Be Patient!
Colossians 3:12So, as God's elect [i.e., His people], holy and dearly loved [by Him], clothe yourselves with a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Being Patient
James 5:7So, be patient, brothers, until the Lord comes. Look, the farmer waits for his land to produce the valuable crop and is patient with it until it receives the fall and spring rains.
Patient People
Hebrews 6:15And so, after waiting patiently, Abraham received what [God] had promised.
1 Timothy 1:16However, even though I was the worst, I obtained mercy so that the patience of Jesus Christ could be shown toward the worst [of sinners] as an example for those people who would later believe in Him in order to [receive] never ending life.
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