248 occurrences

'Again' in the Bible

Noah waited another seven days and sent the dove out from the ark again.

Seven DaysPeople WaitingPeople Sending Creatures

He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but it did not return to him anymore.

Seven DaysPeople WaitingPeople Sending Creatures

I will establish my covenant with you: No living beings will ever be cut off again by flood waters, and there will never again be a flood that destroys the earth."

Covenant, God's with NoahThe DelugeNeverNoah's FloodThe RainbowFloodsRainbow

I'll remember my covenant between me and you and every living creature, so that water will never again become a flood to destroy all living beings.

NeverGod Remembering His CovenantNoah's FloodThe RainbowRainbow

A message came from the LORD to him again: "This one will not be your heir. Instead, the child who will be born to you will be your heir."

God, Faithfulness OfAbrahamBody

The next day the firstborn told the younger one, "Look! I had sex with my father last night. Let's make him drink wine tonight again as well. Then you have sex with him, too. That way we'll preserve our father's lineage."

Firstborn Daughters

She quickly emptied her jug into the trough and ran to the well to draw again until she had drawn enough water for all ten of the servant's camels.

Water ContainersIndividuals RunningDrawing WaterPouring WaterHasty Action

Later, she conceived again, bore a son, and declared, "Because the LORD heard that I'm neglected, he gave me this one, too." So she named him Simeon.

God Paid Attention To MeHating IndividualsPeople With Apt Names

Later, she conceived again and said, "This time my husband will become attached to me, now that I've borne him three sons." So he named him Levi.

Three ChildrenPeople With Apt Names

Then she conceived yet again, bore a son, and said, "This time I'll praise the LORD." So she named him Judah. Then she stopped bearing children.

CessationShowing Forth His PraisePeople With Apt Nameschildbearing

Rachel's servant conceived again and bore a second son for Jacob,

Later, Leah conceived again and bore a sixth son for Jacob.

Fractions, One SixthSixth

Jacob responded, "You don't have to give me anything. Just do this for me: Let me tend your flock again and watch over it. Let me walk among your flocks today and remove every speckled or spotted sheep, along with every black lamb, and let me do the same with the speckled and spotted goats. These will be my wages.

GoatsLambsNegotiationBlack AnimalsBlemished CreaturesBlack And WhiteColor

God appeared again to Jacob after he had arrived from Paddan-aram and blessed him.

God AppearingBlessed By God

Later, she conceived again, bore another son, and named him Onan.

When Judah recognized them, he admitted, "She is more upright than I, because I never did give her my son Shelah." And he never had sex with her again.

Recognising ThingsGiving In Marriage

But then you told your servants, "Unless your youngest brother comes back with you, you won't see my face again.'

Not With People

"But we told him, "We can't go back there. If our youngest brother accompanies us, we'll go back, but we cannot see the man's face again unless our youngest brother accompanies us.'

Not With People

I'm going down with you to Egypt, and I'm certainly going to bring you back again. And Joseph himself will be with you when you die."

Preparation For BurialLaying On Hands To HealGod Will Be With YouGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egyptefficiency

Then he told Joseph, "I never thought I'd see you again, and now God has allowed me to see your children as well!"

Old Age, Attainment OfSeeing People

Again the LORD told him, "Put your hand into your bosom." He put his hand into his bosom and as soon as he brought it out it was leprous, like snow.

SnowMiracles Of Moses And AaronWhite Spots

The locusts came up over all the land of Egypt and settled on all the territory of Egypt in great swarms. There had never been locusts like this before nor would there ever be again.

InvasionsUnique CreaturesMany Creatures

Then Pharaoh told him, "Get away from me! Watch out that you never see my face again, because on the day you see my face, you will die!"

Not Seeing PeopleKilling Will Happen

Moses said, "Just as you have said, I won't see your face again!"

People PartingNot Seeing People

There will be a great cry throughout the land of Egypt, like there has never been and never will be again.

Unique Events

Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid! Stand still and watch how the LORD will deliver you today, because you will never again see the Egyptians whom you're looking at today.

Being AfraidDeliverance, Means OfStillnessNot Seeing PeopleDo Not Fear For God Will Helpfearless

On the seventh day, the priest is to examine him again. If, in his opinion, the skin rash remained the same and it did not spread, then he is to isolate him for another seven days.

SpreadingThe Seventh Day Of The WeekSeven DaysDay 7Seven Days For Legal Purposes

"On the next seventh day, the priest is to examine him again. If the skin rash didn't become dull and it didn't spread in the skin, then the priest is to pronounce him clean: it's a scab. He is to wash his clothes and be clean.

Ritual WashingSpreadingWashingThe Seventh Day Of The WeekBlemished PeopleClean ClothesDay 7

But if, one day, infected flesh appears again in him, he is unclean.

Living Things

When someone suddenly dies beside him, so that his consecrated head is defiled, then he is to shave his head on the day of his purification. Seven days later he is to shave it again.

BaldnessHairsHeadsThe Seventh Day Of The WeekPossibility Of DeathDay 7

When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she squeezed herself so close to the wall that Balaam's foot was pressed to the wall. So he beat her again!

AccidentsInjury To FeetBeating AnimalsPressingSeeing Angelscrushes

Look! The people are like lions. Like the lion, he rises up! He does not lie down again until he has consumed his prey and drunk the blood of the slain."

HuntingDeterminationCreatures Drinking BloodLike CreaturesAnimals Eating

If you stop following him, he will once again abandon them in the wilderness. You'll end up destroying this entire people."

AbandonmentDying In The WildernessIf You Turn From God

"However, the LORD was furious with me because of you. He did not listen to me. Instead, the LORD said, "You are not to speak to me about this matter again!

God Angry With Individuals

"You provoked the LORD again at Taberah, Massah, and Kibroth-hattaavah.

When I stood on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights as I did the first time, the LORD listened to me once again. The LORD was not willing to destroy you.

More Than One MonthGod Unwilling

Then all Israel will hear about it, be afraid, and won't do this evil thing again among you.

Fear Will Come

Gather whatever you've taken as spoils at the public square of the town, then burn the town, along with whatever you've taken, as an offering to the LORD your God. It will remain a permanent mound of ruins, never to be rebuilt again.

PlunderingRuinsBuilding CitiesArchaeologySpoils Of WarBurning Citiesgenocide

Then all the people who hear will be afraid and will not act presumptuously again."

Fear Is Due

Only he must not amass horses for himself or cause the people to return to Egypt to obtain more horses. For the LORD said you must never return that way again.

HorsesKings, Duties OfNeverPeople not returningAcquiring Horses

because this is what you asked from the LORD your God at Horeb when you were assembled together: "Don't let us hear the voice of the LORD our God again, or even see this great fire otherwise, we will die.'

AskingDeath Due To God's PresenceFire Emanating From GodRefusing To HearUnhearing

When others hear of this, they will be afraid and will not do such an evil deed again in your midst.

Fear Is Due

Finally, the LORD will bring you back to Egypt by ship, a place that I said you'd never see again. There you'll try to sell yourselves to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you."

SeafaringNeverSea TravelReturning to the oldGroups Of Slavesslavery

and the LORD your God will prosper you abundantly in all that you do, along with your children, your livestock, and the produce of your fields, because the LORD your God will again be delighted with you for good, just as he was delighted with your ancestors,

God, Joy OfFutureFruitfulness, NaturalHeart, DivineWombLand ProducingThe Righteous ProsperAbundanceGod's WillBlessings And Prosperityprospering

Joshua told them, "Cross over again in front of the ark of the LORD your God into the middle of the Jordan River. Then each of you pick up a stone on his shoulder with which to build a memorial, one for each of the tribes of Israel.

The MiddleStones As MonumentsTwelve TribesTwelve ThingsIn The Jordan

So the army shouted and the trumpets were blown again. As soon as the army heard the sound of the trumpets, they shouted loudly and the wall collapsed. The army charged straight ahead into the city and captured it.

FortificationsInvasionsShouting For JoyConquestChantingNot Turning AsidePeople TumblingBattle CriesTrumpets For BattleThings Fallingdrums

The Israelis again practiced evil in full view of the LORD. So the LORD strengthened Eglon king of Moab in his control over Israel, because they had practiced evil in full view of the LORD.

enemies, of Israel and JudahPower, HumanGod's People Sinning

Then Gideon told God, "Don't let yourself be angry with me! I want to ask you once again: please let me make a test with the fleece just once more. Cause it to be dry only on the fleece, but let there be dew all around on the ground."

AskingTestingLet Not God Be AngryTestsexamsgideon

Later on, as soon as Gideon was dead, the Israelis again committed spiritual adultery with various Canaanite deities and appointed Baal-berith to be their god.

Baal Worship, Historygideon

Gaal spoke up again to say, "Look! People are coming down from the highest part of the land, and there's a company approaching from the diviner's oak tree."


Later on, the Israelis again practiced what the LORD considered to be evil by serving the Baals, the stars, the gods of Aram, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the descendants of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines. In doing so, they ignored the LORD and wouldn't serve him.

False GodsBaal Worship, HistoryPolytheismServing AsherahGod's People Sinning

But Jephthah sent additional messengers again to the king of the Ammonites

Messengers Sent Out

Some time later, the Israelis again practiced what the LORD considered to be evil, so the LORD handed them over into the domination of the Philistines for 40 years.

Land, As A Divine Gift40 To 50 YearsGod Will Cause DefeatGod's People Sinning

So Manoah prayed to the LORD, "Please, Lord, have the man of God whom you sent before come again so he can instruct us what to do on behalf of the child who is to be born."

God TeachingMan Of GodNamed Individuals Who PrayedRaising Children

God listened to Manoah's request, and the angel of God came again to the woman as she was sitting out in the pasture. But her husband Manoah wasn't with her,

Acting Alone

The angel of the LORD did not appear again to Manoah or to his wife, and then Manoah knew confidently that the visitor had been the angel of the LORD.

God Appearing

But the hair on his head began to grow again after it had been shaved off.

ReinstatementLong HairHair GrowingGrowingHair

The man got up, intending to leave, but his father-in-law urged him to spend the night there again.

People Who Delayed

But the army the men of Israel encouraged themselves and arrayed for battle again the next day in the same place where they had gathered the day before.

Doubt, Dealing WithEncouraging DoubtersDoing Repeatedlyreinforcement

From there the Israelis went up and wept in the LORD's presence until evening. Then they asked the LORD, "Should we attack the descendants of Benjamin again?" The LORD replied, "Attack them."

Action Until Evening

while Eleazar's son Phinehas, a descendant of Aaron, served before it in those days. They asked, "Should we go out to war again against the descendants of our relative Benjamin, or shall we cease?" And the LORD answered, "Go out, and tomorrow I will deliver them into your control."

Those God Gave Into Their Hands

They began to cry loudly again. So Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye, but Ruth remained with her.

People KissingKissingFarewellsClinging To PeopleMother In Lawsgoodbyes

Distress will settle down to live in your household, and despite all the good that I do for Israel, there will never be an old man in your family forever, and you will never again have an old man in my house.

Judgement On Old People

Then the LORD again called out, "Samuel!" So Samuel got up, went to Eli, and said, "Here I am! You called me."

Calling, Of IndividualsLying Down To RestBehold Me!Others Summoning

Then the LORD called out to Samuel again a third time, and he got up, went to Eli, and said, "Here I am! You called me."

SensitivityCommunicating Three TimesBehold Me!Others SummoningGod's Call

But when they got up the next morning, there was Dagon, lying on the ground again in front of the Ark of the LORD. Dagon's head and both of his arms were broken off and lying on the threshold. Only the trunk of Dagon was left intact.

BodyHeadsMorningRising EarlyBeheadingCutting Off Hands And FeetThose Who Rose EarlyThings Fallingstatues

The young man answered Saul again, "Look here! I have in my hand a quarter shekel of silver. I'll give it to the man of God, and he will tell us about our journey."

PresentsA Fourth PartMan Of God

Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death, but Samuel grieved over Saul, and the LORD regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel.

Not Seeing PeopleMourning In RegretRegrettingsaul

David again took an oath: "Your father certainly knows that I've found favor with you, and so he told himself, "Jonathan must not know this so he won't be upset.' But as certainly as the LORD is alive and living, and as certainly as I'm alive and living, too, there is only a step between me and death."

Life, Brevity OfThe Frailty Of ManThose Who Did Not TellDeath Of A Father

David inquired of the LORD again, and the LORD answered him: "Get up, go down to Keilah. I'll give the Philistines into your control."

Those God Gave Into Their Hands

Go and again make sure, find out and investigate where he is and who has seen him there, for people tell me that he's very clever.

Those Looking For People

Then Saul said, "I've wronged you. Return, my son David, for I won't harm you again because my life was precious to you today. Look, I've acted foolishly and have made a very great mistake."

Folly, Examples Ofenemies, of believersRegretEnemies, Christian Response ToFoolish PeoplePersonal GoodWe Have Sinnedsaul

so Abner told Asahel again, "Stop following me. Why should I strike you down? How could I show my face to your brother Joab?"

Then all the people cried again because of him. Everyone tried to persuade David to have a meal while there was still daylight, but David took an oath by saying, "May God to do like this to me and more, if I taste bread or anything else before the sun sets!"

PersuasionPromises, HumanTasteSunsetsVowing To Fast

Even back when Saul was our king, it was you who kept on leading Israel out to battle and bringing them back again. The LORD told you, "You yourself will shepherd my people Israel and serve as Commander-in-Chief over Israel.'"

God, As ShepherdGoing Out And Coming InSaul And David

Later, the Philistines once again marched out and encamped in the Rephaim Valley.


After this, David gathered together again 30,000 men from all of the choicest men of Israel.

Thirty Thousand And Up

Mephibosheth bowed low again and asked, "Who am I, your servant, that you would pay attention to a dead dog like me?"

dogsBowing Before DavidI Am Unimportant

But now that he has died, what's the point of fasting? Can I bring him back again? I'll be going to be with him, but he won't be returning to me."

ResignationAge Of AccountabilityHow Death Is InevitableNearness Of DeathDeath Looms NearPointless FastingFastingDeath Of A ChildLoss Of A Loved One

The king told Zadok, "Take the Ark of God back to the city. If I'm shown favor in the LORD's sight, then he'll bring me back again and show me both it and the place where it rests.

The Ark In JerusalemReinstating People

When David arrived at his palace in Jerusalem, the king took the ten mistresses whom he had left behind to keep the palace in order and placed them in a separate house, providing for them under the care of a protective guard. He never visited them again, so they were under care until they died, living as if their husbands had died.

HousesWidowsAbsence Of SexTen PeopleIndividuals going homeActual Widows

I devoured them, striking them down until they could not get up again. They fell beneath my feet.

FeetDownfallPeople Overcoming

Then she gave the king 120 talents of gold, a vast quantity of spices, and precious stones. No spices ever came again that were comparable to those that the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.

TalentsCoinageGoldHerbs And SpicesPresentsJewelleryPeople Giving Other ThingsWeights Of GoldGifts And Talents

The king used the algum wood to have supports made for the LORD's Temple and for the royal palace, as well as lyres and harps for the choir, and nothing like that wood has ever come again or even been seen since right to this day.

HarpsLyreSingingMusical Instruments, Made OfLyres

"Come again in three days," Rehoboam told them. So the people left

Three Days

So Jeroboam and all the people went back to Rehoboam on the third day, just as they had been directed when the king said, "Come back again in three days."

The Third Day Of The Week

Answer me, LORD! Answer me so that this people may know that you, LORD, are God, and that you are turning back their hearts again."

Knowing That There Is A GodThe Lord [Yahweh] Is God

So he looked around, and there near his head was a muffin sitting on top of some heated stones, along with a jar of water. Elijah ate and drank and then lay down again.

BakingHeatCoal, Uses OfDivine SuppliesWater ContainersBaking Breadcooking

He abandoned the oxen, ran off to follow Elijah, and asked him, "Please, let me kiss my mother and father good-bye, and then I'll come after you." "Go back again," Elijah replied. "What have I done to you?"

People KissingKissingLove, And The WorldRespect, For Human BeingsUnquestioning ServiceParting From ParentsIndividuals Runninggoodbyes

The prophet approached the king of Israel and told him, "Go replenish your forces and prepare for the future, because early this next year the king of Aram will attack you again."

Prophecy, Methods Of OtProphesyingStrength Of PeopleUnnamed Prophets Of The LordBe Strong!Time Of Yearsyria

Later the king tried again he sent another company of 50 soldiers, along with their leader, who ordered Elijah, "Hey, man of God! This is what the king orders: "Come down!'"

FiftiesMan Going DownHurrying Others OnMan Of God

Then the king tried yet again! The king sent a third company of 50 soldiers along with their leader. The third leader went up the hill, approached Elijah, fell on his knees in front of him, and begged him, "Hey, man of God, please treat my life and the lives of these servants of yours as precious!

BeggarsKneelingBeggingFiftiesKept Alive By MenThird PersonMan Of God

Then he went downstairs, walked around back and forth inside the house once, went back up to his upper chamber, and stretched himself over the child again. The young man sneezed seven times and then opened his eyes.

NosesPersonal ContactSeven TimesSneezingReceiving Sight

When they arrived in Samaria, Elisha asked the LORD, "Enable them to see again." So the LORD did so, and there they were right in the middle of Samaria!

Miracles Of ElishaReceiving Sight

So he prepared a large festival for them, and when they had finished eating and drinking, he sent them back to their master, and marauding gangs of Arameans never came into the territory of Israel again.


Bible Theasaurus

Repeatedly (62 instances)
Secondly (3 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 31

מל מואל מול מוּל 
Usage: 35

Usage: 2

Usage: 3

Usage: 34

arise , rise , rise up , rise again , raise up , stand up , raise up again ,
Usage: 86

Usage: 2

Usage: 40

Usage: 8

Usage: 36

rise , raise , arise , raise up , rise up , rise again , raise again ,
Usage: 101

Usage: 4

Usage: 15

Usage: 7

by , beside , by ... , near , at , with ... , from ... , against , close , to , toward , unto , with
Usage: 61

against, with, in, him, me, upon
Usage: 994

Usage: 376

Usage: 14

also , as , even , again , and ,
Usage: 761

Usage: 1

Huwk (Aramaic) 
go up , came , brought again , go
Usage: 4

Usage: 6

Usage: 45

change , pass , renew , strike through , grow up , abolish , sprout again , alter , pass away , cut off , go on , pass on , over
Usage: 28

Usage: 208

Usage: 151

Usage: 1

against , before , directly , for , on , over
Usage: 24

Usage: 90

עד עוד 
Usage: 483

`al (Aramaic) 
upon , over , unto , against , concerning , in , for , unto me , about , in him ,
Usage: 102

with me, by me, upon me, mine, against me
Usage: 24

Usage: 32

before , face , presence , because , sight , countenance , from , person , upon , of , ...me , against , ...him , open , for , toward ,
Usage: 2119

Tsad (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

קבל קבל 
Q@bel (Aramaic) 
Usage: 29

Usage: 629

Usage: 99

Usage: 1058

Usage: 116

Usage: 22

Usage: 156

Usage: 6

Tinyanuwth (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

against will
Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

can not be spoken against
Usage: 1

Usage: 4

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

Usage: 0

Usage: 1

Usage: 10

Usage: 1

Usage: 0

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

from above , top , again , from the first , from the beginning , not tr
Usage: 10

Usage: 0

Usage: 0

over against , before , in the presence of , contrary
Usage: 5

Usage: 6

Usage: 7

Usage: 1

Usage: 4

Usage: 2

into , to , unto , for , in , on , toward , against ,
Usage: 1267

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

before , in sight , of , against , in the sight of , in the presence of , at
Usage: 27

Usage: 8

Usage: 0

Usage: 0

Usage: 29

Usage: 5

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

according to , after , against , in , by , daily , as ,
Usage: 428

Usage: 5

Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

with , after , among , hereafter , afterward , against , not tr ,
Usage: 346

Usage: 120

Usage: 39

unto , to , with , for , against , among , at , not tr , , vr to
Usage: 412

Usage: 0

Usage: 11

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.