61 Bible Verses about Brotherly Love
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Whoever requires you to go one mile, [be willing to] go with him two miles. [Note: The Romans were permitted by law to require a Jew to carry their burden for one mile only]. Give to the person who asks you [for something], and do not refuse to lend to the person who wants to borrow something from you.
The person who welcomes a prophet because he is a prophet will receive the [same] reward the prophet gets. And the person who welcomes a good man because he is good will receive the [same] reward the good man gets. Truly I tell you, whoever gives a mere drink of cold water to one of these least significant [disciples of mine] because he is a disciple, will certainly not lose his [temporal or eternal] reward."
Show honor to your father and mother. And you must love your neighbor the same as you love yourself."
for [when] I was hungry, you fed me; [when] I was thirsty, you gave me [something] to drink; [when] I came [to you as] a stranger, you gave me a place to stay; when I was without adequate clothing, you gave me something to wear; [when] I was sick, you came to visit me; [when] I was in prison, you came to see me.' Then those who had done what was right [i.e., the ones at His right side] replied, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you? Or thirsty, and give you [something] to drink?read more.
And when [did you come as] a stranger, and we gave you a place to stay? Or [when were you] without adequate clothing, and we gave you something to wear? And when did we see you sick or in prison and come to visit you?'
Truly I tell you, whoever will give you [even] a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his [temporal or eternal] reward.
and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second one is this, 'You must love your neighbor the same way that you love yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these [i.e., love for God and man]."
And that to love Him with all one's heart, with all one's understanding, and with all one's strength, and to love one's neighbor the same way he loves himself, are far more [important] than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices [in the world]."
And whatever you would like people to do to you, do the same thing to them. And if you love [only] those who love you, what thanks do you deserve for doing that? For even worldly people love those who love them. And if you do good things [only] to those who do good things to you, what thanks do you deserve for doing that? For even worldly people do that much.read more.
And if you lend something [only] to those people from whom you expect to have it returned, what thanks do you deserve for doing that? Even worldly people lend to worldly people expecting to get the same things back. But love your enemies and do good things to them; and lend to them without expecting it to be returned, and your reward [i.e., from God] will be great and you will be [considered] sons of the Highest [i.e., God]. For He is kind to unthankful and evil people [as well].
And the man answered Him, [Deut. 6:5], "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind." And [Lev. 19:18 says], " [You must love] your neighbor just as [you love] yourself."
But, wanting to justify himself, the teacher of the law of Moses asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus answered him, "A certain man was traveling down from Jerusalem to Jericho [Note: This was a town about eighteen miles northeast of Jerusalem], when he was attacked by robbers, who stripped him [of his clothing and belongings] and beat him up, then went away leaving him half dead. And it just happened that a certain priest was traveling down that [same] road, and when he saw the [injured] man, he went around him on the opposite side of the road.read more.
In the same way, a Levite [Note: Levites were assistants to the priests], when coming to that place and seeing the [injured] man, also went around him on the opposite side [of the road]. But [then] a certain Samaritan [Note: This was a person despised by the Jews and regarded by them as a 'half-breed'], as he traveled along, came to where the [injured] man was [lying], and upon seeing him [lying there], felt deep pity [for him]. So, he went over to him, poured oil and wine on him [i.e., as emergency medical treatment], then bandaged his wounds, placed him on his own animal, and took him to a lodge where he took care of him. Then the next day he gave the lodge keeper two coins [Note: These coins amounted to two days of a farm laborer's pay, or about $140 in 1994] and told him, 'Take care of this [injured] man; and whatever more you have to spend on him I will repay you when I come back [this way] again.' [Now] which of these three men do you think acted like a neighbor to the man attacked by the robbers?" And the teacher of the law of Moses said, "The person who showed pity on him." Then Jesus replied, "You go and do the same thing."
So if I, then, being your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you should wash one another's feet also. For I have set an example for you, so that you should do as I have done for you.
I am giving you a new commandment: love one another. Also you should love one another in the same way that I have loved you. If you love one another, then everyone will know by [observing] this that you are my disciples."
My commandment [to you] is this: You should love one another just as I have loved you. No one has [any] greater love than to give up his life for his friends.
I command you to do these things so that you will [demonstrate your] love for one another. [Note: Or this may mean that His command was to love one another, as in verse 12].
Someone would not likely die to rescue a righteous person, though possibly someone would dare to die in order to rescue a good person.
Let [your] love be sincere. Hate whatever is evil. Cling to whatever is good. In your love for your brothers, show tender affection toward one another. Try to outdo one another in showing respect [for each other].
Be happy with those who are joyful. Cry with those who are sad. Have the same [good] thoughts toward one another. Do not [always] be thinking you are a "bigshot," but lower yourself to accept humble tasks [or, humble people]. Do not think you are so smart.
Do not owe anything to anyone, except to love one another. For the person who loves others has fulfilled [the requirements of] the law. For [the commandments are: Ex. 20:13ff], "You must not be sexually unfaithful to your mate. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not have a strong desire for what belongs to someone else." These and any other commandments are summed up in these words, "You must love your neighbor the same as you love yourself." If you love your neighbor, you will not do anything wrong to him. So, to love people is the way to fulfill [the requirements of] the law [See Matt. 22:39].
So then, let us pursue such things that produce peace and things that build one another up [spiritually].
[So], it is better [for you] not to eat bread, nor to drink wine, nor to do anything [else] that could cause your brother to fall [away from God].
Now those of us who are strong [spiritually] should put up with [or, help] the failings of [spiritually] weak people, and not [simply] do what pleases ourselves. [Instead], each of us should do what pleases his neighbor in order to accomplish something good and uplifting [in his life].
May God [who is the source] of steadfastness and encouragement, give you [a sense of] like-mindedness among yourselves, in harmony with [the example of] Christ Jesus,
Therefore, if [eating certain] foods causes my brother to fall away [from God], I will never eat meat again, so I do not cause my brother to fall away.
No one should look out for his own interests [only], but for the interests of others [as well].
If I have the ability to speak in the languages of human beings and angels [Note: Perhaps the idea is supernaturally and eloquently], but do not have love [for people], I have become [no more than] a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have the [spiritual] gift of prophecy, and can understand all [of God's] secret purposes, and have all knowledge; and if I have all [the supernatural] faith necessary to relocate mountains [See Matt. 17:20], but do not have love [for people], I am nothing. And if I donate all my possessions to feed poor people, and if I surrender my body to be burned [Note: This probably refers to becoming a martyr, but some manuscripts read, "that I may be able to boast"], but do not have love [for people], it is no benefit to me.read more.
[Note: The following traits should be understood in the context of love for people]. Love is patient [with people], and is kind [to them]; love does not envy [what people are or have]; love does not boast [of being superior to others], it is not arrogant [in dealing with people]. [Love] does not act improperly [toward people]; it does not insist on having its own way [at the expense of others]; it is not easily irritated [by others]; it does not keep track of the wrongs [done by others]. [Love] is not glad about the evil [that people do], but is glad about the truth [i.e., the good in their lives]. [Love] conceals all [people's] faults; it believes [the best about] all people; it hopes [for the best in] all people; it endures [ill treatment from] all people. Love will never cease. But though there are [now supernatural gifts of] prophecies, [someday] they will be abolished [i.e., such gifts will cease to be exercised]. Though there are [now supernatural gifts of] languages, [someday] they will stop [i.e., such gifts will cease to be exercised]. Though there is [now the supernatural gift of] knowledge, [someday] it will be abolished [i.e., this gift will cease to be exercised].
But now [i.e., since the temporary gifts are to pass away], these three things remain: faith, hope and love; and the most important of them is love.
But if we experience trouble, it is in order [to provide] for your comfort and salvation. Or, if we are comforted, it is in order [to provide] for your comfort [also], which enables you to endure patiently the same sufferings we experience.
as you have understood us partially [or "only a part of you have understood us"], that we are [the occasion of] your boasting, even as you are [the occasion of] our boasting.
For you brothers were called [by God] to enjoy your freedom; but do not use this freedom as an excuse for living a sinful life; instead, use it to render loving service to each other.
But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,
We should avoid foolish pride as well as provoking or envying one another.
Brothers, if any one of you is overwhelmed by a [particular] sin, those of you who are spiritually minded should [attempt to] restore such a person [to faithfulness]. But do it in a gentle way, being very careful that you yourself do not become tempted [to get involved in any sin]. Take on yourselves the [spiritual] burdens of one another, for in doing so you will be fulfilling Christ's law [of love, John 13:35].
So then, we should do the right thing toward every person whenever we have the opportunity, and especially toward people who are part of God's family [i.e., those making up "the faith"].
Live in a humble, gentle and patient way, showing tolerance [for the weaknesses] of one another out of love [for them].
and be kind and compassionate toward one another, forgiving each other, just as God also forgave you [because of your fellowship] in Christ.
Live in a loving way, just like Christ loved us and gave Himself up [to die] for us as an offering and fragrant smelling sacrifice to God.
[Then] make me completely happy by being like-minded, having the same love [for one another], being united in spirit and having the same purpose.
Whenever we pray for you, we always thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard about [the evidence of] your faith in [the service of] Christ Jesus, and about the love you have [shown] for all the saints.
So, as God's elect [i.e., His people], holy and dearly loved [by Him], clothe yourselves with a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Tolerate one another's [weaknesses] and forgive each other if anyone [of you] has a complaint against someone else. You should forgive people just as the Lord forgave you. And beyond all these things, clothe yourselves with love, which binds these things together in complete [unity].
And may the Lord cause your love for one another, and for everyone, to increase and overflow, just as ours does for you also.
Now you people do not need anyone to write to you about loving [your] brothers, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another.
Therefore, [continue to] encourage one another, and build each other up [spiritually], just as you are also doing.
For God is not [so] unjust as to forget the work you are doing and the love you have shown for Him, as you ministered to the saints [i.e., His holy people] and continue to minister [to them].
And we should consider how we can stir up one another to love [more] and to perform good deeds.
Continue to love [one another] as brothers. Do not forget to show hospitality toward strangers, for by doing this, some people have entertained angels without realizing it. Remember [to pray for and help] those who are in prison, as though you [yourselves] were in prison with them. [Remember] those who are being mistreated, realizing that you [yourselves] also share [with them] a physical body [i.e., you are subject to the same kind of trials].
However, you are doing well if you fulfill [i.e., obey] the royal law found in the Scriptures [Lev. 19:18], "You should love your neighbor the same way that you love yourself."
[Since] you have purified your souls by [your] obedience to the truth [i.e., the Gospel message], which produces a genuine love for your brothers, [now] you should have this kind of fervent, heartfelt love for one another.
Show [proper] respect for everyone. Love your [Christian] brothers [and sisters]. Have an awe-inspiring respect for God. Show honor to the king.
Now to summarize: All of you should think alike. Be sympathetically understanding [toward one another]. Be loving toward [your] brothers [and sisters]. Be tender-hearted and humble-minded. Do not repay a wrong action with [another] wrong action, nor abusive [language] with [additional] abuse, but rather be a blessing [to one another]. For the purpose of your being called [by God] was so that you could receive a blessing [from Him eventually].
Above everything else, have a warm love for one another, for such a love keeps many sins from occurring [between you].
and brotherly kindness along with your godliness, and with your brotherly kindness, develop love.

The person who claims to be living in [harmony with] the light [i.e., by obeying God's truth], and [yet] hates his brother is still [living] in the darkness [of sin]. [However], the person who loves his brother continues to live in [harmony with] the light [of God's truth], and such a person is not the cause of others stumbling [over his example]. But the person who hates his brother is in the darkness [of sin] and he lives in [harmony with] that darkness, and he does not know where he is heading, because the darkness [of sin] has blinded his eyes [to his spiritual condition].
Here is how the children of God and the children of the devil can be recognized: All those who do not continue to do what is right do not belong to God. Also, the person who does not continue to love his brother [or sister does not belong to God]. [Now] this is the message that you people heard from the beginning [of Christ's ministry], that we should love one another [See Mark 12:31], not [hate each other] the way Cain did, who belonged to the evil one [i.e., Satan], when he murdered his brother [Abel]. And why did he murder him? It was because his [own] actions were evil and his brother's were righteous [See Heb. 11:4].read more.
So, do not be surprised, brothers, if the people of the world hate you.
Here is how we can know what genuine love really is: It was [demonstrated by] Jesus laying down His life [on the cross] for us. And [because of that] we [too] should [be willing to] lay down our lives for [the sake of helping] our brothers [and sisters]. Now whoever has [a sufficient amount of] life's possessions and [then] observes one of his [Christian] brothers who does not have enough to get by on, but does not feel sorry for him [i.e., enough to help him out], surely a love for God does not continue to live in that person's heart. Little children [i.e., dear ones], we should not [merely] claim to love [people], or [even just] talk about it, but [we should love] by what we do [for them] in a genuine way.
And this is His commandment: We should believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ [i.e., the person of Christ], and love one another, just He has commanded us to do.
Loved ones, we should have love for one another, because love comes from [the very nature of] God, and every person who [continually] loves [others] has been [spiritually] conceived by God [See 2:29; 3:9], and knows [he is in fellowship with] God.
Loved ones, if God loved us that much, we should also love one another. No person has gazed upon God [at any time]; [but] if we love one another, God [continually] lives in our hearts, and His love is made complete within us.
If a person says, "I love God," yet [in reality] hates his brother, he is a liar. For the person who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot [possibly] love God, whom he has never seen. And this is the [greatest] commandment [See Matt. 2:37-38] we have received from Him: [It requires] that the person who [claims to] love God should also love his brother.
Every person who believes that Jesus is the Christ [i.e., God's specially chosen one] has been [spiritually] conceived [and eventually born] by God. And everyone who [continually] loves God, who did the conceiving, also [must continually] love the person whom God has [spiritually] conceived. This is [one] way we know that we love God's [spiritually reborn] children: [It is] when we love God and obey what He commands us to do.
And now I ask you, lady [See verse 1], not as though writing a new commandment to you, but [I wanted to remind you of] one that we had [heard] from the beginning [of Christ's ministry]: [It is] that we should love one another.
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Brotherly love » General references to
And this is the [greatest] commandment [See Matt. 2:37-38] we have received from Him: [It requires] that the person who [claims to] love God should also love his brother.
If I have the ability to speak in the languages of human beings and angels [Note: Perhaps the idea is supernaturally and eloquently], but do not have love [for people], I have become [no more than] a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
For you brothers were called [by God] to enjoy your freedom; but do not use this freedom as an excuse for living a sinful life; instead, use it to render loving service to each other.
And I pray that your love may grow stronger and stronger, [along] with how much you know, and [that you may grow] in your ability to comprehend things.
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Examples of
For God is my witness that I long to see you with the [same] affection that Christ Jesus has [for you].
What saddened them most of all was when Paul said that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to his ship.
They risked their own lives for me, so not only I, but also all the Gentile churches [i.e., people converted from among the Gentiles] are grateful to them [for this].
So, I will most gladly spend [all I have], and [even] spend myself for the sake of your souls. If I love you so much, should you love me less [than that]?
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Abounding
And may the Lord cause your love for one another, and for everyone, to increase and overflow, just as ours does for you also.
However, you are doing well if you fulfill [i.e., obey] the royal law found in the Scriptures [Lev. 19:18], "You should love your neighbor the same way that you love yourself."
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Fervent
[Since] you have purified your souls by [your] obedience to the truth [i.e., the Gospel message], which produces a genuine love for your brothers, [now] you should have this kind of fervent, heartfelt love for one another.
Loved ones, we should have love for one another, because love comes from [the very nature of] God, and every person who [continually] loves [others] has been [spiritually] conceived by God [See 2:29; 3:9], and knows [he is in fellowship with] God.
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Sincere
Let [your] love be sincere. Hate whatever is evil. Cling to whatever is good.
For [the commandments are: Ex. 20:13ff], "You must not be sexually unfaithful to your mate. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not have a strong desire for what belongs to someone else." These and any other commandments are summed up in these words, "You must love your neighbor the same as you love yourself."
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Impartial
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Unselfish
A second one, similar to it is [Lev. 19:18], 'You must love your neighbor the same way that you love yourself.'
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Christ's love the standard of
My commandment [to you] is this: You should love one another just as I have loved you.
Brotherly love » Special teachings concerning » Proof of discipleship
If you love one another, then everyone will know by [observing] this that you are my disciples."
New Birth » Evidenced by » Brotherly love
Loved ones, we should have love for one another, because love comes from [the very nature of] God, and every person who [continually] loves [others] has been [spiritually] conceived by God [See 2:29; 3:9], and knows [he is in fellowship with] God.
Social duties » Brotherly love » Chastity
But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with an improper sexual desire for her [body], has already been sexually unfaithful to his mate in his heart.
These people are the ones who did not practice sexual immorality with women, for they were virgins [Note: This probably has reference to people who avoided idolatry]. These are people who followed the Lamb wherever He went. They were purchased from among mankind to be the firstfruits [devoted] to God and to the Lamb.
For it is God's will that you should be dedicated to Him, [that is], you should avoid sexual immorality.
Social duties » Brotherly love » Cheerfulness, the duty of
I have said these things to you so that you can have peace in [fellowship with] me. You will have trouble in the world, but cheer up, for I have conquered the world."
So men, cheer up, for I believe God, that everything will turn out just as I was told it would.
Then they were all encouraged and they themselves took something to eat also.
Social duties » Brotherly love » Abounding
And may the Lord cause your love for one another, and for everyone, to increase and overflow, just as ours does for you also.
However, you are doing well if you fulfill [i.e., obey] the royal law found in the Scriptures [Lev. 19:18], "You should love your neighbor the same way that you love yourself."
Social duties » Brotherly love » Fervent
[Since] you have purified your souls by [your] obedience to the truth [i.e., the Gospel message], which produces a genuine love for your brothers, [now] you should have this kind of fervent, heartfelt love for one another.
Loved ones, we should have love for one another, because love comes from [the very nature of] God, and every person who [continually] loves [others] has been [spiritually] conceived by God [See 2:29; 3:9], and knows [he is in fellowship with] God.
Social duties » Brotherly love » Sincere
Let [your] love be sincere. Hate whatever is evil. Cling to whatever is good.
For [the commandments are: Ex. 20:13ff], "You must not be sexually unfaithful to your mate. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not have a strong desire for what belongs to someone else." These and any other commandments are summed up in these words, "You must love your neighbor the same as you love yourself."
Social duties » Brotherly love » Impartial
Social duties » Brotherly love » Unselfish
A second one, similar to it is [Lev. 19:18], 'You must love your neighbor the same way that you love yourself.'
Social duties » Brotherly love » Christ's love the standard of
My commandment [to you] is this: You should love one another just as I have loved you.
Social duties » Brotherly love » Proof of discipleship
If you love one another, then everyone will know by [observing] this that you are my disciples."
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