'Part' in the Bible
So, for my part, I am ready and eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.
For the creation was subjected to frustration and futility, not willingly [because of some intentional fault on its part], but by the will of Him who subjected it, in hope
What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? Certainly not!
And Isaiah calls out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the sons of Israel be like the sand of the sea, it is only the remnant [a small believing minority] that will be saved [from God’s judgment];
I do not want you, believers, to be unaware of this mystery [God’s previously hidden plan]—so that you will not be wise in your own opinion—that a partial hardening has [temporarily] happened to Israel [to last] until the full number of the Gentiles has come in;
Search Results by Versions
Search Results by Book
- Genesis (4)
- Exodus (3)
- Leviticus (13)
- Numbers (6)
- Deuteronomy (4)
- Joshua (6)
- Judges (1)
- Ruth (2)
- 1 Samuel (3)
- 1 Kings (3)
- 2 Kings (1)
- 2 Chronicles (1)
- Nehemiah (2)
- Job (3)
- Psalm (6)
- Proverbs (3)
- Ecclesiastes (1)
- Isaiah (6)
- Jeremiah (2)
- Ezekiel (6)
- Daniel (3)
- Amos (1)
- Jonah (1)
- Zephaniah (2)
- Zechariah (2)
- Malachi (1)
Related Words
- Partake (9 instances )
- Partaker (3 instances )
- Partakers (9 instances )
- Partakes (2 instances )
- Partaking (1 instance )
- Parted (6 instances )
- Partial (9 instances )
- Partiality (16 instances )
- Partially (1 instance )
- Participate (4 instances )
- Participation (5 instances )
- Participator (2 instances )
- Particle (3 instances )
- Particular (17 instances )
- Particularly (2 instances )
- Parties (6 instances )
- Parting (5 instances )
- Partisan (1 instance )
- Partitioned (1 instance )
- Partly (4 instances )
- Partner (4 instances )
- Partners (7 instances )
- Partnership (3 instances )
- Partook (3 instances )
- Partridge (2 instances )
- Parts (60 instances )
- Party (36 instances )
Bible Theasaurus
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Min (Aramaic)